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#87070022Wednesday, January 16, 2013 4:48 PM GMT

Simple and straight to the point. What I think would be really cool to see in roblox is the ability to create Objects with custom properties. Example: A brick has all properties from color, material, size, etc... What if we're able to create our own objects with our own properties. So when we declare them, we can make scripts on how to apply them. Example of that would be: I want to create a variable Sword. So I want to add properties like size, image, damage, block, etc... And then apply those properties in a script. So it's easily available by using Sword.damage = 30 for example. Do you guys see where I'm going with this or do I need to simplify it?
#87070222Wednesday, January 16, 2013 4:55 PM GMT

#87073019Wednesday, January 16, 2013 6:24 PM GMT

#87073211Wednesday, January 16, 2013 6:30 PM GMT

This would be exploited majorly. but due to Roblox's system where it blocks certain syntax from scripts, i believe this would work. but i'm not too sure.
#87073739Wednesday, January 16, 2013 6:46 PM GMT

I'm not sure how it will be majorly exploited. The classes created by users should be adopted by Roblox as one of its own classes. Also, I believe this could be very helpful for users looking to create RPGs where there are many variables. If you create a Monster class, you can just add properties: HP, Defense, Attack, XPGiven, GoldGiven. And later on accessing them on a script.
#87075119Wednesday, January 16, 2013 7:21 PM GMT

Not to mention, it would make object handling a lot easier. Creating weapons, Shops, GUIs would be made with much greater facility.
#87075478Wednesday, January 16, 2013 7:31 PM GMT

You can already do this yourself. With a few custom methods and some tables, you can essentially organize all of your classes and stats, and then call them later without much effort. "If you want to become a Developer or Innovator for CSA, contact me."
#87075655Wednesday, January 16, 2013 7:35 PM GMT

Well for what reason being valid. It's probably exploitable for people to -Abuse with Cheat engine (Though a rare chance, and probably steal the place and get famous off it. and possibly change a few things to the games properties.)
#87075930Wednesday, January 16, 2013 7:41 PM GMT

There is still one thing I do not understand from your argument. Anything on roblox is already subject to being exploited by cheat engine. I don't understand how this would be any different. If there is, I'd like to know. And as far as my scripting experience goes, I'm sure you can't create a custom property for an object unless you change the studio itself using a plugin.
#87076141Wednesday, January 16, 2013 7:47 PM GMT

You can create your own classes, essentially. You cannot directly give a sword a damage value, but in a table, you could store all of the variables for a sword, or a specific sword/item, and then simply reproduce this with another table, and the beauty is that tables can be inside of tables, and referencing them will be easy. The same applies for monsters and such. Just put in their damage, health, exp, and gold stats, and it's even possible to make a table of items they can give at random, quickly create a random number, and there you go, random item drops. I plan on making an RPG eventually, so I've thought a lot about how the system can go. Although, I don't think this sort of a feature would be needed. It's much easier for me to edit values of 10 tables in a script, rather than 10 items found in the explorer. (And faster). "If you want to become a Developer or Innovator for CSA, contact me."
#87076452Wednesday, January 16, 2013 7:53 PM GMT

You see, the problem with Tables and arrays is that in order to transfer the same values to different script, you'd have to create an import using several new objects. Even using global variables, the tables would still be very messy. a[1] = gold a[2] = xp a[3] = level To transfer to a new script or table, you'd have to either create a method object, or create several Value objects. I just think creating properties would make this process more user friendly.
#87076615Wednesday, January 16, 2013 7:57 PM GMT

You could use global variables, and maybe metatables. I haven't looked at them. However, I wouldn't need to use either for most of an RPG game, only localized variables for the player to set and check triggers. You can use one server script to run the entire game, and you can use one local script to run the entire player. For damage of any weapon however, it is best to use a server script, so you'd want to have a very comprehensive master script to run it. Although, not all things are best put in a single script, so you could of course separate it, but I feel it is more efficient in terms of memory use to stuff it all together, even if it is hard to read, since it doesn't really affect anything at all. "If you want to become a Developer or Innovator for CSA, contact me."
#87077155Wednesday, January 16, 2013 8:07 PM GMT

Ah yes, Systematic scripts. I did use one for one of my games. It became very bulky after 400 lines. I do agree with you in the sense that It doesn't matter what you use. It's really up for the scripter's preference. But I feel like people with a smaller knownledge of scripting would prefer controlling their variables inside objects as properties. And although using 1 script may take less memory. It really depends on how many methods are being called at the same time. If all methods on the script are being called at the same time, there might be some lag.
#87077483Wednesday, January 16, 2013 8:13 PM GMT

Whether from 100 scripts or 1 script, the same number of methods and such will lead to the same drop in performance. Lua runs very quickly, so if your code is efficient, then there won't be any issues. Also, when I say memory, I refer to how much memory each script object takes up. Having a lot of them isn't a good thing. (Tycoons come to mind, 6 tycoons with 200 buttons each, leading to objects that might have scripts such as givers and gates). Could lead to upwards of 1500 scripts per place. (I was working on a tycoon that would limit it to 1 script per tycoon and 1 script per person). "If you want to become a Developer or Innovator for CSA, contact me."
#87077707Wednesday, January 16, 2013 8:17 PM GMT

I agree that less experienced scripters would have troubles with more complicated methods in Lua, but to make an RPG, you should have a fairly decent amount of knowledge when it comes to Lua and experience with the language. (Persistent data, JSON encoding and decoding, tables, triggers, custom methods, AI, algorithms, tools, raycasting, along with considerable knowledge of the engine itself). Those are the basics you'd want to know before even attempting an RPG, I'd say. With FMs, you can skip some of them, but to make anything great, you need a lot of experience. If the mods made an RPG template for people to work on, then that'd make things easier. I guess custom objects like you mentioned would help, but even then, people will need a lot of coding knowledge. :/ Just for a GUI, I've used 600+ lines twice... I can't imagine how large an RPG engine would be for me, but I have a friend who made he Legends RPG series who's engine reaches the thousands. (2,000 to 3,000 or something like that). "If you want to become a Developer or Innovator for CSA, contact me."
#87078309Wednesday, January 16, 2013 8:27 PM GMT

I understand Lua takes a fairly good amount of skill of scripting to create an RPG. My RPG Engine takes a total of 1300 Lines only the engine itself. But this could be used on things other than just an RPG. You could use it to store data. Easily accessible by users. You could also translate that into a massive database. It would make Data-persistence easy to use. Although there are many other methods, and I do agree with your methods, I still think this would still be a very handy tool.
#87078973Wednesday, January 16, 2013 8:38 PM GMT

Actually, I still think this would help a lot! specially in making games with lots of variables.
#87086091Wednesday, January 16, 2013 10:13 PM GMT

#87086489Wednesday, January 16, 2013 10:18 PM GMT

This idea is good because it goes along with what roblox is for. On roblox they let you make anything, with your idea that would be great.
#87094717Wednesday, January 16, 2013 11:51 PM GMT

Thank you, I also believe roblox should do it.
#87292394Saturday, January 19, 2013 3:13 PM GMT

I agree with this, It would make my life much easier when it comes to make games.
#124048846Sunday, January 26, 2014 1:09 AM GMT

Yes, tables would work, but creating our own classes would be SO MUCH EASIER!
#136748101Thursday, June 12, 2014 5:57 AM GMT

its perfect i had the same idea my self here would be the hierarchy of a custom class(-- mark object - mark property) --monster -Health(numval) -MaxHealth(numval) -XPGiven(numval) -MoneyGiven(numval) --Handle --Script --WeldScript --Part --Part --Humanoid --Part you get it, then you would compile it and then you could type Instance.new("game.Workspace.monster") and then it would create a monster. also the script would define methods.
#136763994Thursday, June 12, 2014 1:31 PM GMT

Making a model or brick into a custom class, to insert from an easy menu, would be great. I'm sick of removing outlines from all my bricks and turning them to smoothplastic individually.
#144872266Saturday, August 30, 2014 11:52 AM GMT


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