#89431998Saturday, February 16, 2013 7:55 PM GMT

(Oh, thanks for noticing Enzo! Yeah, you have to change that. Also, in your post above the "i's" should be capitalized.)
#89432204Saturday, February 16, 2013 7:57 PM GMT

(He also has to much spacing in between, tyou can have 1 sentence pargraphs but only if you have longer paragraphs, and You need to indent and please do either third person or 1st person with your name example: -Enzo- I fel the ground around me and start to..... and so on.)
#89432326Saturday, February 16, 2013 7:58 PM GMT

As, i woke up i noticed something odd the house was gone suddenly! As i thought what sorcery is this? I kept walking forward in look for water and supplies.
#89432360Saturday, February 16, 2013 7:59 PM GMT

(Also if correcting do this:(correction)*feel and if posting off rp use parantheese()
#89432479Saturday, February 16, 2013 8:00 PM GMT

(I'm pretty sure he's just trolling now.)
#89432550Saturday, February 16, 2013 8:01 PM GMT

(What to you mean?)
#89432798Saturday, February 16, 2013 8:04 PM GMT

(Just ignore him) -R.I.P. Erik Cassel
#89432854Saturday, February 16, 2013 8:04 PM GMT

[ignore loner] -R.I.P. Erik Cassel
#89433009Saturday, February 16, 2013 8:06 PM GMT

(Yeah, sorry loner you should try practicing or watching other roleplays.) Mason I started to wander around in despair, hoping I could find at least someone. I saw a black dot in the far distance, so I headed towards it. Maybe it was just a speck of dirt in my eye, but at least it was something to give me hope. I activated my Polaron. I was heading south-west. It was almost 5:00, which meant it was going to get dark soon. I needed to get to the dot.
#89443105Saturday, February 16, 2013 9:51 PM GMT

(Wah two pages.) ~Alaska~ I followed the others. I didn't like to be part of the conversation. If I had to, I would. I was a fighter. Hated to leave that guy with those birds. But things happened. Some of them things we won't like.
#89446382Saturday, February 16, 2013 10:28 PM GMT

Jay As the bird tries to hit me, I punch it straight into the face,smashing its beak(not trying to be OP,but sorry if i am). ≈"Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that EVERYBODY DIED! The end!"-Patrick≈
#89446701Saturday, February 16, 2013 10:31 PM GMT

(I guess they have frail beaks. .3.)
#89447391Saturday, February 16, 2013 10:38 PM GMT

(XD, not that big of a deal. Just don't start killing all of them XD.) Mason I marched through the sand dutifully towards the dot. The heat was really getting to me now, and I was sweating like crazy. I needed water, or I was going to die of dehydration. Hopefully they had water at whatever place was ahead.
#89459882Sunday, February 17, 2013 12:57 AM GMT

Enzo groaned and woke up. He glanced around. The birds had dropped him somewhere else in the desert and were circling around him. He tried tio sit up but something held him back. He screamed in pain, roots were holding him! "Help me!"He tyelled but then the roots cklamped over his mouth and tightened over his body. Enzo struggled wiith them but he couldn't escape. Then he saw a black figure walk towards him. The man laughed.The roots let Enzo breathe and he could speak again. "Who are you?"Enzo asks. The man ws wearing a dark cloack, and he had pale skin. You could not see his eyes and barely anything of his face. The cloack completely covered him. "Enzo...Enzo...Enzo..... you'll remember me.....soon enough. But for now, I must introduce my birds." With a motion of his hand the birds landed on his shoulder. "How do you know my name?" He asked. "Oh...ou'll know that soon to, birds, please introduce yourself."One by one the birds jumped down, the show was starting.
#89463136Sunday, February 17, 2013 1:33 AM GMT

Jay I wrap my shirt on my head,pick up the bird,and run to the others
#89468019Sunday, February 17, 2013 2:25 AM GMT

Mason I arrived at the building, sweating and out of breath. It was much bigger than it had appeared earlier, almost six stories. I collapsed in front of the door, my lips and tongue parched.
#89470765Sunday, February 17, 2013 2:56 AM GMT

~Alaska~ I was at the back of the group, at least the back of most of the group. I slipped past one boy, opening the building door. I dragged the boy inside. "Come in." I told the others.
#89470883Sunday, February 17, 2013 2:58 AM GMT

(Is that meh? :P)
#89470930Sunday, February 17, 2013 2:58 AM GMT

#89471238Sunday, February 17, 2013 3:02 AM GMT

(Then we're alone because I got separated from the group) Mason I looked up at the person who had dragged me in. It was a girl. "Thanks," I said quietly, although my voice was scratchy from dehydration. I rose to my feet wearily. Although I was a bit wobbly, I could walk. "Let's go find some water," I volunteered.
#89471796Sunday, February 17, 2013 3:08 AM GMT

(ohz) ~Alaska~ "You're welcome. Water would be good. We can go without it for three days." I say, sort of babbling.
#89472171Sunday, February 17, 2013 3:12 AM GMT

Mason "I don't know about that in this heat," I said wearily. "Mason," I said, introducing myself and holding out my hand.
#89472839Sunday, February 17, 2013 3:18 AM GMT

~Alaska~ "Same everywhere, I'm sure." I reply. I reach out to shake Mason's hand. "Alaska." I say as an introduction.
#89473257Sunday, February 17, 2013 3:23 AM GMT

Mason I continued to walk down the hallways. It was strange, as there were no doors on either side of the hallways, but only one at the end. We reached the door and I tried the handle, locked. I knocked on the door. Someone had to answer it, otherwise I was was screwed.
#89480811Sunday, February 17, 2013 4:47 AM GMT

The birds dropped down one by one. "Terran."The first said and nodded. Enzo was shocked they could talk! "Jason."Said another "Henry."Enzo was so full of names his mind was racing. The man in front of him must have known that...there was something suspicious about him... "Now that they've introduced themselves, please introduce yourself."Enzo said. The man smiled. He took off his hood of his cloak. Enzo's mouth dropped. "Hello brother..."The man said. "Let me go brother!"Enzo screamed. "I knew you'd get like this."His brother said. "Get him unconscious!"He commanded the roots and the birds. "Yes sir Brennan."The birds said. Then they moved towards Enzo, ready to knock him out. (Dun...dun..Dun)