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#8704853Tuesday, May 19, 2009 11:01 PM GMT

so they all are updated you must win for your team calsses: soldier is a rocket man sniper is a sniper engineer builds sentrys dispensers and teleporters spy can slip in kinfe people and sap the engys stuff pyro a nice spy checker and destroys most enemys near him heavy a destroying dude slow but is strong medic helps with healing and ubering (create your own updates you can only have ah who am i kidding you can have as many weapons you want only for a vertain class also you can only unless the first character created can you have a cool skill like mine! not the update making no i mean a cool power) name: class: weapons: bio: gender: team: name: shic class: spy weapons: knife revolver disguiser sapper invisbilty saptry MEDIC suck sapvich sap rifle sap despenser sap teleporter SAP bonk death uber(only in engy disguise) bio: he is a master spy gender: male secret power: cannot be figured out with disguiser on can use some weapons on that by using a sapping thing of there own team: RED shic: *swiftly disguised as a medic and no one knows but his team and his voice matchs the class* are you spy? *points at heavy*

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