#8856467Sunday, May 24, 2009 6:37 PM GMT

what is taking morzan so long
#8879781Monday, May 25, 2009 7:22 AM GMT

Morzan: Hi clockwork! I might need more help though! *calls Iudkanji* I need help!
#8879934Monday, May 25, 2009 7:42 AM GMT

FOOLS! THIS ISNT A PLAYGROUND FOR YOU! *Droids sprout out of ground and start to fling Morzan and BG12 out of the robot* BWAHAHA! SOON, THIS ROBOT WILL BE BACK UP, AND IT WILL BE AT MY CONTROL AGAIN!
#8879951Monday, May 25, 2009 7:44 AM GMT

Morzan: *grabs the droid's head and crushes it in* :D You got owned! *shoots the robot controls* Now it's beyond repair! *shoots some droids*
#8879995Monday, May 25, 2009 7:48 AM GMT

I GUESS IL HAVE TO DO THIS MYSELF THEN... *Takes out machine ray gun*
#8880021Monday, May 25, 2009 7:50 AM GMT

Morzan: *pulls out Raygun of Collapse* Let's get it on! Clockwork: *pulls out Gravity Hammer* RAGGGH!
#8880091Monday, May 25, 2009 7:59 AM GMT

newbie(as head in verdinium spaceship)hmmmmm.....this is very big!(goes in control room)wowzers!ohh!a big red button(preses)this verdinium space ship will now.......HAVE A DANCE PARTY!(disco ball and music come out and start playing.verdium soliders start dancing.)oky doke,thats odd....wait!i could use this so they don't listen to the leader and so the robloxians can destroy them!
#8880095Monday, May 25, 2009 8:01 AM GMT

*Fires at gravity sword and it turns to dust* BWAHAHAHAH!
#8880230Monday, May 25, 2009 8:26 AM GMT

(It's a Gravity Hammer) Morzan: *fires* RAAAAGH!! *puts to maximum*
#8880265Monday, May 25, 2009 8:30 AM GMT

*Ray gun bullets dissolve normal bullets and I bite Morzan and then throw him out of the robot*
#8894742Monday, May 25, 2009 6:06 PM GMT

FPL bullets disitagrate ray gun bullets.
#8955436Wednesday, May 27, 2009 11:05 AM GMT

*grapple hook* Morzan: Buttons? *presses them both* Computer: Starting self-destruct. Self-destruct locked. 3 minutes untill detonation... Morzan: *throws cage cube at Vironaldo* Bai! *jumps out*
#8955513Wednesday, May 27, 2009 11:10 AM GMT

IDIOTS. *Breaks out of cube and presses self destruct button again* THERE. *Punches HQ*
#8955579Wednesday, May 27, 2009 11:15 AM GMT

Computer: Self-destruct uber-locked. Destroying in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 *KAAABOOOOMARIO!! Telamon: Nice fireworks O_o
#8955639Wednesday, May 27, 2009 11:17 AM GMT

*Falls to ground* *Turns humungous* GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! *Destroys half of HQ*
#8955878Wednesday, May 27, 2009 11:31 AM GMT

Clockwork: *pulls a lever* Teapot sattelite! Destroy him! Sattelite: *blasts Virumaldo*
#8955922Wednesday, May 27, 2009 11:33 AM GMT

*Laser bounces of skull* GRAAAAAAAAAAH! *Sends fleet to destroy HQ*
#8962435Wednesday, May 27, 2009 6:01 PM GMT

newbie:not so fast!your fleet are to busy dancing to random disco songs!there not going anywhere!
#8962444Wednesday, May 27, 2009 6:01 PM GMT

newbie:not so fast!your people are to busy dancing to random disco songs!there not going anywhere!
#8980547Thursday, May 28, 2009 1:35 AM GMT

One of my starships, the DylanRox, comes in to help fight the Viridium. All guns fire.
#8986866Thursday, May 28, 2009 7:51 AM GMT

*Guns bounce of skull* GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG! *Punches HQ again*
#8986941Thursday, May 28, 2009 8:06 AM GMT

newbie:hmmm.....a grenn button.....a wonder.....(presses with head)computer:this ship is now under the control of newbie.forget ronaldo.all hail newbie! newbie:ah ha!crash this ship into a cliff! computer:okay.(go to roblox hq) newbie:ah!thats not a cliff!don't crash into the roblox hq! computer:orders are orders.i must crash this ship
#8986962Thursday, May 28, 2009 8:11 AM GMT

(Im not in a spaceship, my giant robot was destroyed, and now i've turned huge)
#9073467Saturday, May 30, 2009 7:00 PM GMT

Well I'm still shooting you!
#9077568Saturday, May 30, 2009 8:49 PM GMT

newbie:and this ships gonna crash into the roblox hq!(crashes)oh noez!(giant fart)well,i werent expecting that.(sniffs)oh,dear god!(vomits)