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#89677675Tuesday, February 19, 2013 1:05 AM GMT

Don't consider this a suggestion, I'd just really like to see someone who agrees that the chat censor is ridiculous. Not the Safechat, the 13+ in-game censor. It's called report abuse, Roblox. They get banned, get a lesson. I feel like Roblox thinks that us over 13 are still "momma's little babies" that can't handle the least bit of responsibility. 13- People can't even see our chats...so what's the point of this over-protectiveness? Why is it that we as being responsible people have a baby-proof censor when there is no babies around to hear it? Please tell me, Roblox, why this is essential. Yes, I know. It is to "make sure everyone on Roblox follows the rules." But is that true? Suppose you say something profane on a game. The whole server heard it. Yes, all us 13+ "children" who need to be kept away from profanity. The person MIGHT get reported and MIGHT get banned, and the people still heard it. The person, after their warning'ban, gets mad AGAIN and says something profane. Doesn't solve anything. I know, what I just said does not help my argument. It shows that the censor is needed and that more punishment is needed. But I disagree with that, and that's not even what I'm suggesting. So what's my point? My point is explained in the first and second paragraphs. Why do us 13+ responsible people have to be monitored through every sentence, every word we say? And further extending my point, why does the censor block what it does? Balls can mean spherical balls. Doing it can be an action. Suck can be used to exclaim unhappiness. Example: "This really sucks..." Etc. Why not just block every word? Just about all of them can be put together to say something rude or vulgar. Or, get this, you can use *'s. AMAZING!!!! Or you can just say the letters in a sequential order. Example: B A L L S AMAZING!!!!!! So what good is the censor anyways? I'm tired of emphasizing the reasons the 13+ censor is stupid. So go ahead, shout "WNTS" at me, troll me, give me non-constructive criticism. I will simply laugh at your attempts to change my opinion, which wil never happen. Come all ye moderators, you shalt shut thine thread down. BUT YOU SHALL NOT CHANGE MY OPINION!!! MWAHAHAHAH!!! Anyone who agrees? Don't agree? Tell me why, or I consider you ub3r n00b. ~Firestorm Productions©: Brightening your day.
#89678291Tuesday, February 19, 2013 1:11 AM GMT

You do realize 13+ on Roblox means nothing since more then half of Roblox lied about their age anyways.
#89678653Tuesday, February 19, 2013 1:14 AM GMT

If they are gonna lie about their age, roblox should make up a test of your knowledge ( so that they know what your age and grade is ) and come up with a guess of how old you are ~вєƒσяє уσυ тяσℓℓ, тнιηк тнαт уσυ'яє gσηηα ℓινє υη∂єя α вяι∂gє~
#89678848Tuesday, February 19, 2013 1:16 AM GMT

@nooblits2199 That would also prove very little. How old you are has nothing to do with what grade your in or what your knowledge is.
#89734833Tuesday, February 19, 2013 8:50 PM GMT

@That guy above Suppose they are mentally impaired, but 13+? And I thought I explained why kids lying about their age can be fixed... Or not. But I'll show a way to fix that, too. You have an em@il address lock. It's required to enter an em@il address, and it is entered into a system...and if you enter that in again, you cannot use it to make an alt. Oh wait that's to stop the spamming of alts. To stop kids lying about their age, I'm not sure. Actually I am. But I don't feel like posting more pointless ranting about how the supersafechat system is stupid and doesn't work. But just saying why I think that the censor should be removed. And it's not on old thing. It was implemented in late 2012, which is pretty recent. So it's not like I'm demanding an entire overhaul of the system. :P ~Firestorm Productions©: Brightening your day.
#89735006Tuesday, February 19, 2013 8:52 PM GMT

And that's not my point anyways. If ROBLOX really cared about kids lying about their age, wouldn't they have come up with some brilliant solution within the past 6 years? So why is that as issue? Roblox doesn't seem to care. ~Firestorm Productions©: Brightening your day.
#89750975Tuesday, February 19, 2013 11:54 PM GMT

Suck is censored because... replace S with F and you get it.. I personally think they should just censor the cuss words, not the words that have near same spelling. I can't even describe a wall that holds back water with out getting CDed in game. Dam, not the other. Dam meaning: A barrier constructed to hold back water and raise its level, the resulting reservoir being used in the generation of electricity or as... Oh roblox made you should oh I don't know... Censor out GD cuss word. You let that go on. Or maybe, just remove the whole thing. Cause I can tell ya dis. Your chat blocker doesn't block swearing, period. Go play BW:TL, apoc rising, any game that will make you rage... F BOMBER TIME! Or, maybe worst. Roblox, really either block everything out. or just remove it. (Mod's don't CD me. I understand the rules, but I clearly posted this to point out the flaws in your system.)
#89752147Wednesday, February 20, 2013 12:05 AM GMT

The number 13 is scare's me.
#89760857Wednesday, February 20, 2013 1:29 AM GMT

its nothing but when you turn into a jack, and cause grief to your family for a year. its nothing at all... Really, nothing.
#89763133Wednesday, February 20, 2013 1:52 AM GMT

@Guest, the exact reason I posted this. To hopefully show the "flawless" rule-makers of Roblox (or whoever makes the rules and protects them) the flaws in their "great" and "fabulous" updates that "makes sure everyone follows the rules." And what happens? Some idiot doesn't read it all and contradicts me on a point which I've already proved is stupid and won't work. Then, I have my traditional rant-to-rage flaming trying to get it through their heads. Then I get banned and the thread locked. -_- F***ING RAGE QUIT. *GASP* OH NOES! TEH F BOMB!!! NUUUU!!!! HE SAID THE F WORD!!!! Well would you look at that! I said it! *UBER GASP* THAT MEANS THE "FABULOUS" CENSOR DIDN'T WORK!!!!!! OH NOES!!!!! :P ~Firestorm Productions©: Brightening your day.
#89779303Wednesday, February 20, 2013 4:49 AM GMT

Lol. My reply to this forum: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=127168651 That's the Roblox censor, aimed at nothing but good people. (Roblox that is a 100% clean image, better not CD me.)
#89780334Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5:04 AM GMT

Come on, there are people that are 13+ and still see/do less than 9 year olds, getting rid of censors would not work.
#89780886Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5:13 AM GMT

Nor would having it do any better.
#89781513Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5:23 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#89815565Wednesday, February 20, 2013 9:07 PM GMT

@People that don't support Give a reason (that I have overlooked) that the censor helps. ~Firestorm Productions©: Brightening your day.
#89815900Wednesday, February 20, 2013 9:12 PM GMT

You actually bring up a good point. And besides, this is on the WNTS ONLY BECAUSE it is oversuggested, NOT because it won't happen. "Allow 13+ content (we're aware of the interest)" @people pointing out users who fake their age They are not supposed to do that, so it's their own fault if they end up seeing that kind of stuff.
#89817354Wednesday, February 20, 2013 9:31 PM GMT

@Bov "They are not supposed to do that, so it's their own fault if they end up seeing that kind of stuff." And that helps us...? Point is, your not 13 you see a teen swear you report you get us banned (good thing yes) But, roblox needs to ignore user reports from those who set their birth-date before February/20th/2000 Also, if you account's B-day was set before February/20th/2000 then you shouldn't be able to see chats at all, even if you changed the accounts born date. The point is: The censor doesn't stop swearing, let me show you how: (Noob) F space U space (you get the point) (Noob) SHIZ (Noob) F (Noob) O (Noob) 3rd letter in alphabet. (you get it) Or getting around the "No saying the D-wrod" rule. User's simple put a R before the M. Another way for bad word: Spanish. Roblox doesn't have a blocker for cuss words in Spanish. Don't say they do, cause they don't.. Mod's I'm sorry if I'm breaking any rules, but I needed to post this to show you your flaws in your system. I do take responsibility for this post. It is only to show you ways around your system I have seen in many games on roblox, many users use these ways too. So don't just ban me for telling the truth. Someone had to say it.
#89819822Wednesday, February 20, 2013 9:59 PM GMT

#89820319Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:04 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#89824017Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:48 PM GMT

^Well, I agree with that... But... Asking to remove all censoring would never, ever happen here.... What's next, censoring "Shut up" because it's rude? :P ~Firestorm Productions©: Brightening your day.

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