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#87046194Wednesday, January 16, 2013 2:11 AM GMT

A few months ago, ROBLOX unveiled the Group Store/Funds feature, which allows groups to act as independent sales entities and sell shirts, pants, and t-shirts to make money. The existing system is very useful, but I have a few ideas for new features to add to it. 1. "Selling" Models Everyone knows what free models are - they are models made by users released to the public for FREEEE!!!!! However, people have long floated the idea of being able to "sell" models - that is, people can gain access to them ONLY by paying. If this idea were implemented, it should be implemented in the Group Store feature first. Example: Let's say you run a building company - we'll call this building company Pinewood. Pinewood has created a new car that can drive up to 200 (there is no official speed unit on ROBLOX yet). It has power steering, room for 3 passengers (plus the driver), and a shiny red finish. Pinewood wants people to use this car, but they see it as an opportunity to make some additional money. So, what do they do? They put the model up for sale in the Group Store for the modest price of 5,000 R$. Only the people who pay can gain access to the model for placement in their games, and any "sold" model automatically comes with a banner across the top of the screen. In this case, the banner would say: "The creator of this place thanks {Pinewood Builders} for the use of their {PB 500 Sports Car}." The money goes into the group treasury, only a select group of people can use the car, and everyone is somewhat happy. 2. "Limited" Group Items Everyone on ROBLOX knows what the term "Limited" or "LimitedU" means - it is a term given to any item (usually hats) that are sold in a finite quantity or for a finite time period by ROBLOX. This idea says that a group can sell an item and make it Limited (not LimitedU), and choose to sell it for a specific time period or sell a set number. This can be useful for making unique merchandise for a group. Example: Let's say you run a clothing company - we'll call this company ROBLOX Clothiers LLC. You already have a steady source of income from selling your top-of-the-line shirts, pants, blouses, sweaters, jackets, khakis, dress pants, and other clothing. However, even though you do have a steady clientele, you want people to pay more attention to you, to keep a more focused eye on the company's page. So, what do you do? You get your finest clothing makers to work at Photoshop, Illustrator, and Paint, designing the most amazing leather jacket you could ever think of. You decide to release it as a "ROBLOX Clothiers Limited Item." Each one goes for about 225 R$ (okay, that's a little high for a simple shirt). You decide to only sell 20 of these leather jackets. The jackets sell out in less then a day - leaving 20 people with a brand new leather jacket and countless others now watching the group like hawks to scoop up the next big sale. Unlike Limited hats and gear, these "Limited" items cannot be traded, although they do have serial numbers and are labeled as "Limited" on the thumbnail. The "Limited" thumbnail, however, will be shown in blue instead of the normal green to signify it being a "Group Limited" item. Please do not post tl;dr - I know the thread is long, but saying tl;dr is just a waste of a reply and it's pretty obnoxious. "In order for you to say it was too long and that you didn't read it, you would have to read it and determine that it was too long. So, by saying you didn't read it, you really did read it."

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