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#87658670Thursday, January 24, 2013 2:01 AM GMT

This was an idea I had a couple of months ago that got a lot of attention from OT because they were all like "yes we could post recipes about how to cook the eyes of orphans" and basically had a field day with that kind of thing. I think we got around 3 pages on S&I but I notice that the admins are now listening to the community more often, so I have decided to restart this idea. So here is the original S&I thread: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=70438233 ...and the original RT thread: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=70430913 I'm not going to put up the OT thread because... well yeah. I'm gonna transfer the most important points over to here for the admins to mull over and hopefully it will get a response. *Why Food needs its own sub-forum* Entertainment Off Topic Feel like talking about stuff other than ROBLOX? Post here. (recently changed to: When no other forum makes sense for your post, Off Topic will help it make even less sense.)  - This would probably be the one that most people would say food should go in. But if you think about what OT is really about, you see that anything posted about food would get trolled until it was six feed under. Plus all the threads that could be posted about food would fill up OT until it was just "Food."  - I address the problems with OT more below. Forum Games Post your most hilarious forum games here! Who's the best at typing with their elbows? Give gifts to the person above you! Play classic forum games and make up new ones!  - COOKING IS NOT A GAME! :3 Sports Hang out with other ROBLOX sports fans and talk about sports and activities.  - Vegtables... Good for the body... But food doesn't play sports. Music Does your Robloxian rock? Let people know. Or just talk about your favorite bands.  - When is the last time you heard a potato sing bohemian rhapsody. I mean honestly. Movies/TV/Books Does your Robloxian belong on the silver screen, or in the pages of a novel? Show off your ROBLOX movie star, discuss your favorite TV series, films, and the books you love.  - Could possibly be fitting if you were going to argue that cooking shows were more about TV than they were about cooking or that cooking books are, in fact, books. Everything else that would be discussed in this sub-forum, the recipes, the ingredients, best thing you ever ate, etc., has nothing to do with this sub-forum. --- In conclusion... No current sub-forums are related enough to food that it would be reasonable to say Food can be crammed into another, current sub-forum. For this reason, I strongly suggest that Food receive its own sub-forum. --- *What could be discussed on "Food"* The Basics:  - Best thing you ever ate. Ex: "I had an awesome chili-dog last night with SPICY SPICY PEPPERS. IT WAS EPIC."  - Favorite food. Ex: "I LEIK POTATOES." The More Advanced:  - Interesting restaurant that opened in your town/near your house/in Sudan (WHEREVER). Ex: "There's this cool Mexican restaurant called ______ that has really good Tacos." (Note, just because it says that you could talk about something in your town doesn't mean you should give away your address. In fact, don't.)  - Food Questions. Ex: "What is Mint???? My mom said she was putting it on the chicken last night and I was expecting to see a wad of gum on the top of my piece."  - Talking about Cooking Shows (If allowed). Ex: "Did you guys/gals see the last episode of Master Chef last night? THAT BALD GUY IS MEAN!!! But their food looked really good." For the Amateur Chef:  - Recipe you came up with. Ex: "I call this 'The FIRECAKE-Style Omelet. Ingredients: ____'" (If it contains peanuts/treenuts/anything else dangerous it should be noted.)  - Wondering what ingredients to use/how to cook something. Ex: "Okay I want to make an Omelet but I'm not sure how many eggs to use/how long to cook it for. Can anyone help me out?" --- In conclusion, Food could be used for many purposes, by many types of people, possibly even for advertising "healthy eating" with delicious food. (That would look good on your part, especially to the WHITE HOUSE HELLO MICHELLE OBAMA eh ROBLOX?) --- *Once again, why OT is not a good fit for this forum* Let's look at a few threads in OT right now, shall we? "my opinion on religion" "I wish I could be swaggy again" "I believe I have cancer now." "fan club of me" And the list goes on. Now, would you say that this is a very inviting place for people who want to talk about food, without things like "dur swag" and "religion lolol atheism rox!"? Stop right there, I know what you're saying: "B-b-but OT IS OFF TOPIC AND FOOD IS OFF TOPIC JEEZE!!!!!!!!!1!1!!" Off Topic is full of "teh epicz internet trulls lollolol" everyone on the forum knows them, most people generally "dislike" them because they aren't helpful and like to basically annoy people and screw up perfectly intelligent threads. And stop right there once again, now you're saying: "Ya but all forums have trolls ogm!" All forums have trolls, yes. Does OT have more trolls than any forum? Yes. That's all I have to say about that. Bottom line, OT is not a good fit for a food forum, or else there would be posts about food on there, plain and simple. If the forum isn't used enough, remove it. I can plainly see it isn't hard for ROBLOX to get rid of unused forums just like they got rid of World Wide Chat. --- And to all the people who are now going to be like "that's stooooopid lol!!!" If you don't like it, don't go there! WOW HOW SIMPLE IS THAT! IT SAVES EVERYONE A HEADACHE! WIN WIN FOR ALL!
#87658916Thursday, January 24, 2013 2:04 AM GMT

#87659424Thursday, January 24, 2013 2:10 AM GMT

No, just no. No need to make another OT type forum and would waste moderator resources.
#87660113Thursday, January 24, 2013 2:19 AM GMT

"waste moderator resources" yes because ot is so very clean already
#87661061Thursday, January 24, 2013 2:31 AM GMT

Lol @ what is in OT according to you So true bro. So true. Support, what the hell, why not? ~ The official elf of the Forums ~
#194053072Tuesday, July 19, 2016 7:16 PM GMT

#194053279Tuesday, July 19, 2016 7:18 PM GMT

encouraging obesity is never ok :(
#194053796Tuesday, July 19, 2016 7:26 PM GMT

@Fire, If OT is already bad what do you think will happen if a new forum is made and it spreads mods even thinner?
#194055453Tuesday, July 19, 2016 7:48 PM GMT

this thread is from 2013 dudes, dont know why its getting bumped
#194055492Tuesday, July 19, 2016 7:49 PM GMT

because i was looking for a different thread but couldn't find it so i just bumped this one
#194055541Tuesday, July 19, 2016 7:50 PM GMT

Ehh no support.

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