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#87087255Wednesday, January 16, 2013 10:27 PM GMT

So you spawn in Apocalypse Rising* and there's some trees, houses, and rocks. Lets say you can't be a "decent Survivalist." This handbook will show you how to be a "decent Survivalist" and show some helpful tips as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Customization At the spawn, you can customize how you look. Every person has different appearances that makes them unique. When choosing perks, each one will have different abilities than others. *TIP* Choose one that you will have a chance at surviving. Once chosen, there's no changing back until you die. Once done customizing, its off to a fresh start in the Post-apocalyptic world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Zombies Fashionable as is deadly, zombies are fast and can outnumber you. When a zombie is killed, there is a 15% chance the zombie drops loot. The loot it drops will benefit you or not. Note the zombies can drop food, utilities, rarely ammo, and rarely weapons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hospitals In some cities and towns, hospitals may be present. You can tell a building is a hospital on a map (Red Cross) or by the Red Cross on the windows in cities. Loot like blood bags can be found in hospitals as well as food. Pay attention to your surroundings as other people may need medical assistance as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loot This is what the game is mostly about, collecting loot. There are three types of loot shown below. Food/Soda, Utilities, and Weaponry (This includes ammunition) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Players Many players that roam around in the world can be friendly or can pose a risk to you. Players can be Bandits or survivors. TIP* Killing unarmed players is considered being stupid. Dont kill unarmed players. Being in groups is better than being alone. If your teammates are halfway around the map from you, work your way to them than making a dash across the countryside. *TIP* Flanking is a good skill to use against other players; especially groups of players. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Military areas Be aware when entering military grounds. Many players enter for weapons. Assault rifles and machine guns spawn mostly at the military areas so pay attention to your surroundings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Choices Making decisions will have effects on the world around you. Whether its switching a weapon, killing a player, or shooting, all things you do has a outcome or many outcomes. Pay attention and learn your surroundings. Adapt to the environment, be the hunted or the hunter. -edawg914-
#87087310Wednesday, January 16, 2013 10:28 PM GMT

Wrong forum. Get out. ~ The official elf of the Forums ~
#87090348Wednesday, January 16, 2013 11:05 PM GMT

@Ronster There's no need to attack him "Wrong Forum." is enough.
#87090673Wednesday, January 16, 2013 11:09 PM GMT

@Sonic YOLO. D:< ~ The official elf of the Forums ~
#87297078Saturday, January 19, 2013 4:08 PM GMT

@Ronster Yolo is my rage button. Do not press it harder.
#87298548Saturday, January 19, 2013 4:24 PM GMT

Yolo. Sonic, honestly, unless he can't read, he should have known this thread doesn't belong here.
#87301032Saturday, January 19, 2013 4:53 PM GMT

Dont bump, n00bs ~ The official elf of the Forums ~

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