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#88014084Monday, January 28, 2013 10:03 PM GMT

My other forum: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=87763685#88012124 I truly had to do this! DX I'm sorry if you are annoyed about this. But I really wanted to do another cat thing. I felt the need. You are a warrior, apprentice, or kit living in the forest. You are a _______Clan cat. The other clans are threatening to attack to claim your territory, and it's just the beginning of green-leaf. It is natural for a rouge to come on to your territory, so you just chase them off with a warning. If your a kit: The three other clans have already started attacking, and you know better than to go out there and try to fight. But you do go out and stay near to camp. If your an apprentice: You go out with a patrol and stay near, but you occasionally find an enemy clan warrior. They attack, or run away, knowing better to not attack a lower rank clan cat. If your a warrior: You have permission to go out and investigate, but the enemy cat will most likely attack. The enemy cat will either come with a patrol, or alone. If you see a rouge, and they usually know about the other clans (only because they've been over in their territory), and they will possibly run away or stay in place. If they attack, they most likely don't know about the other clans. But if they do, they do not care. CS: Name: Moons: Gender: Appearance: Clan: Rank: Bio: Other: Mine: Name: Soulstar (yes, I must) Moons: 24 Gender: Female Appearance: Light gray, white spots all over, and a white chest and stomach. Sea blue eyes. Clan: RiverClan Rank: Leader Bio: An evil brother (Grayflame. Clan: ???), Missing sister who is not deceased (Icepelt. Clan: ???) Other: Brother tried to murder Soulstar (meeee) and scared Icepelt to where ever (I reallt don't know...........) So that's my thing. :P You can join too! Just do all that scribbly stuffz above.
#88018532Monday, January 28, 2013 10:57 PM GMT

Ayeeeee c:< - Name: Silverpaw(Silverstreak) Moons: Around 8 Moons Gender: Female Appearance: Gray she-cat with darker gray stripes/streaks and bright blue eyes. Clan: Riverclan Rank: Apprentice Bio: Her sister is Spoonkit, who she raised all by herself after her mother died which was not long ago. Other: BLERGH...Idk. - Name: Spoonkit(Spoonpaw/Spoonshine) Moons: 2 Moons Gender: Female Appearance: A tiny, very skinny, gray she-kit with baby blue eyes. Clan: Riverclan Rank: Kit c: Bio: Her older sister is Silverpaw. Her mother died only a few quarter moons ago. Other: Dunno. - Name: Fadinglight Moons: Around 16 Moons Gender: Female Appearance: Black she-cat with fading to white paws/tailtip/belly&chest fur/ear tips/muzzle Clan: Riverclan Rank: N/A Bio: She enjoys watching over Spoonkit and Silverpaw, but she's not related to any of them. Other:
#88023523Monday, January 28, 2013 11:53 PM GMT

Accepted o3o
#88025223Tuesday, January 29, 2013 12:15 AM GMT

Name:Moonlightshadow (Hadtoo, sowwy .^.) Moons:15 Gender:Female Appearance:A dark grey she-cat with the grey darkening to black to the tip of her tail. So shes a light gray on her muzzle and face, then the colors darken near the neck, belly, then is black on her tail. Clan:Windclan Rank:Warrior Bio:A cheery Cat. Loves hunting, one of the best fighters out there. Other:NYA....I LOVE TEH SONG MOONLIGHT SHADOW .^. Name:Treeleap Moons:25 Gender:Tom Appearance:A white warrior with gray paws Clan:Thunderclan Rank:Warrior Bio:Loves trees and climbing them. Catched msotly squirrles Other::\ Name:Ice Moons:6 Gender:sHE-CAT Appearance:A Silver cat with a dark grey stripe on her back Clan:???(TO JOIN RC) Rank:Rouge Bio:Loves water Other:Fishing rocks!
#88025304Tuesday, January 29, 2013 12:16 AM GMT

accepted and Moonlightshadow is perfectly fine! o3o
#88025405Tuesday, January 29, 2013 12:18 AM GMT

Yay .^. With all the cats, may we start?)
#88026433Tuesday, January 29, 2013 12:31 AM GMT

#88026778Tuesday, January 29, 2013 12:35 AM GMT

Ice: Ice was just padding around another peice of the so called 'Clans' territory. This time it was The Riverclan. 'They probably jsut fight amongst them selves in these stupid clans.' she thought. MoonlightShadow: The gray she-cat pelted across the moor chasing a rabbit. She was finally about a fox length away! Moonlightshadow jumps and caught the rabbit, giving it a swift bite to the neck. "This will feed half the clan!" muttered Moonlightshadow proudly.
#88029287Tuesday, January 29, 2013 1:05 AM GMT

Soulstar I wake up and I go out patrolling the border. "I smell a rouge." I meow. "Strange. And it's fresh. But, I don't see any trail of one." I walk down the river and I spot Ice. "Hey, you! Why are you over here?" I yowl. I start walking over there.
#88729340Friday, February 08, 2013 1:09 AM GMT

Ice: I quickly turn around. "And who do you think you are?" she spat. She instantly leaped at Soulstar. (****SPOILER ALERT!**** Somehow...lets say.... Ice's eye gets torn out. Now she will join ur clan and become medi app(?))
#88777016Friday, February 08, 2013 8:47 PM GMT

(YUSSSS. I WILL LET THAT HAPPEN!) Soulstar "I am leader of Riverclan!" I hiss, quickly trying to get out of the way. (I dunno if I get hit or not :P)
#92739132Monday, March 25, 2013 12:49 AM GMT

Ice Ice missed the jump, exept sitl clawed her flank. Her jump was too powerful, and she got launched in the tree. Moonlightpaw/Shadow Moonlightshadow heard the riverclan leader, Soulstar, yowling. SHe smelled another cat. Setting her catch down, she ran and went to help, crashing into the cat on the tree, knocking her over.
#93049471Thursday, March 28, 2013 2:29 PM GMT

(I'm not going to be on long much, so I'm just going to wait for the next post C:)
#93052937Thursday, March 28, 2013 3:40 PM GMT

It's that different forest territory, so that makes it original!
#93318314Saturday, March 30, 2013 11:51 PM GMT

#93320744Sunday, March 31, 2013 12:13 AM GMT

(I...I think those Warrior Cat lake territory games on page 20 are where you should go.)
#93323167Sunday, March 31, 2013 12:35 AM GMT

Name:WolfHeart Moons:About 20 Apperance: Dark gray she, Black tail tip, black paws, black ears, black chew, black underbelly, black muzzle, and a large scar over left shoulder Bio: Both brother (StripeKit & CrowKit) died at birth leaving WolfHeart ( me) alone, mother was killed by a fox and father was shot by two-leg Attitude: Independent, Agile, and Inteligent
#93323476Sunday, March 31, 2013 12:38 AM GMT

(Forgot some stuff for WolfHeart) Gender: Female Rank: Young Warrior Clan: Thunder Other: Loves to hunt in the trees and hide in them too because feels safe in them and also likes a good laugh now and then
#93323577Sunday, March 31, 2013 12:39 AM GMT

I make one joke and you attempt to pin me down and attack me with a brick.
#95085524Tuesday, April 16, 2013 11:16 PM GMT

(actually, yes. (Church song kind of music)Sometime late at night I stear up at the ceiling and close my eyes and my mind is reading.so I think about sone stuff that's super mega deep oh these are the question i ask my self before i go to sleep.like do bees cry? who invented houses? did cavemen ever ride on dinosaurs?what are stop signs octagons and not squares? How come it doesn't hurt when I cut my hair? Questioooooonss these are the quesstiooons. We ask before are answers awake with all of are questions how do they get THOES ships in bottles? Do goas ever get Hungary? What do my teacher do n the weekends? Do spiders ever have party's?who would win in a fight again between a shark and a panther. it depends is the fight on water or on land? oh I guess on land. can the shark walk? Sure the shark has legs and can walk. (Shauna) I say the panther. (Chanelle)Wait does the shark have arms to?(jermey) Sure the shark has arms to.(Tristan and chanlle) Defanatily the panther.(channelle) were GETING totally off track! Back to who invented houses. was his name mr houses??(all) Questiooooooossss these are the questiooooos. We ask before are awnsers awake with all are questions.the last question ill ask if ill have that weird dream again about the giant toe.questions. (End of church like music) (giant toe talking) GIANT TOE? I HAVE A NAME YOU KNOW IT'S ROBERT, ROBERT TOE!!! (Chanelle talking) srry.good night Robert....toe...(toe talking) oh and shark vs panther defanatialy the shark. Toe out!) XD
#95085893Tuesday, April 16, 2013 11:19 PM GMT

(Don't mind Bebi. He's just being pompous, as usual.)
#95233676Thursday, April 18, 2013 9:05 PM GMT

(thank you, tai.)

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