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#89148736Wednesday, February 13, 2013 2:04 AM GMT

The caps title was to get your attention. I think we should add a path block tool. What I am saying is, there should be a tool that looks like some kind of path and when we click a block with the tool, a line appears. You can edit the line to create a path for the block to go in. For example, I click the block and move the arrow straight and the block will move straight when entering. There would also be a loop and reverse option. The block would go in reverse or loop the path over and over again. This would make cool obbies and maybe other ways in places if you are creative enough. Don't tell me that this is scriptable BECAUSE it is not. I have never seen a single script with this feature. Even if it was scriptable, it would be easier to use a tool then mess around with a complex script. If support, thanks. If no support, explain why. If you don't explain, I will take that as a support. Thanks for reading.

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