#166669659Monday, July 06, 2015 4:48 AM GMT

*poops in pants*
#166821930Tuesday, July 07, 2015 5:24 PM GMT

Lucario stops walking and frowns, the human seemed to be talking about Twitch, but any Pokemon who runs away from a human likely doesn't want to come back.
#166831809Tuesday, July 07, 2015 7:15 PM GMT

*Punches OP in the throat* Back the hell up fam
#166836425Tuesday, July 07, 2015 8:01 PM GMT

What... This was made in 2013 and is still going? I thought basically all Pokémon roleplays were, ya'know.... DEAD?
#166836427Tuesday, July 07, 2015 8:01 PM GMT

Lab Assistant "I think that old group Team Rocket was behind his disappearance." I say. "If I could use your aura sensing capabilities, we could find him."
#166887606Wednesday, July 08, 2015 4:09 AM GMT

Edward Caterpie was tackling me for awhile now and he did show some improvements, but we've been training for a long time now so I thought we should take a break. "You've improved, buddy. Now let's take a break and not push ourselves too much." I said, picking up the panting bug Pokemon. "Don't worry, Caterpie, you'll be evolving in no time."
#166957354Wednesday, July 08, 2015 8:45 PM GMT

Name: Ivan Drago Age: 28 Personality: Sadistic Appearance(Include clothing): 6'8", 340 pound, well built Russian, deep and mean voice, stone cold eyes with blonde hair. Wears red and cameo jacket with black cargo pants and dark brown work boots (size 16). Also has a spetsnaz symbol cut into his cheek and a scar across his left eye. Gender: Male Inventory: Pokemon hunting rifle, hatchet, machete, luger Pokemon: Only dead ones i eat. Bio (At least 2 sentences): Born in Russia and abandoned as a baby, Ivan was raised by wolves and also somehow grew up to be what most men dream of being. He is an ex-spetsnaz soldier and has no mercy for people and pokemon alike, whether theyre a kid, a woman or an old person. Current Location/Region: Soviet Russia Trainer Type: Im not a trainer, I hunt pokemon for food and steal trainers pokemons. I have super strong attack dogs i use for hunting, but no pokemon.
#167005699Thursday, July 09, 2015 5:17 AM GMT

Lucario frowns, not knowing if he should help or if Twitch was fine wherever he was. This human was certainly very touchy, which he believed Twitch was as well. "I don't understand how you expect me to find him." He finally says, glancing at the human. ( I can hardly remember that from way back when.)
#167013504Thursday, July 09, 2015 7:11 AM GMT

(Good ol' Twitch.) Lab Assistant "Well, I have a machine that should," I say. "In theory enhance your aura sensory. In a way making that aspect of you more powerful." I explain. "Those stones, mega stones evolve pokemon that should be done with their evolutions. The machine I have created with a bit of supervision from the professors should be able to infuse part of mega evolution into pokemon without them even needing to use the stone." "I basically mean to mega evolve your aura." I say. "So, you can track my lost friend."
#167016703Thursday, July 09, 2015 8:17 AM GMT

Edward After a few minutes of looking up at the night sky, Caterpie started trying to get my attention by bumping his head on my arm. "Alright. Let's continue our training, buddy." I said with a smile as I got up from the ground. "Tackle me with all you got!" Caterpie crawled backwards and dashed at me as fast as he could and tackled me. Surprisingly, he tackled me hard enough for me to fall on my butt. "Wow! Good job, Caterpie! That's the way you should Tackle all the time!" I said, picking up my friend, looking into his eyes with a smile.
#167017883Thursday, July 09, 2015 8:50 AM GMT

(Good to here about Twitch again. Haven't seen him mentioned since the Pokemon Village saga.)
#167047211Thursday, July 09, 2015 6:10 PM GMT

Imagine hearts fluttering out of hearts, and now, place them on top of Lombre's eyes. Icarus facepalmed, smacking his face a few more times. "I shouldv'e had changed pokemon.. Agh. Hello? Earth to Lombre? Hellooo??" He snapped his fingers and asked him one more time "Lombre! Hello!". Icarus groaned, Lombre is completely immobilized.
#167110664Friday, July 10, 2015 5:41 AM GMT

Lucario nods slowly, looking down at the ground. "Sounds pleasant." He comments.
#167193037Saturday, July 11, 2015 12:42 AM GMT

Lab Assistant My heart begins fluttering. "So, you'll help me find him?" I ask wide-eyed with a joyous face.
#167244924Saturday, July 11, 2015 2:56 PM GMT

"my heart beings to flutter" is this all you got. get rekt skroobz
#167322972Sunday, July 12, 2015 6:55 AM GMT

"I don't have anything better to do." Lucario says, turning around to face the human.
#167330212Sunday, July 12, 2015 9:35 AM GMT

Name: John Beckham Age: 24 Personality: happy and nice when happy, bad and nasty if he is threatened. Appearance: White partly torn lab-coat, has thin Glasses. Gender: Male Inventory: A Holographic Electronic Notebook and Health monitor. Pokemon: None Bio: John isn't from the Pokemon world, heck he didn't come from the same UNIVERSE. he came from a planet called `Earth` located in a small arm of a galaxy called the milky way, orbiting a white star called the sun by its native people, which it was part of a system of 8 planets. during his time he was in a lab researching wormholes and developing a wormhole to the galaxy Andromeda. but it failed and exploded, causing a unstable wormhole to appear, he was sucked in and transferred into this world, the first thing he saw was a Voltorb. thus this is where he starts... Current Location/Region: Unova Trainer Type: was Researcher of physics...
#167332899Sunday, July 12, 2015 10:57 AM GMT

*Ivan Drago* ~Sees Ash and Pikachu walking down a road~ ~Aims air rifle towards them~ ~Fires~ ~Drags Pikachu's body into shed while ash cries out begging for him to give him back his beloved pokemon~
#167333042Sunday, July 12, 2015 11:00 AM GMT

(the frog man is a Fanboy of MLP and is a troll, don't accept him. and ignore anything he says, he doesn't know ANYTHING about Pokemon! srs how can the real world be in the Pokemon world, no they are 2 separate dimensions or universes!!!)
#167336770Sunday, July 12, 2015 12:55 PM GMT

Human CS Name: Aaron Rodgers Age: 14 Personality: A smart and caring boy. He has a strong heart full of courage. Appearance: His hair is all spiked up in which the colour of his hair is Dirty Blond. He wears a red t-shirt and blue jeans. He also has glasses which makes his blue eyes look intelligent. He also wears Black shoes with a hint of white. Gender: Male Inventory: He has a bag full of poke balls and potions. He also has a mysterious bell which could summon a legendary Pokemon. But Aaron doesn't know where to use it. Bio: He has a family who is rich, his Dad works as a gym leader. His Mom works as a breeder. Aaron skipped 9th grade where he was so smart. Now he's in grade 10. Current Location/Region: Hoenn Trainer Type: Just a normal Trainer. Pokemon CS Nickname: N/A Gender: Male Species: Gengar Age: 16 Level: 47 Bio: Gengar used to live in a spooky looking house until I found him. Personality: You might think that he's evil, but he's actually kind hearted. He would do anything to help. Current Location/Region: Hoenn
#167336852Sunday, July 12, 2015 12:57 PM GMT

Gengar then senses something in a shed while we walked by. It was a pikachu! We didn't know who owned it. So we took it to a Pokemon centre.
#167336924Sunday, July 12, 2015 12:59 PM GMT

(cooldude this isn't a `walk in` role-play your character needs to be accepted, i suggest you make your character less OP. i mean srs a bell that summons a legendary, that's far too OP for a starter guy...)
#167336926Sunday, July 12, 2015 12:59 PM GMT

Then we see a crying boy in the corner of the centre. Me and Gengar went over and I said "What's wrong?" He replied "Someone killed my Pikachu!".
#167336947Sunday, July 12, 2015 1:00 PM GMT

#167336972Sunday, July 12, 2015 1:01 PM GMT

(people like you cause the roleplays to DIE, so GTHO if here...)