#88530140Monday, February 04, 2013 11:13 PM GMT

The Black orb sends out a comforting and attracting pulse.
#88530151Monday, February 04, 2013 11:13 PM GMT

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#88530328Monday, February 04, 2013 11:15 PM GMT

stop it super make it fly out the window now pls
#88530393Monday, February 04, 2013 11:16 PM GMT

(Fine...) The black orb sends out an angry shock of electricity into the mains, creating a power cut, before flying off.
#88530742Monday, February 04, 2013 11:19 PM GMT

(thank you i <3 u) Joshua Finally.. Whatever that was.. I will figure it out later or just ignore it." I say, getting back into bed. I fall asleep in the next few minutes.
#88530826Monday, February 04, 2013 11:20 PM GMT

#88530881Monday, February 04, 2013 11:21 PM GMT

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#88530998Monday, February 04, 2013 11:22 PM GMT

The orb follows you outside, re-attaching. The Black orb roams the sky, looking for a new chosen.
#88531041Monday, February 04, 2013 11:22 PM GMT

UPDATE; Every new day (in the rp of course) I will try to give you the time most people wake up at, and the weather. I will probably do this for 2 days after this then forget about it because im a lazy noob. Today, it is going to be somewhat cloudy but at the same time hot, normal for Mid-Spring. It is now 5:52 AM. The sun is starting to rise, as the sky is getting whiter.
#88531125Monday, February 04, 2013 11:23 PM GMT

Joshua I couldn't sleep. Maybe it was a bad choice to let down that orb. Oh well.. I can still play games on my Poketch.
#88531340Monday, February 04, 2013 11:26 PM GMT

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#88531401Monday, February 04, 2013 11:26 PM GMT

Joshua I should start my adventure now. I am sure Treecko is tingling with energy.. What about Kylie? Well.. I do like being alone most of the time. Okay. I think for most of my adventure I will stay alone, but I still do want Kylie to join in sometimes. Plus, she has Charizard, so she can just fly over the region until she spots me. Hopefully she wont be angry. But, then again, she still does have her Pikachu to look after. I get out of bed, and open the window. I look outside, seeing a small part of the shining sun. The sky is white, and it is somewhat windy. I look at my clock. 5:59 AM. My parents might be waking up soon. I slowly walk back to my bed, and sit down beside Treecko. He is sleeping silently. His eye opens quickly. He gets up, and looks at me. He stares at the bracelet for a second, then stops. "Are you ready for our adventure?" I ask. He nods.
#88531495Monday, February 04, 2013 11:27 PM GMT

You see... no, feel the orb thinking or something.
#88531850Monday, February 04, 2013 11:31 PM GMT

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#88531869Monday, February 04, 2013 11:31 PM GMT

Joshua "The next stop is Oldale City. Not too far, but it is just a small checkpoint. I think the next big place we are going on is Rustboro. It is huge, and I think it has the first gym.. a rock type gym?" I think to myself. "If it is, me and you will wreck it!" I say. Treecko looks happy.
#88531977Monday, February 04, 2013 11:32 PM GMT

OOC; Oldale Town. im a nubfaic :3
#88532198Monday, February 04, 2013 11:34 PM GMT

N.ame:Jellicent(Lvl 50) Pokemon CS- LEVEL):Too old to count. Gender(IF POKEMON WITHOUT A GENDER, LIKE MAGNEMITE, OR A LEGENDARY, LEAVE BLANK): Species(EXAMPLE; SQUIRTLE):Jellicent Moves:Water Pluse,Hex,Surf,Brine,Protect. Wild/Captured:Wild Good/Evil/Neutral:Good Current Region/Area:Route 7 Personalities: Story(OPTIONAL):Jellicent is a Water Type And Ghost Type Pokemon Who likes surfing. Other:I want to be the Ghost king. Pokemon CS - N.ame:Herdier(Lvl 35) LEVEL):16 Gender(IF POKEMON WITHOUT A GENDER, LIKE MAGNEMITE, OR A LEGENDARY, LEAVE BLANK): Species(EXAMPLE; SQUIRTLE):Herdier Moves:Take Down,Bite,Crunch,Detect. Wild/Captured:Captured Good/Evil/Neutral:Good Current Region/Area:Route 7 Personalities: Story(OPTIONAL): Other:I want to become the best pokemon! Pokemon CS - N.ame:Crustle (Lvl 31) LEVEL):22 Gender(IF POKEMON WITHOUT A GENDER, LIKE MAGNEMITE, OR A LEGENDARY, LEAVE BLANK): Species(EXAMPLE; SQUIRTLE):Crustle Moves:Crush,Low Kick,Take Down,Protect. Wild/Captured:Captured Good/Evil/Neutral:Neutral Current Region/Area:Route 7 Personalities: Story(OPTIONAL): Other:I will bang the champion with my power! Human CS - N.ame:Robert Gender:Boy Appearance:Battle Clothes And a Crustle Hat. Current Location:Route 7 Pokemon:Jellicent,Herdier,Crustle. Story (OPTIONAL): Personalities: Good/Evil/Neutral:Good Items:5 Hyper Poitions Other:Pokemon are Epik!
#88532359Monday, February 04, 2013 11:36 PM GMT

All unaccepted. They need personalities. Well, okay, Jellicent is accepted. The rest are not.
#88532890Monday, February 04, 2013 11:41 PM GMT

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#88533063Monday, February 04, 2013 11:43 PM GMT

Human CS - N.ame:Robert Gender:Boy Appearance:Battle Clothes And a Crustle Hat. Current Location:Route 7 Pokemon:Jellicent,Herdier,Crustle. Story (OPTIONAL): Personalities:Brave Good/Evil/Neutral:Good Items:5 Hyper Poitions Other:Pokemon are Epik! Pokemon CS - N.ame:Crustle (Lvl 31) LEVEL):22 Gender(IF POKEMON WITHOUT A GENDER, LIKE MAGNEMITE, OR A LEGENDARY, LEAVE BLANK): Species(EXAMPLE; SQUIRTLE):Crustle Moves:Crush,Low Kick,Take Down,Protect. Wild/Captured:Captured Good/Evil/Neutral:Neutral Current Region/Area:Route 7 Personalities:Happy Story(OPTIONAL): Other:I will bang the champion with my power! Pokemon CS - N.ame:Herdier(Lvl 35) LEVEL):16 Gender(IF POKEMON WITHOUT A GENDER, LIKE MAGNEMITE, OR A LEGENDARY, LEAVE BLANK): Species(EXAMPLE; SQUIRTLE):Herdier Moves:Take Down,Bite,Crunch,Detect. Wild/Captured:Captured Good/Evil/Neutral:Good Current Region/Area:Route 7 Personalities:Brave Story(OPTIONAL): Other:I want to become the best pokemon! There,Personalitys.
#88533079Monday, February 04, 2013 11:43 PM GMT

Joshua I get out my back pack and then start to put my belongings in it. I put a water bottle, my lunch, everything you need. My pokeballs, my potions, everything. I check the time on my Poketch. 6:13 PM.
#88533155Monday, February 04, 2013 11:44 PM GMT

Personalities*, and okay, I guess your accepted. You can start role playing..
#88533210Monday, February 04, 2013 11:45 PM GMT

Um... I posted personalitys on my recent post.
#88533437Monday, February 04, 2013 11:47 PM GMT

Joshua I run downstairs with Treecko, my sweater on, and my backpack on. No one is home or awake. To be safe.. I will right a note. I jump on the sofa and get out a piece of paper. I take a pen that I find laying around on the coffee table. "Hi mother.. and father. Well, as you know, I recently got Treecko so you both expected me to leave on an adventure. I am leaving now. The time is currently 6:17 PM when I am leaving. I promise to come back every once in a while to say hi and show you my pokemon, or maybe have a battle with people down in Littleroot. For now, goodbye and such. - Joshua" I think.. where would they both look to read the note.. I get some tape and put it on the TV screen.
#88533755Monday, February 04, 2013 11:50 PM GMT

Once again, its personalitIES. And you did. Only for one CS, I believe.