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#89643375Monday, February 18, 2013 7:40 PM GMT

so I want to make a popular game without getting builders club because I don't have the money (i'm saving up for it though). I need to understand , how do you make it that when someone enters the game that they have gear already. I don't know how. 2nd, how do you make things to come up (e.g. in survive the disasters, how the disasters come up). 3rd, how do you get people to notice the game if I can't advertise it. Lastly, how do you get things in the games, like morphs and things like that. If you help me, ill give you credit.
#89644134Monday, February 18, 2013 7:48 PM GMT

:P 1. Make gear (Or buy them or get them from models) and put it in the starterpack. 2. Put models in lighting then make a script to change their parents to workspace randomly. 3. Tell your friends about the game, if it's good they'll get their friends to play it and eventually you'll be getting hundreds of visits a day. 4. You can make morphs or you can get them from models. -This may be a bit confusing for you, play around with Roblox Studio and you'll eventually understand. I hope this gets you started, you don't need to give me any credit.
#89644310Monday, February 18, 2013 7:50 PM GMT

I have no idea what the heck that means. thanks though. if I get it, I will give you credit though. don't think help will go unpaid. ^-^
#89644389Monday, February 18, 2013 7:51 PM GMT

To give weapons or gear as starters you can get some sort of weapon and put it into Starter Pack (Roblox Studio) the weapons can be found as free models or you can design your own. To add the disasters you can find a script on Models as I assume you probably can not script that sort of thing. Look up Survive the Disasters and you should find some results. For how to notice your game, you can always do something simple like post a thread on the forums stating: Try out my game etc. etc. To get morphs once again free models. But unless you can some what make a morph then really all you have is free models To access free models go to Catalog > Models > Search Bar (on top of page) > Type in wanted thing > Results.
#89644660Monday, February 18, 2013 7:54 PM GMT

Also for the above you are required to use Roblox Studio. Roblox Studio is a program that is very important for the building of games. Simply go to your game in Edit mod e and open Explorer (the three green boxes and a line on the tool bar) and Tool Box (2 wrenches on the tool bar). To get your models go to the tool box, scroll down, my models, and there you have it. Then to delete or edit something go to workspace > look for model > there you have it. To add weapons to starter pack click on the weapon in My Models a message should pop up saying the following: Want to put this weapon into the starter pack? Select yes and there you have weapons now. For scripts you click them and they are added. And for morphs you drag them from My Models into the desired area.
#89644725Monday, February 18, 2013 7:54 PM GMT

:'( I don't understand.
#89644901Monday, February 18, 2013 7:56 PM GMT

I think you need to ask a friend in real life if they've designed a game or if they play they should know this :3
#89645054Monday, February 18, 2013 7:57 PM GMT

ill get it though. I will try. btw im trying to make it a ninja game where you try to go to a temple but ninjas will try to stop you and once you kill one of the ninjas trying to stop you, you get money and can buy more weapons to kill the ninjas faster and get closer, what do u think?
#89645177Monday, February 18, 2013 7:58 PM GMT

Sounds interesting what would the other team be called though? Ninjas vs Humans or?
#89645282Monday, February 18, 2013 7:59 PM GMT

You need to learn how to use roblox studio. Find this in the roblox wiki. http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php/Studio Weapons go into the StarterPack. You can cut them from Workspace in explorer and paste them in StarterPack. This way everyone gets the weapon. Or you can go to your game page ,select configure, and allow weapons. This allows you and others to bring weapons they own. The second one requires a script. You might find one in catalog/models. Third , Again the use of studio is important. The best building is done in roblox studio. The game needs to be good if you want visits. Your personality needs to be friendly so you can get more friends to invite to your game. Advertising can be costly but it pays for itself with visits. Look what I Made forum is free advertising. Friends and wordofmouth will bring lots of visits. Log in everyday for 10 tix+ (15robux for BC) Putting anything into your game is best done in roblox studio. The toolbox (2crossed wrenches) is where you find all your models and such.
#89645540Monday, February 18, 2013 8:02 PM GMT

I guess the teams would be called like ninjas vs humans like you said and thus information is only just starting to make sense but I will understand soon. ill try all I can
#89646159Monday, February 18, 2013 8:07 PM GMT

Alright, and good luck making your game!
#89646665Monday, February 18, 2013 8:12 PM GMT

thanks and remember, credit will be given

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