#111548297Friday, August 30, 2013 1:35 PM GMT

(Next page! I think that this is 700 replies to this thread! One more page before Duck's adminship!)
#111548607Friday, August 30, 2013 1:41 PM GMT

(I know Duck, I was just wondering if you got some special permission via party chat. Anyway, I'll begin now!) Flanchor Today was the day I'm going to start my journey. Seeing as it's midsummer, I guess I'll take the summer route. I have a new journal ready for me to record my findings, and it's time to start off on the first part of my journey through the past - The tomb of the Black Knight. A ten-day ride shouldn't be too bad, especially considering that there are many travelers this close to the city. Still, it never hurts to be careful, I think as I glance at my knife. I saddle my horse, and go to say good-bye to my friends. I'm going to miss them. I might one day return here after I'm done with all of my goals.
#111548862Friday, August 30, 2013 1:47 PM GMT

@Flanchor: "Goodbye, my friend," one of your best friends says, "Look out on the roads ahead, there may be more surprises than you think!" @Ultimate: (We'll continue tomorrow, I'm getting tired. Also, for the name you gave the capital of Westernland, it seems like Duck's ISRP's with larry. Really, Duck should read your CS!)
#111548991Friday, August 30, 2013 1:50 PM GMT

(K, g'night. I'm also a little tired, come to think of it...)
#111550802Friday, August 30, 2013 2:23 PM GMT

(Yeah I miss that ISRP I hope he posts on it soon.)
#111591621Friday, August 30, 2013 10:27 PM GMT

(Creepy. I honestly didn't know about that.) Flanchor "I'll watch out, and I'll write when I arrive at the tomb of the Black Knight!" I say, as I get on my horse and begin to ride away. I can't believe that I'm finally going.
#111612794Saturday, August 31, 2013 1:35 AM GMT

@Duck/Ultimate: (Why don't I believe that?) @Flanchor: As you ride away, you begin thinking of all the good times you've had at home, and all that you may discover about the undead monstrosity known as the Black Knight.
#111625999Saturday, August 31, 2013 3:33 AM GMT

Name: Cyrus Wingachangu Age: 13 Appearance: Young tough warrior with Deep Brown eyes and muscular body. Clothing: From: East of central Westernland in the area technically within the territory of the Dermindax council Items: Bow with 20 iron/steel mixed arrows. Mostly iron. 40 arrows stashed under, above, and in things around his village. 40 at each of 10 locations. Also, a iron longsword Bio: I like to fight my way throughout wars or battles. Not baby out of them so I don't take risks at least twice a day. I take at lest 2 risks a day because it makes me a loyal warrior to the Nation of Clarton's to be a part of something to make us more powerful Other: I am single and live in the woods by my village to stay hidden from any spies sent out to hunt me down.
#111630909Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:24 AM GMT

@Awesome: (Just a few things - 1: Clothing needs to be filled in. 2: There is no nation called Clarton. 3: Who'd be hunting you down? 4: You need to fill in your bio. 5: There's a magic word that you need to read.)
#111640297Saturday, August 31, 2013 7:03 AM GMT

(Dont you think he has to many arrows as well?)
#111640376Saturday, August 31, 2013 7:05 AM GMT

@Duck: (Of that quality, maybe. Send me a party thingamajig.)
#111643884Saturday, August 31, 2013 8:36 AM GMT

Flanchor I keep riding, knowing that soon, I will discover all the secrets of history. -Christopher Columbus didn't discover America, Lief Erikson did!-
#111649566Saturday, August 31, 2013 11:48 AM GMT

@Flanchor: You ride for a few hours, in the solitude of your thoughts. What secrets will the tomb of the Black Knight hold for you?
#111649615Saturday, August 31, 2013 11:50 AM GMT

Flanchor I look up at the sun to find out what time it is.
#111650322Saturday, August 31, 2013 12:10 PM GMT

Caligo Mh. Quite an eventful day this has been. Sadly, I may get in more trouble if I continue to journey with these folks. Hopefully they stop getting in trouble as we arrive to our destination, so that I may depart without getting tempted to continue on with them.
#111650469Saturday, August 31, 2013 12:13 PM GMT

@Arthur/Caligo: You continue your ride westward. @Flanchor: You've been riding all day, it's midnight now! @Ultimate: (That was just to set you on the same clock with everyone else)
#111650595Saturday, August 31, 2013 12:15 PM GMT

(Oh yeah, and sorry about how infrequent I post. School has been barring me with most of my time wasting activities.)
#111650670Saturday, August 31, 2013 12:17 PM GMT

@Wasabi: (It's OK, just follow this thread or mark it or whatever so that you can get to it quickly even if it's not on the first page...)
#111650735Saturday, August 31, 2013 12:18 PM GMT

Flanchor I set up my camp, and quickly fall asleep. -Christopher Columbus didn't discover America, Lief Erikson did!-
#111745733Sunday, September 01, 2013 3:39 AM GMT

Arthur I wonder how far we had left to go.
#111752226Sunday, September 01, 2013 4:43 AM GMT

Caligo I start observing my environment more closely, wondering if there were any dangers lurking.
#111752438Sunday, September 01, 2013 4:45 AM GMT

@Arthur/Caligo: You continue riding. @Flanchor: You sleep a dreamless sleep, surprisingly enough.
#111752820Sunday, September 01, 2013 4:49 AM GMT

Caligo I start observing my environment more closely, wondering if there were any dangers lurking.
#111767706Sunday, September 01, 2013 8:51 AM GMT

(Lol wasabi.) Arthur I begin to grow weary but I had to save my master but how could I know to trust these people or those around me now?
#111767807Sunday, September 01, 2013 8:54 AM GMT

@Caligo: Nope, no dangers. @Arthur: Only time will tell, you suppose. "Arthur," Darikinth said, "How long has it been since you left your village?" Darikinths memory must not be so well, due to the poison.