#88398425Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:04 AM GMT

(Is it too late to join?)
#88398426Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:04 AM GMT

I look my master and smile wondering what other mysteries surround him.
#88398687Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:11 AM GMT

@Whoever asked if it's too late to join: It's never too late to join! @Duck: After a little while of riding, Darikinth says "We're here, my apprentice! Come, let's get a room in their inn before it gets too crowded."
#88398772Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:14 AM GMT

"Ok first I will put the mounts in the stable and I will meet you inside master." I get off my horse and grab the two mounts by the reins and lead them round to the stable.
#88398826Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:16 AM GMT

@Duck: One of the stable workers asks "Is that a giant wolf?" when you go into the stable.
#88399061Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:24 AM GMT

Name: Verseba Gunner RP age: 21 Appearance: Tall (about 6ft 8'), quite strong, well built. Blue eyes, with black, long, scruffy hair. A small cut on his face from an old fight. Clothing: Silver chrstplate with black domes on the shoulders which hold a long, red flowing cape. Silver leggings and a small, horned helmet. From where: Ghikilon Items: Large battleaxe, purse with 59 (currency is gold coins, right?) And a small vial of healing potion Bio: He grew up in Ghikilon, living with his grandfather after his parents were killed in a bandit raid on the village. He trained with his Grandfather, and became a strong warrior. When his grandfather died, he was left with his older amour, which he has donned and never cast aside since. His current job is the guard of the town and outlying fields and plains. Other: Friendly with new people, but fierce in battle
#88399085Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:25 AM GMT

Also Other: Warlock (Im not one, just doing with you said in the rules)
#88399214Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:30 AM GMT

@Mika: Just specify the nation that you're from, whether it's a village, town or city, and you're done! Oh, also, silver armor is quite expensive, maybe we can change that to iron?
#88399252Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:31 AM GMT

(I put my location in Ghikilon, because that's where you guys are. What nations that in. And yeah sure, irons fine.)
#88399315Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:33 AM GMT

@Mika: (It's in Gerinil, start RP'ing when you're ready)
#88399410Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:37 AM GMT

(Ok) I walk into the inn tired and weary. It was a long day today, with two bandit raids on one single farm, and a thief escaping from jail. Not to mention the chasing down of all the cattle from when the second bandit raid left their fence open. I collapse at the bar and order a mug of ale.
#88400013Sunday, February 03, 2013 10:01 AM GMT

Name: Ayumi Yuki RP age: 18 Appearance: Long Curly Ginger Hair, Green Eyes, Pale Skin and Lips, Tall, and Skinny Clothing: Iron Armour From where: Konga Village Items: A Bag around her Horse which contains: Arrows, Bottle of Water, Tins of Food, Empty Glass Bottles, Bandages, Spoon, Fork, and Knife. Then a Sword in a Sword Pouch around her, A Shield on her back, and a Bow around her back. Bio: Tough, Can Be Mean, Pretty, Expert Killer, Expert Horse Rider, and has a Horse Other: Warlock
#88400104Sunday, February 03, 2013 10:05 AM GMT

I look at the stable worker "I believe it is but it is a tame beast as far as I know."
#88400236Sunday, February 03, 2013 10:11 AM GMT

I rode my horse to the Stables, when I saw 2 men talking, I went over "Hello," I said.
#88400324Sunday, February 03, 2013 10:14 AM GMT

(@Rose, you have to wait for Tim to accept you.)
#88400583Sunday, February 03, 2013 10:25 AM GMT

Name: Rekember 'Elk' Trident RP age: 16 Appearance: He stands at 6'1 in height with an averagely muscular build. His eyes are slightly sunken into his head and his nose is a bit long (It also has an arch on it, which gives him the appearance of having a beak at times), but he could overall pass as generally good looking. He has the beginnings of a mustache and his eyes are a shade of light blue. His hair goes to the length of his chin and is black, and his skin could be described generally as an olive color. He's new in the whole field of exploration, bearing only one scar which he sports on his left cheek, starting near his nose and reaching downwards in a diagonal fashion towards the bottom of his jaw. Unlike some scars, it is quite old and therefore is only a region of severe skin discoloration if anything. Clothing: His most basic clothing, though in horrid condition, could be said at a point in the past as having been an expensive green silk robe horribly mixed with rugged leather pants. The robe itself was his father's, worn on special occasions before his unfortunate death. The pants were designed actually not for farming, but for real combat despite the low defensive value against a sharp blade. They were from the village armory, which could be described as much less than adequate as far as armories go. His feet are wrapped in bandage-like cloth, over which he wears woolen socks. His actual shoes are boots made of an unknown sort of animal fur. He wears three leather bands around his torso which are adorned with pockets and pouches on the front, and are higher on the right of his torso than the left, where the wrap around near his stomach. Worn in an opposite fashion (On the left, and in this case actually OVER the shoulder), he has a similar leather band which slips under the others and holds his Axe should he need it. Over the sleeves of his robe, he wears a second pair of black sleeves which are sown on at the shoulder. Beneath, are two leather straps on each arm, which he could potentially hide extra weapons should he encounter any. Finally, he also has a belt made with black leather, rather than brown, which has three pouches hanging from it on the left side. The pouches, from left to right, can be described as such: The smallest, tinted with red dye. The largest, yellow in hue, not from dye but simply the material used. The medium size among other others, with an average light olive color. From where: A village in a small unclaimed region of the forest, right outside the borders of Gerinil and Lesinod. It's technically in the area controlled by Surandruin, however his range of destruction evidently is quite smaller than sometimes suspected. The town is in a valley, which has much less trees than the region on and around the surrounding mountains. It's a farming village, with only twenty families and a struggling marketplace. It's 'leader' of sorts was Elk's father Gredtvar. That's mainly because Gredtvar's father was the town's founder more than anything. Gredtvar died when the village was attacked by a clan of robbers, who figured the village was easy pickings. They assumed correctly, and Gredtvar was the only fatality. After his death the other men reluctantly admitted to the Robbers, who took several of the villagers (Women and Children) to their camp. At the time of Elk's leaving, it is unknown whether they were recovered. Items: Elk carries three silver coins located in the Medium belt pouch which serves as a wallet, An Axe purposed for woodcutting but sharp enough for attacking most lighter armored foes, a lemon-sized round bottle holding a potion which promotes bone growth and can supposedly repair shattered bones in mere days (Main component is the liquid from an eye of a Grizzly Bear, another being magic luminescent dust) which is located in the largest belt pouch which is purposed for potion holding, and a sizable chunk of steel with a small bit of flint which are purposed for making fire and are kept in the red belt pouch. Bio: Elk was born in a nameless farming village in a valley surrounded by a chain of forested mountains. The town was founded by his grandfather, putting his dad Gredtvar as town leader after his death due to unknown illnesses twenty years ago. Gredtvar was a great leader, considering he never really faced any challenges until his demise. One day, an armed bandit spotted the town from the mountains. For months, he staked out the town before returning to his Robber Camp, which sent several fully suited knights to pillage the place. They were met by a weak resistance, who wasn't even acknowledged. The men of the village, with weak leather padding as armor and swords made sometimes out of even wood; were pushed to the ground rather than being struck by the robbers' weapons. Gredtvar was killed by the Bandit Chief simply as a means to induce a silence in the mob which had formed. Elk was only seven at the time. He was pushed to the ground by the bandit chief when he attempted to make it back his fatally wounded father. A rock tore open his cheek when he struck the ground, and the wound got infected. The resulting fever that lasted for months following induced delusion and memory loss, and as a result he cares very little about his father's death. He sometimes jokes about the event when among friends, though no one except him laughs usually, unless nervously. In the years stacking up towards his departure from his home, the town suffered rising debt and weaker harvest each fall. As the number of inhabitants halved from around 500 to closer to 250, the increasing amounts of work to be done and the lower and lower pay led Elk to pack up some thinks of sentimental value as well as a bit of basic combat gear and straight up leave in the night. No one noticed. He then went on to be what he deems to be a warrior, someone who kills beasts and sells their remains or possibly collects rewards for bounties on the creatures. The only things that he's killed so far have been rabbits and a massive snake that attacked his camp when he woke one morning. He hopes to change that. Other: That's pretty much it. Sorry for the Wordwall, I tried to put some divides in there for you.
#88404002Sunday, February 03, 2013 12:27 PM GMT

(Wow that's a lot of detail.)
#88497501Monday, February 04, 2013 7:48 AM GMT

(Is this thing already dead? No one's posted all day.)
#88497754Monday, February 04, 2013 7:59 AM GMT

(No it is not dead it is just Tim has not been on all day.)
#88498111Monday, February 04, 2013 8:21 AM GMT

(Sorry 'bout that, I had school. Anyway, back to the RP) @Duck: "If you say so, but I think that I'd better watch it!" said the stableworker. @Mike: In the inn, you see lots of people gathered in conversation and games of dice, bartenders dealing whatever drinks they serve and other forms of entertainment. @Rose: Bio is short for biography. Add some of your characters history, please. @Banshee: You're forgetting something in the "Other". Please re-read the rules if you don't know.
#88498305Monday, February 04, 2013 8:35 AM GMT

"Do as you please." I walk back around and walk into the inn and try to find my master.
#88498536Monday, February 04, 2013 8:56 AM GMT

(Sorry, I wrote it in segments so I guess I left some stuff out. Warlock.)
#88498573Monday, February 04, 2013 9:00 AM GMT

(K. The RP'ing might be a little slow, as one of the RP'ers here is offline currently.) @Banshee: Accepted
#88498657Monday, February 04, 2013 9:08 AM GMT

(Okay but can you do my next bit?)
#88498895Monday, February 04, 2013 9:36 AM GMT

Elk I wake up, and stomp out the last embers of the fire. Then I look around, observing my surroundings.