#133771853Sunday, May 11, 2014 4:03 AM GMT

Edward " My backpack feels heavier." I said as I took off my backpack. I looked in my backpack and saw my curious Pokemon examining the book. " Hey Turtwig." I said to Turtwig in a pleasant manner.
#133777628Sunday, May 11, 2014 4:55 AM GMT

Carl I look over at him and chuckle. "I thought you kept all of your Pokeballs in your belt and I am suprised you didn't notice that before. Anyway do you want to go and get registered."
#133778087Sunday, May 11, 2014 4:59 AM GMT

(Fair enough.)
#133778361Sunday, May 11, 2014 5:02 AM GMT

(Okay lets continue.)
#133779944Sunday, May 11, 2014 5:19 AM GMT

Bridget I hold up my arms and give a simple thumbs up. "Got'cha." I say and start moving up the stairs and notice Darkrai pass me and head through the doorway. As we get through the door I see Priar struggling to get through the door while tied to a chair. --- Priar "Oh, hey guys." I say cheerfully. "No hard feelings?" I ask.
#133782405Sunday, May 11, 2014 5:50 AM GMT

Robin I shake my head. "Who is your leader, Priar?" I ask remembering that he wasn't the leader of the 'reformed' Team Rocket.
#133783495Sunday, May 11, 2014 6:04 AM GMT

Priar "How should I know?" I ask him with a glare. "I've only heard him on screen. He is normally blacked out too." I say.
#133783776Sunday, May 11, 2014 6:08 AM GMT

Edward "I must've slipped Turtwig's Pokeball in my backpack when I wasn't looking," I said as I petted Charge's head, "Sure let's get registered before the Pokeathlon begins." I pick up my backpack and put it on my back. I heard a weird noise and turned around. In a distance, I spotted a wild Spearow in a tree. "Should I catch a Spearow?" I asked Pidgeotto with humor. My Pidgeotto made an annoyed face at me and walked away. "This guy just can't take no for an answer..." Pidgeotto said to Charge.
#133784878Sunday, May 11, 2014 6:24 AM GMT

Carl "They run events all the time so getting there before it starts shouldn't really be an issue. What is important is getting you to decide with my help of course which tournament you will be competing in."
#133784957Sunday, May 11, 2014 6:26 AM GMT

(Opps missed Robin.) Robin "If you only see him through a screen why do you follow him?" I inquire.
#133785370Sunday, May 11, 2014 6:32 AM GMT

Priar "He has goals." I mutter. "Goals you couldn't possibly conceive, Robin." I continue with a wide grin. "I play dumb, but the true leader is right under your noses. He will show himself when his plan has come around in full rotation." I struggle a bit more in the chair before continuing. "When his dreams comes to reality Team Rocket will be back with the greats and we will rule the world." I start to laugh a bit. "You're escape here does not alter his plan in the least. In fact it will give him the edge he needs to win over the world." I try to get out one last time before uttering my last words before going silent. "Team Rocket will be the rulers, nay the gods, of the new world." I mutter.
#133786189Sunday, May 11, 2014 6:45 AM GMT

(Oh now this is exciting but who could it be? I want to say Jude but I think you want to deter me into thinking it is. Also did Priar just die?) Robin I look at him mournfully and then cast my eyes away from him and onto the ceiling as I talk to the others who were behind me. "What do you think he means by that? Who could be right under our noses leading this corporation back into exsitance and by his reasoning to form a new world." I turn around to face them I sigh. "There are so many questions and yet it could all still be a bluff to confuse us and make us worry about something that may or may not happen but I feel like it will happen. But what I really don't get is how can our escape give them the edge?" I ponder on that for a moment. "Before we leave we have to search this house."
#133786381Sunday, May 11, 2014 6:49 AM GMT

(Lol, I tried my hardest not to make it sound like he died; no he is just being silent.) Jude "Doesn't matter what he means." I mutter looking at Priar with a glare. "You guys can search I'll watch Priar." I say.
#133787234Sunday, May 11, 2014 7:03 AM GMT

(That was honestly what I gathered from him going silent Ike that. Lol.) Robin I look at Jude with a little bit of mistrust. He had been in Team Rocket before now but he really go back to that? He was locked up with me as well so maybe I was wrong in my misgivings. "Alright then, make sure you keep an eye on him." I say and walk out of the room to search the house.
#133800796Sunday, May 11, 2014 12:44 PM GMT

Charge I retreat to my pokeball, the book still open. I knew that it was a secret book, but it looked cool.
#133801004Sunday, May 11, 2014 12:47 PM GMT

(Would it be wrong to join now? .^.)
#133801096Sunday, May 11, 2014 12:49 PM GMT

(I've been really, really inactive with this thread but I still believe we're accepting people. If you want, jlynn, we could interact when I join again.)
#133810375Sunday, May 11, 2014 2:55 PM GMT

(Sure, thanks. Human CS- Name: Coronella Clocksworth. Age: Fifteen. Personality: Coronella is an very tom-boyish and perky girl. Her attitude makes her approachable, and her humor makes people smile. She can be an bit of an brat, however it's nothing that should be taken to seriously. Appearance(Include clothing): Coronella is an petite girl, being shorter than others. She wears her dark brown hair in pigtails and has dyed the ends amber. She wears her outfit she wears at the gym, an cream-colored yukata with pastel pink, purple, blue and green flora markings tied together with an white bow. Being an girl who loves fashion, she carries around an change of clothes. Gender: Female. Inventory: Pokedex, bag containing pokepuffs, two full restores, one revival and ten oran berries. Pokemon: Togekiss, Gardevoir, Sylveon, Azumarill, Mawlie, Florges. (All fairy*) Bio (At least 2 sentences): Coronella grew up in Laverre city, however, she always had taken trips to Lumiose city often. She works at the Laverre city gym, while her mother is an traveling pokemon tamer. She recently decided she wants to go on an trip and wants to be able to tame different pokemon like her mother and understand them. Current Location/Region: Kalos Region, Laverre city. Trainer Type: (Breeder, Team Rocket, ETC) Furisode Girl.*)
#133812694Sunday, May 11, 2014 3:22 PM GMT

Edward "Wait, what kind of events are there?" I asked. ----------- Joey I put the Nidoqueen on top of my truck. And my Pokemon watched the baby Nidoran just in case it had any funny ideas. We drove off to the place that my boss ordered me to go to.
#133813990Sunday, May 11, 2014 3:36 PM GMT

(Accepted, but please make CS's for the Pokemon. I still think you have to do that. I'll make my CS later on, sorry, every Sunday I have to go to my aunt's house all day.)
#133814183Sunday, May 11, 2014 3:38 PM GMT

(Actually no, scratch that, sorry again. I'd rather have another admin accept you since I'm not sure if I'm still an admin.)
#133814705Sunday, May 11, 2014 3:43 PM GMT

(I'm doing a Pokemon CS for now so it'll be short, I won't do any actual RPing until later on tonight.) Nickname(If any): N/A Gender: Male. Species: Noibat. Age: Very young; roughly around 5 or so. Level: 10. Bio (At least 1 sentence): Noibat lives within the shadows of Kalos, relying entirely on humans to survive. He feeds on their scraps and travels the region, lost and helpless. He's utterly useless in battle. Personality: Noibat is, like almost any kid would be, very inquisitive, loud, and a bit obnoxious. Current Location/Region: Laverre City.
#133820046Sunday, May 11, 2014 4:41 PM GMT

Nickname(If any): No Nickname. Gender: Male Species: Nidoran Age: 3 years, 2 months Level: 12 Bio (At least 1 sentence): I am a Nidoran who is just hated by all others. I was caught by a Trainer named Lira, and when she didn't need me, she threw the Poke Ball at a tree, hurting me. I have a cut from that still. For the past 6 months, I've roamed the regions waiting for someone, anyone to pick me up. Personality: Lonely, angry. Current Location/Region: Sinnoh / Jubilife City
#133840014Sunday, May 11, 2014 8:04 PM GMT

(All accepted.) (Max, you might want to switch over to Kalos with the other two since not much is happening in Sinnoh at the moment.) (Cool character btw, Jly.)
#133840138Sunday, May 11, 2014 8:05 PM GMT

Bridget I look back at Jude as I walk out of the room, down to where the two were being held. I look under some of the object and go into the containment cell to see a crack in the ceiling. "Nothing." I mutter.