#149349662Saturday, November 08, 2014 12:03 AM GMT

Pokemon CS- Nickname(If any): Wing Gender: Male Species: Fletchling Age: 10 Level: 10 Bio (At least 1 sentence): Encountered many trainers in Kalos, but not scared of any. Personality: Brave, Confident and Fast Current Location/Region: Kanto (Region hes currently in) (CS redo, dont read the other one.)
#149369331Saturday, November 08, 2014 4:55 AM GMT

#149376851Saturday, November 08, 2014 10:04 AM GMT

(@Creative, why do you not see this?) Michael I watch as one of the gym caretakers unlocks the gym doors for a new challenger. From his challenge I could gather that he would possibly be a little arrogant but that didn't matter as I waited for him to enter to direct his challenge to me. -------------- (@Dontae, I notice that quite often myself.) Carl Smiling at him I nod and wait for the last challenge to be announced as it would be after a short break. "I trust that you will be able to capture one eventually and you will be a great trainer. It seems that this competition has brought out the best in your Pokemon." --------------- Daniel I sigh as I sought to end this battle very soon as he was there helpless to my onslaught as Nidoking used Rock Tomb in an attempt to trap Lucario in a prison of rocks.
#149380651Saturday, November 08, 2014 1:33 PM GMT

(Guys, should I wait a litter longer for LordDollar to return before I use my character that was with him or nah?) Edward "You really think they improved?" I asked gazing at my Pokemon. I somewhat knew they gained experience from this competition, but I never really thought about it that much.
#149384608Saturday, November 08, 2014 3:10 PM GMT

Wing I land in Viridian Forest. "So this is Kanto? I'm kind of hungry." I go looking for berries. All i can find is rotten berries, which i wont eat.
#149387248Saturday, November 08, 2014 4:04 PM GMT

I look at Micheal, and raising a determined fist I say, "I'm here to challenge the Viridian City gym to earn my (name here) badge!"
#149389136Saturday, November 08, 2014 4:36 PM GMT

Wing I fly upwards looking for berries. "I dont think theres any good berries, all rotten or squished... I fly to a tree, and land on it. "Wait whats that?" I see some berries. "Well, that took longer then expected..." I fly towards the berries and eat them. "Well i guess i've got nothing to do in this forest" I fly towards Mt. Moon.
#149394865Saturday, November 08, 2014 6:14 PM GMT

Lucario starts to sit up just as another onslaught of rocks presses him back down to the ground, trapping his arms to his sides. He struggles feebly against the rocks, not having the leverage or strength to free himself from any of them. - Hakuna Matata -
#149398734Saturday, November 08, 2014 7:12 PM GMT

(Is it okay if I join now?) Human CS- Name: Antonio Mcdonnel Age)15 Personality:Can be a bit stubborn at times, but is always nice with his pokemon and close friends. He was always a bit judgmental when he started his journey, and still is. (Explaination in Bio) He can still be fairly good with most people, but they tend to get upset because he bluntly speaks the truth without caring if it might harm someone until it's already been said and he can't take it back. Appearance(Include clothing): Usually wearing flipflops or sandals in the summer, he also wears swim shorts and a white t-shirt. He has fingerless white gloves that stay coolin the summer and are water-proof. During the fall, he transitions to full sneakers, no-show socks, black jeans, and a white long-sleeve shirt that's covered by a black hoodie. He also has black fingerless leather gloves. (Still with PkTech.) During the winter, he wears black hightops with white laces and gray aglets, socks with slightly longer ankles, black sweatpants, and a black long-sleeve shirt that is uaually covered by a black winter coat. He also wears black winter gloves that are flexible like his fingerless gloves, but also thermal so he can make snowballs and not get cold hands. (Still with PkTech.) During the spring, he wears something similar to his fall outfit, but instead of black jeans and a long sleeve white shirt, it is black shorts and a white short sleeve white shirt. He has a backpack and a white Poketech all year round. His Poketech is a limited edition that is also waterproof and was made with all the apps. Gender:Male Inventory: Blast's special Pokeball, his white Poketech, 5 extra pokeballs, Pokemon:Blast (Blastoise, read on) Bio (At least 2 sentences):When he was young, he lived in Viridian City in Kanto. He went south to Pallet Town, and went fishing in the ocean to the south. He, after 3 years, on his 9th birthday, almost as if a present, caught a Squirtle on his line that was being attacked by a Tentacool. He gently unhooked the Aquirtle, and then brutally hooked and unhooked the Tentacool several times while Squirtle used water gun. He went home, and his birthday present was given. It was a white Waterproof Poketech. He told his mother about the squirtle. She said, "I have another surprise for tomorrow!" His mother the next day had collected for him a special pokeball that made a controlled explosion as it released the capsule. He went back that day to the same place near the ocean, and Squirtle came back up, with a Big Pearl in his left front flipper and a Macho Brace in his right front flipper. He nudged me in the left leg, and I saw the gifts. He set them down next to be and started nibbling my toes. I giggled, then set the capsule button atop his head. He took an effort, I had to use the same PokeBall three times before I caught him. The second time it wiggles three times and opened, and it got me mad. We were both stubborn, so I just tried one more time even though my palm hurt a bit becauseitwas cramped, and I finally caught him. I relesed him and realized a glimmer of happiness in his eyes. He wanted me to capture him in the first place, he was stubborn and michevous. I instntly went to Pewter Gym with him, but apparently you have to be at least 10 to train at the gyms. I trained from 9 until 10 and my Squirtle had reached level 13 in his training. Over his time as a trainer, he beat Kanto Leauge, Jhoto Leauge, Hoenn Leauge, Sinnoh Leauge, and he'd just moved to Unova for his 15th birthday with his mother. Current Location/Region: Unova Trainer Type: Pokemon Trainer Pokemon CS- Nickname(If any):Blast Gender:Male Species:Blastoise Age:19 Level:46 Bio (At least 1 sentence):He was captured near a river at level seven when he was just four. He still remembers happily that he had fooled his trainer into thinking he'd wanted to stay wild. Personality:Can be a bit stubborn at times, but is always nice with his close friends. He can still be fairly good with most pokemon, but they tend to get upset because he bluntly speaks the truth without caring if it might harm someone until it's already been said and he can't take it back. Current Location/Region:Unova
#149412505Saturday, November 08, 2014 10:56 PM GMT

Wing I land on Mt. Moon. "Oh wow, i was expecting this place to be... Better in all ways..." I say while flying upwards. "Hmm, where do i go next? I need help with directions... >.<"
#149420053Sunday, November 09, 2014 1:02 AM GMT

(Duck, I saw but mid-post I was distracted and shut down my PC to go see what was happening.) Rhyes I rush to the bag and notice a shadowy tail wagging with the body hidden out of sight in my back. The bag was rustling about violently. "Hey there!" I shout at the bag, and suddenly the tail froze and as did that bag. The bag lifted with the pokemon's head remaining covered completely.
#149420375Sunday, November 09, 2014 1:06 AM GMT

Just then, Wing sees another wild Fletchling flying near to him. It looks like a perfectly normal Fletchling.
#149420987Sunday, November 09, 2014 1:18 AM GMT

Team Moon Operative I needed to find a physic type for the scientist at the Team Moon labrotory for unknown reasons. They didn't tell me why they needed a physic type Pokemon, but they had higher ranking than me, so I had to do it. While walking around in Virdian City, I walked by the gym and noticed that the gym had a new challenger. I noticed the challenger had an Alacazam with him, so this could be my chance to get a physic type. But I was a little curious to see how strong this challenger was and how the gym battle would be. So I decided to spy on the boy.
#149429851Sunday, November 09, 2014 3:25 AM GMT

Name:Gold. gender:genderless. species:Staryu. starting location:Seafoam islands. side:good. backstory:Gold was born and quicky abandoned, leaving Gold to live bye himself. Gold is a very loyal pokemon and will do anything to protect his allies.
#149429936Sunday, November 09, 2014 3:26 AM GMT

I accidentally forgot: level 15.
#149445580Sunday, November 09, 2014 9:42 AM GMT

(@post, I only have one reason for not accepting you really as your CS was pretty good. The reason is your final couple of lines in your characters bio, there is no way your trainer should be able to beat all four of those leagues with one Pokemon unless it is some super OP legendary Pokemon. Those couple of lines made your character look like a Gary Sue especially considering his personality.) (@baty, that isn't even the correct CS.) Daniel I return all of my remaining Pokemon apart from Dragonite who uses Ice Beam on the now trapped Lucario. "Now that you are trapped I doubt you will be a problem to me especially as no one is left on this island. You had your chance now you will freeze to death." I say as Dragonite begins to make movement. "Oh and before we go I better make sure that you remain frozen." I chuckle as Dragonite uses Blizzard to make sure the ice surrounding Lucario would grow and sustain itself. ------------ Carl "Well they have defiantly grown as a team, that is for sure. They have also grown in loyalty towards you and their comrades." I say as I remember how Snorlax had started listening to Edward much more during this challenger and had gone up against Rhyperior to help his teammates. ------------ Michael "I thought so, I mean that seems to be what most people come here for these days but not many go out of here with the badge they wanted. I suppose you have already bested the other Kanto gyms before coming here because that's what most people do." I say to him expecting to be right as I usually fought those who had already beaten the other gyms and were looking for their last. I also needed to know what kind of Pokemon to use against him to give him the most trouble. ------------ Harry Catching up to him I look at the bag and wonder what the Pokemon was doing in there and if it was the same one we had seen earlier. "What do you think we should do with it?" I ask Rhyes as I continue to look at the bag and the now still Pokemon that had reacted to the shout Rhyes had uttered before.
#149463599Sunday, November 09, 2014 6:14 PM GMT

(Am I the only one who reads other people's role-play because they're interesting? :333) Edward I looked back at my Pokemon and smiled, "You hear that guys? You've become a better team, stronger, and more awesome!" I turned towards Carl's Pokemon and said, "Your Pokemon already are a good team and they're strong too." ----------- Team Moon Operative I eavedropped on the gym leader and the challenger. While listening, I began to think of a plan so I could steal the challenger's Pokemon and maybe the gym leader's too.
#149485145Sunday, November 09, 2014 11:09 PM GMT

Location starts struggling mor as the cold sets in, but as the ice gets thicker and fills in the cracks around the stones it becomes almost impossible to move, let alone move the stones surrounding him.
#149505821Monday, November 10, 2014 4:00 AM GMT

Rhyes I pull the bag off revealing a Poochyena with one of my cakes in his mouth. I scowl at him. "What do you think you are doing?" I ask him.
#149514847Monday, November 10, 2014 9:47 AM GMT

(Yeah, they are pretty interesting.) Carl I nod at him and look over at the presenter as I realise the arena had been cleared and altered to work for the Ring Drop contest. "Now this one will be fun." I say with a smirk knowing that all of the contestants would be well suited for this. ---------- (Do you want to timeskip a bit Awesome?) Daniel I was now in swift pursuit of Robin as I tracked the beacon which I had previously asked to be placed on the bag in an event of an emergency such as this. Looking back at the now frozen island I realised that I needed to contain Lucario further so I called a team of mine to guard the island. ---------- Harry I sigh as I see that it wasn't the space Pokemon realising it was a Poocheyena which must of smelt the food in the bag unless it knew Rhyes which was pretty unlikely.
#149520027Monday, November 10, 2014 3:26 PM GMT

My character DOES have pokemon from other regions, they just stay behind in PC like Ash.
#149535980Monday, November 10, 2014 9:34 PM GMT

Edward "What's this round going to be?" I asked Carl as I scratched my head in confusion. I had a feeling that Carl would get first place in this round like he did in the other rounds because of that smirk on his face.
#149536948Monday, November 10, 2014 9:49 PM GMT

(( Sure, and Daniel must be scared of Lucario or something lol. ))
#149547486Tuesday, November 11, 2014 12:22 AM GMT

"No, this is my first gym battle!"
#149561869Tuesday, November 11, 2014 3:47 AM GMT

Rhyes I tap my foot impatiently as if expecting an answer in proper language. "Well then?" I ask again to have no more of a response then a slightly tilted head. I look at Harry. "He ate my cakes." I say as if he hadn't already known this.