#2111574Saturday, August 02, 2008 2:56 AM GMT

Velo: *sleeping* Amicus: *Amicus flies over and walks around on him* Velo: *Half asleep* Amicus? Amicus *AAAAAAARRRRAAAACKK!!!!* Velo: *jumps up and usheathes sword* Don't do that! Amicus: *aaraaak*
#2111858Saturday, August 02, 2008 3:16 AM GMT

(mysterious voice): we need you now, velo. come with me. *Amicus flies out and onto the shoulder of a mysterious man.* this is urgent. you must come now.
#2111897Saturday, August 02, 2008 3:21 AM GMT

( i know i should know this but are u guys in world 1 or 2?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- -before aaron can shoot max claw stabs a knife in his leg and knifez stabs a knife right above his left knee- ----------------------------------------- -riku dissapears- rikus voice: you may have won this fight but i will get you- -arieth feignts (i cant spell it) - -claw picks her up before she hits ground and cuts a hole in mid air and goes through with knifez- ---------------------------------------- claw: she should be safe here in the tmeline i dont think she can get here let alone find us knifez: good - falls over unconnsious-
#2112013Saturday, August 02, 2008 3:30 AM GMT

(mysterious voice) velo, the world will soon fall into trajedy. you must come with me NOW *sounds a little too angry for a good guy* *dramatic music* *as velo starts to walk towards this man, everything *which was oddly dark) grows birghter, and a white knife peirces the heart of the unknown man * Hizir: hello, velo. I am hizir, the forever. that man you just saw was what we call a "faceless" a member of darkness, created by evil. But he was not lying, darkness is coming. trajedy is befalling this world. All worlds. And I believe with the right people, good or bad. we can, we will, save it. Are you ready?
#2112026Saturday, August 02, 2008 3:32 AM GMT

(my storyline revolves around all the other characters, and being in different worlds won't change that.) A tradegy is occuring, and it will efect us all. we need to gather our forces, as everyone's story eveolves, Hizir will continue to gather them.)
#2112114Saturday, August 02, 2008 3:39 AM GMT

(the reason I put him in assasin even though he is not much of a fighter, is becuase he brings in a all new term of "speed" and the tradegy issomething not even hizir can predict) (I may be using him to put all the characters together, but that does not mean he will be thier leader. and I am uncertain if they can all be united, I doubt they will agree on everything. but empending doom helps in that matter.)
#2112130Saturday, August 02, 2008 3:41 AM GMT

( WORLD 1 OR 2 ) world one is claw aaron zaid etc world 2 is .... the others lol and there is only one path between then and ONLY claw can get though it
#2112183Saturday, August 02, 2008 3:48 AM GMT

world 1 for now, but hizir is joing everyone, he knows claw can get through it, and that is why he is heading there once he recruits zelo, I said different worlds won't stop him, he will convince claw ( he will do anything to help another reason his alignment is a bit ... er.... sketchy... he can be evil, trying to do the right thing) if the only way to get everyone together is thru law, then claw it is.) but I need velo to continue... -_- ...
#2112258Saturday, August 02, 2008 3:56 AM GMT

(I say world one, becuase he needs claw... but I think I have an idea, if zelo decides h wants us on world 2. but without claw it will be hardcore, and very difficult. claw is soo lucky. hizir has to do it the insanely difficult way. but 2000 years of knowledge helps. a lot., so it is up to velo which world we are in.)
#2112617Saturday, August 02, 2008 4:52 AM GMT

reverse the worlds maybe? ur 2nd world and stuff
#2112670Saturday, August 02, 2008 4:59 AM GMT

the thing is, we could say that (if zelo so chooses to be in world 2 ) there is an item of sacred power, that can transpot from world to world, with a high price.
#2112679Saturday, August 02, 2008 5:01 AM GMT

I check back on the forums every 15 minutes or so, btw
#2113590Saturday, August 02, 2008 7:59 AM GMT

hmm i want claw the only person to be able to cross the worlds u can go though a realy hard thing to get there ----------- the entrance has 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 needles a second shooting though a 1 mile corridor and theres 9999999999999999999999999999999 holes that shoot that make needles the needles are death needles one hits u u die ---------------- room one is... lava floor poison gas is the air and theres 999999999999999 zombies in it ------------------ room 2 is 999999999999999 tanks in a 5 mile tunnel shooting at u ----------------- room 3 is 20000000000000000 lekegolo ( hunters from halo) ---------------------- room 4 is 999999999999999999999 claw clones exactley like him but they cant leave the room ---------------------- room 5 is a black hole room 6 is a white hole room 7 is a void room 8 is 20 grim reapers room 9 is 200 snipercats room 10 is the end it has 9999999999999X everything from all the other rooms AND they are all 99999999999x the power lol ---------------------- and u cant do it it one post or ntohing like that its IMPOSSIBLE for less then 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 normal people the only way is if everyone in world one gets to the place to clear it and let world 2 and one be linked and claw wont let them ----------- another thing on claw... his age: is 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 he has been around forever and is above time and space and anything else his sensai was what humans call a god ( dunt flame me or something )
#2113728Saturday, August 02, 2008 8:32 AM GMT

I meant something as in a sacrifice, like losing a loved one, or a hand or something. something that would suck reaaally bad.
#2113739Saturday, August 02, 2008 8:34 AM GMT

...right..... just becuas I make an immortal , but not all powerful person, and that you run the thread, doesn't mean you can make your character god. that would be downright retarded. really now. I know you run this particular rpg, but that is just unfair.
#2117870Saturday, August 02, 2008 5:15 PM GMT

*max faints* zaid: thats y *goes up to max and kicks him till he wakes up* max: OWW zaid: u spose to attack the girl u idiot... zaid: come on we need to get going max: easy for u to say... skeleton: where to? zaid: i have no clue... arron u seen any strange places around here? like huge villages with everything but ppl, or a place with realy heavily guarded?
#2119480Saturday, August 02, 2008 6:39 PM GMT

aaron: nope... *looks at claw agin* hmmmmmm... *thinks: he looks sort of like my brother that i saw in my vision, but im not sure.*
#2128277Sunday, August 03, 2008 4:38 AM GMT

blaze the thing is is riku and knifez are essentaily demi-gods, killable but not easy... also the worlds are seperate there is no link only claw can go to the other world w/e they are un exisatant to eachother only claw is allowed because im controlling him and i dont godmod on players if u didnt realize i use it on the evil dudes i make and stuff... another thing YOUR trying to godmod claw is a god i wanted that to be a big reveal but youve ruind it for me now stop it
#2138856Sunday, August 03, 2008 10:53 PM GMT

Velo: Hello Hizir, I'm Velocinyx.
#2140079Monday, August 04, 2008 12:14 AM GMT

boot umm mop pocket secret ------------------------------------- =i hid sumthing in that
#2142052Monday, August 04, 2008 2:29 AM GMT

Beans will Underestimate the Magic power of Peanuts. Me too :/
#2151243Monday, August 04, 2008 8:07 PM GMT

i still haven't been accepted
#2152398Monday, August 04, 2008 9:17 PM GMT

aaron: ...... *yawns and laens against a tree* what will hapen next? i wonder....
#2152565Monday, August 04, 2008 9:27 PM GMT

can i pleas come back now
#2152974Monday, August 04, 2008 9:47 PM GMT

*maxs wakes up* max: u coulda told me instead... zaid: ya but this was funnier max: >:O zaid: well no point staying here, skeleton *skeleton takes him away* max: WAIT!... im stuck here...