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#86951528Monday, January 14, 2013 6:56 PM GMT

People wouldn't kill another innocent to survive... Right?... I thought so, at least until they chose me. It's some kind of sick game they pick every year. It disgusts me just to think about it. It doesn't matter how old, how nice, how evil, just how much gore they get out of it. Let me start from the beginning. Every year, the governments of the world round up people of varying ages, weight, ect. Then, they put them all in an arena. No, it isn't like the Hunger Games, or Battle Royale, or anything of that sorts. The winner doesn't get fame or anything, and they don't even need a winner, just blood and gore. It's all for enjoyment for the world leaders, which I quickly learned aren't even separate nations, but rather one large nation, making wars and such to keep up the illusion, much like the Illuminati myths. It all happened one night when I was coming home to my daughter after work, my wife having divorced me when I couldn't buy her expensive diamonds anymore. They took me. They branded me. They explained what was going on. And then, they threw me in a dirty cell. I had no idea what awaited me next... [END OF CHAPTER ONE.]
#86951694Monday, January 14, 2013 7:02 PM GMT

Comments? Thoughts? Criticizm? I'm open to all of them, so post.
#86951994Monday, January 14, 2013 7:10 PM GMT

I liked it. Except one thing, you described it wasn't like Hunger Games/Battle Royale DURING the story.
#87014446Tuesday, January 15, 2013 7:49 PM GMT

(That's because in the story, Battle Royale and The Hunger Games and such exist as novels and movies and such, and the main character has read/heard about/seen them, so...) I sat there, clutching a photo of my daughter, shocked of what had just happened. "She your daughter?" A voice came from the dark end of the room. "Y-yeah..." I responded. "What's her name?" The voice spoke once more. "A-a-amy..." The man came out of the shadows, and sat down next to me. "So I learned the name of your daughter, but what about you?" "I'm..." I then mumbled my name. "Come again?" He asked. "I'm... Jason..." We both sat there for what seemed like hours, until I asked him his name. "I'm Mark." He answered blatantly. "Why did they brand us?" I asked him. He sighed, and said "See our brandings?" I nodded, and looked at my own brand. It was a circle, with some sort of insect inside of it. "You see, we're at the lowest end of the 'Food Chain', as they call it. There's the eagles, those leadership types who they expect to make alliances, and lead their allies to victory. Then, there's the snakes, who usually win through following an eagle til the end, then betraying him. There's the bears, who murder all their foes. And then you have the rats, who scavenge on the dead to survive, and sometimes "Recycle" the bones and meat of the dead. Finally, you have the insects, like us. Insects usually die early on." "How do they know who to brand with what?" I asked, confused. "After every tournament, they stalk any people they're interested in, watching how they act and such to determine how they would act in a situation like this. Then, they kidnap those people, brand them with the appropriate symbol, and throw them in the arena." Right when I was going to ask how Mark knew all this, the rusty cell doors opened... [END OF CHAPTER TWO]
#87014632Tuesday, January 15, 2013 7:53 PM GMT

I like this, continue please.
#87014714Tuesday, January 15, 2013 7:55 PM GMT

"I'm Jason" sounds like far cry 3 to me ”Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong”
#87014723Tuesday, January 15, 2013 7:55 PM GMT

Mhkay. Good to know. This is my first story-story, instead of just plots for roleplays, to be honest.
#87014763Tuesday, January 15, 2013 7:56 PM GMT

Quasar, Jason was my name first, so I didn't copy Far Cry 3.
#87014789Tuesday, January 15, 2013 7:56 PM GMT

'What's your name' 'Jason' 'Jason what?' 'Jason Jason'.
#87014887Tuesday, January 15, 2013 7:58 PM GMT

._. So much criticism on the name, and how I didn't mention his last name in this chapter. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't just say "I'm...Jason *last name*"
#87015000Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:01 PM GMT

we're not critiscizing we're just making jokes ”Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong”
#87015921Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:19 PM GMT

Large men in thick, padded armor carried us out of the cell. I tried to struggle, but it was no use. I was trapped, doomed to be taken to the arena to die. The doors ahead opened automatically, and the rusted cell appearance slowly faded into sleek, white marble as we went further down the hallway. Mark was put in a strange, large glass tube, and I was then put in another, similar glass tube. I banged, and banged, but the glass wouldn't crack. Looking around, I saw several other identical tubes, all with different people. "Please standby for deposition." a large, booming female voice said. Weapons dropped down for all the tubes but Mark's and mine. "Why don't we get any weapons?!" I yelled, hoping Mark would hear me past the thick glass. "I told you, we're insects! Insects get no weapons." I started to panic, knowing that I would die, and Amy would have no one. I banged and banged on the thick glass, but it was no use. Some of the others screamed profanities at the guards, some tried to bargain with them, and others just sobbed. The tubes dropped into the unknown map, with our fates uncertain. [END OF CHAPTER THREE] Yeah, sorry about this chapter being shorter than the last, but I wrote it on such short notice because people actually like my story.
#87016223Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:24 PM GMT

Epic :3
#87016751Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:32 PM GMT

The next five chapters will focus on Jason trying to find Mark, who gets separated from him.
#87016782Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:32 PM GMT

Nice :3
#87017778Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:48 PM GMT

Upon hitting the ground, the capsule shattered, flinging my into a tree. With me being too weak to move, and my vision constantly fading to black, a group of people thought it'd be an easy kill. "Let's tie him up to a campfire, and when it turns to night, slowly roast him til it's day again!" One suggested, laughing maniacally. "No, let's pull his teeth out one by one, and stab them into his throat!" Another suggested, chuckling. The two tried to grab me, but the third yelled "NO! We're going to have some fun with this one! Who's up for some hunting?" He started chuckling, and the others followed, until all three were laughing maniacally. The leader pulled out a fishhook, and, noticing my eyes weakly opening, said "We're going to pull open your ribs with this, do some of our inventing, and turn you into a living bear trap!" Mark apparently had found me, and began throwing rocks at them. "Get away from him!" He yelled, and ran, with the three maniacs chasing after him. My eyes shot open, not knowing whether the maniac incident was real or not, but all suspicions vanished as I noticed the discarded fish hook laying next to me. [END OF CHAPTER FOUR]
#87017828Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:48 PM GMT

Augh, a bit of a spelling error there. I meant to say "flinging ME into a tree" not "flinging MY into a tree"
#87018041Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:52 PM GMT

Nice. A bit of confusion style their, I like the fact that he could be having illusions :3
#87048305Wednesday, January 16, 2013 2:42 AM GMT

I stumbled to my feet, the back of my head being stained with blood. Mark was my only way to survive this thing, and I wasn't planning on just giving up and dying. Grabbing the hook, I ventured forth into the unknown forest. I heard rustling in the nearby bush, and quickly raised my hook in a less-than-threatening manner. A man, with what appeared to be a broadsword, came out, chuckling at my feeble attempt to defend myself. "You're a rat, I take it?" He asked. I then realized why he thought that. I had clothing that covered my branding, and I actually had a weapon. "Uh, yeah, sure... So you must be a...?" I asked. "An eagle. An alliance could better the both of us, you know. Maybe take out the weak insects scattered around?" "But, when my capsule was dropped in the arena, only me an-" I quickly stopped myself, then corrected my sentence. "I mean, only two guys didn't get weapons, which means there was only two insects." "I'm pretty sure the guards only explain the very basics to insects, so it's strange how you, a rat, didn't get all this explained to you..." He was beginning to suspect me, I thought. "Uh, lazy guards?" "Ah, yes, they sometimes do that. So, you see, there's one of those marble capsule rooms for each zone. There is about sixteen people in each zone, give or take a few depending on each tournament. I spawned in the 'Forest Zone', hence the eagles in this zone getting medieval armor and weapons. I'm assuming you are from the 'Islands Zone', due to your hook weapon?" I was about to speak, until he examined the hook. "Ah, this weapon is from a Beaver." "A beaver? But, there's only Eagles, Insects, Rats, Snakes, and Bears I thought." He sighed, and said "So, if the guards didn't explain all this to you, who did?" "Er, a guy in my cell..." "Huh. They must of not told him the new addition. You see, the guards explained to me that this year they added a new type, the Beaver. The Beavers are insanely crafty people, most of them either being terrorists or the criminally insane, to be honest. Nice job fighting one off and taking his hook, though." I didn't know whether to explain to him that I was an Insect, or continue masquerading. But I knew one thing, and that was that we seemed to be lost. [END OF CHAPTER FIVE]
#87062959Wednesday, January 16, 2013 11:58 AM GMT

:3 Love it :3
#87065303Wednesday, January 16, 2013 1:35 PM GMT

Great story. Can't wait to read the next one.
#87077106Wednesday, January 16, 2013 8:06 PM GMT

"We're lost, aren't we?" I asked. "Um, no, this is just... a part of the forest I've never been to?" He responded. "So much for Eagles being leadership types." The sun was going down, so I sat down and he made a fire. "How do you know all these skills?" It was strange how he knew all these. "Well, I'm one of those outdoor types, y'know?" He said. "No, I don't know. Also, you seem awfully happy considering WE WERE JUST KIDNAPPED AND THROWN INTO A GOD-FORSAKEN ARENA!" I was losing my temper. I had no survival skills, have never went camping, and I was branded as the lowest rank. "Calm down. You see, I have no family. They cut me off after we had a fight, and I never got married or had any kids. My life was pretty much pointless, but this arena finally gave me a purpose; winning." He smiled as he said that, and began to sharpen his sword on a rock. "I never caught your name..." I told him. He took a deep sigh, and said "John..." "Isn't that a bit stereotyp-" "Yes, I know! It's a common, stereotypical name. I don't like it, either. You probably have a better name than mine." He said, agitated. "Jason isn't any less common." I smiled. There was a long silence as the crackling of the fire soothed our eyes. "Tomorrow, I'm going to find Mark..." I mumbled, dosing off. Immediately, he jolted up, and yelled "Mark?! Like, THE Mark Slivoski?!" "I don't know, he just said his name was Mark." I responded. "Are you kidding me?! Two years ago, a man named Mark Slivoski was found covered in blood, armed with assorted weapons, and ranting about some arena that all the world-leaders own, and he escaped from it. They put him in an insane asylum, but he vanished yesterday, the same day all of us were kidnapped." I just stared at John, shocked. It looks like Mark has some explaining to do. [END OF CHAPTER 6]
#87077151Wednesday, January 16, 2013 8:07 PM GMT

#87079383Wednesday, January 16, 2013 8:45 PM GMT

I weakly opened my eyes. The warm covers on my bed, the sunlight shining through my blinds. Today was going to be a good day. "Daddy!" Amy came rushing down stairs to hug me. "Well you're up early, sweetheart." I told her. "I think I grew an inch in my sleep!" She was jumping up and down. "Wow, I think you did, too! You're tall for a six year old!" I told her. I knew she hadn't grown an inch in her sleep, or that she was that tall, but she was my daughter, and I loved her. I started to make some breakfast, when the entire house began to collapse into a vortex. "Amy!" I screamed, as I fell into the unknown abyss below. Suddenly, I jolt up. Another nightmare about Amy. John was still asleep, and it was morning. My stomach growled. I hadn't eaten since I was kidnapped. Grabbing my hook, I decided to try my hand at hunting, considering I've seen some rabbits here and there. A brown rabbit was chewing on some grass. I crept up near it, about the end it's life with my hook, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. This rabbit did nothing to me. Eating supermarket meat or meat someone else hunted was so much different than trying to kill a living animal before your eyes. I dropped my hook, and let the rabbit run away. "You just let that rabbit get away?!" John yelled furiously, apparently having woken up. "I couldn't do it! It did nothing to me! Who am I to take another creature's life who can't even fight back?" I yelled back. "Who are you to do that? You're a man, that's what! Now I'll have to take some elk-jerky out of my reserve!" He yelled. "Your reserve?" I asked. "Yes, my reserve! It's all my food and water in case we end up in a desert or something! All the food has been dehydrated with salt and turned into jerky so it lasts longer." He responded. After we ate some of his elk-jerky, I told him we should find Mark. "Huh. That's a good idea. He actually managed to escape this thing one before, so he'll make a great asset to our team!" John told me. After some time walking, we found a large cave, and I recognized a scrap of Mark's shirt caught on a rock next to it. "Mark had to have went in here." I told John. "Well, what are we waiting for?!" He rushed in, and I was forced to follow. But what neither of us noticed, was the abnormally large web hanging from the ceiling, and the eight legs crawling upon it. [END OF CHAPTER 7]
#87079531Wednesday, January 16, 2013 8:47 PM GMT

Simply Amazin' :3

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