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#87885213Sunday, January 27, 2013 3:54 AM GMT

@Merely I do know someone who can obtain scripts that are parented in nil, but your game of catalog heaven is easy to make, I am not challenging you,just saying it is easy to create an similar game.
#87885570Sunday, January 27, 2013 3:58 AM GMT

The thing about Catalog Heaven that makes it unique is the auto-update. Nobody can correctly do that yet except Seranok because he's the only one who knows how to bust the cache,
#87915750Sunday, January 27, 2013 3:09 PM GMT

Earlier thread about table.insert and the locked tables ( Vector3,Instance,etc...) and seranok replied "There goes my auto updater for catalogue heaven" So that could be linked in. Some people just select everything and copy then paste into a new place so parenting to geometry will just be useless. Make the script replicate into Glue instances inside of random parts in workspace. "Don't believe everything you read online" - Abraham Lincoln
#87917696Sunday, January 27, 2013 3:42 PM GMT

As a self proclaimed expert on 'hidden' items in the Roblox IDE. You can easily hide scripts in the workspace from the explorer that will still run and wont be deleted by scripts providing that it is running when it is tried to be deleted.
#87918674Sunday, January 27, 2013 3:57 PM GMT

@nickbricknick464 Were you pointing to the original poster? If yes, then tell me where he did self proclaim himself as an expert. He just said, that it was pretty simple, which actually is, and wrote it in a couple of seconds. It's not hard to use geometry mode to hide a script. To-Topic: The script isn't running while geometry mode. I prefer Merelys method. By the way, if you really care for your place, you will have to script a bit more than just that, condor. It's not hard to detect the script, if it would run in geometry mode, and deleting it. I saw some people, which wrote some anti place stealing scripts, however they never released them to public, because it would be easier for exploiters to find a bypass. Still, it's useless. Because roblox's client-server architecture is really stupid, the client can access all that scripts via memory view programs like Cheat Engine. To really stop exploiting and place stealing, roblox will have to rewrite their client-server architecture, so the client doesn't get all that stuff, which is actually only supposed to be the server. -xXTechDignityXx
#87920161Sunday, January 27, 2013 4:20 PM GMT

My main script is deleted on game start. It sets up all the variables and what not required for every other script to run right.
#226090968Saturday, October 07, 2017 7:12 PM GMT


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