#90376607Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:16 AM GMT

Rolf glanced up to the rock wall, then at his shoes. He didn't mind heights, but still.
#90376724Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:17 AM GMT

Gina just stood off and watched everyone climb. If Kallum were to let down his guard for even a second...
#90376982Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:20 AM GMT

Leslie I looked over and saw Rolf. I smiled. "Rolf!" I called, waving him over.
#90377070Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:21 AM GMT

Mei I looked around the gym. With Jayde up on the wall I didn't really have anyone to talk to, or any place to even go. Not that I really wanted to talk to anyone... I just was bored. I made my way over to the bleachers. I wish there was something I could do, without having to climb and risk falling.
#90377148Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:22 AM GMT

Erin- Erin cast a gaze at Leslie. He was fine, he just didn't want to be here. "Yes." He quietly said, although he would've preferred ignoring the question. It was asked many times.
#90377402Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:25 AM GMT

Leslie "Sorry if I'm annoying you," I apologized. "It's just, I don't get to talk to a lot of people," I told him, smiling. "It's nice if you're actually listening to me, but eh, I just need someone to talk to."
#90377581Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:27 AM GMT

Erin- Erin held out his head, a motion, as if saying, "Go ahead." It was actually what he was saying. He didn't mind if she talked. He continued to watch the kids climbing the wall.
#90378019Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:32 AM GMT

Leslie I sat beside him, bored out of my mind. "I can't explain how much I hate this class!" I grumbled with a sigh. "I'm so clumsy. My dad always said I had two left feet," I chuckled, then sighed. That had been two years ago. Now he was dead, dying of a heart attack. My mom couldn't handle it and sent me here - while she went off to who knew where. [Ha. She's taken a new roll. I pictured her as this quiet girl, and that is not who she's become. xD ]
#90378698Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:39 AM GMT

Rolf noticed a familiar face and walked over. "Hello Leslie."
#90379221Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:44 AM GMT

Erin- He agreed with her on the disliking of the class. He toned in, as he was actually pretty interested.
#90392834Wednesday, February 27, 2013 6:44 AM GMT

Kallum Push, push, push, crash, crash, crash, kicking people off from really high was fun! amazingly the Gym teacher hadn't said anything, I think he was sharing the laughs! Hewitt reached the very top and hung there for a moment, "It's high all the way up here." He commented, "Yeah, even with the crash mats you nearly crush yourself, that's what I love about it." I beamed, "I think I'm going to go back down and up again." Hewitt spoke, "You going to jump?" I asked, "When I'm further down." Was his reply. Jayde's ambition to reach the top seemed to be no-longer working in her favour, with all the other people I'd sort of not noticed how high she was getting, "Hey." I began at her, scaling down so I was at the same height as her and barley two feet to the left, "You seem to be getting pretty enthusiastic." I hissed at her. Yukio She wasn't the most confident climber, there again neither was I but her determination to hold onto my hand and my determination to keep us both up we were getting gradually higher up the rock face. Turns out hand holding isn't so uncommon, I noticed quite a few of the less confident people got a friend to help them up but I was beginning to worry, soon we'd be reaching the 'red zone' where Kallum had already pushed some people back down. It was quite funny because some people actually tried to push him off as well but it never worked, for some reason he was like a spider on this rock wall...
#90395198Wednesday, February 27, 2013 11:15 AM GMT

Jayde "It's easy," I stated as I moved to the right, away from him.
#90396100Wednesday, February 27, 2013 12:05 PM GMT

(... not right. Left... right...? Idk. I'm confused.....) (Mash how dare you make me think so early in the morning!)
#90398369Wednesday, February 27, 2013 1:35 PM GMT

Leslie "Rolf, this is Erin. Erin, this is Rolf. Erin doesn't talk much - I've done mos the talking," I stated with a laugh. I watched the kids climb, but that one kid - Kallum, I think his name was, kept pushing them off the rocks. "That is why I am not climbing that," I stated, rolling my eyes.
#90399761Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:28 PM GMT

Erin- Erin continued watching the rock wall, bored out of his mind. He couldn't remember the last time someone had tried to have an actual conversation with him. Amaya- Amaya began to become excited. She was actually climbing the wall! Something she had never done and she managed to do it on her first try, with help of course.
#90400725Wednesday, February 27, 2013 3:12 PM GMT

Leslie "What is your talent?" I asked Erin, not really caring if he answered or not. "Mine's music. I'm really good at it, a prodigy, or could be." I shrugged, watching the rock wall and the kids climbing.
#90403602Wednesday, February 27, 2013 4:46 PM GMT

Kallum I grinned, she'd reached the far right edge of the rock wall so I moved closer to her again, "If it's so easy, it should be no problem at all for you to avoid then." I said, raising my right arm whilst holding on with my left.
#90403691Wednesday, February 27, 2013 4:49 PM GMT

Erin- Erin glanced at Leslie for a long moment. It's ironic, his talent, that it is singing, as he rarely talks. He didn't answer her.
#90404415Wednesday, February 27, 2013 5:09 PM GMT

(Dude! Having a freak attack in the middle of school!) (>.< Class starting. Can't post
#90409152Wednesday, February 27, 2013 7:14 PM GMT

Jayde Did I mention I wasn't a lucky person? My smile quickly disappeared, replaced with a frown. My grip on the handles tightened as I looked down below me. I was pretty high up and definitely didn't want to fall. I looked back up at Kallum, my frown deepening. "I can't though."
#90414352Wednesday, February 27, 2013 8:53 PM GMT

Kallum I grabbed her hair and roughly tug her her face barley an inch away from mine, snickering, her feet has lost her grip along with her arms and now her whole body weight was being supported by her hair, "Bad luck then... dead women." I whispered at her with her wide eyes staring straight into mine just before I swung her off down to the crash mats below. I was quite impressed with myself, the momentum meant she fell so far out she almost missed the crash mats!
#90415282Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:06 PM GMT

Rolf, thinking the question directed towards him, replied. "Oh, I sing."
#90417759Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:33 PM GMT

(I wonder... Shall anyone actually notice what happened to Jayde...) Jayde He threw me off! Why did he throw me off?! I hadn't even DONE anything this time! Mei ran over, looking both irritated and concerned. She asked if I was okay. I just shrugged in response, moving towards the rockwall again. Mei Jayde was going to try and climb it, AGAIN. Even though she was just thrown off! I shook my head, running after her. "No!" I told her, grabbing her wrist. "You are sitting, with me, on the bleachers." I started to walk towards the bleachers, pulling her with me.
#90424425Wednesday, February 27, 2013 10:37 PM GMT

I noticed that Jayde was thrown off the wall. Why was Kallum even mean like that in the first place?!
#90427856Wednesday, February 27, 2013 11:09 PM GMT

Kallum I laughed to myself, that was funny, if only she had broken more bones I might have fallen off myself from laughing. My attention turned to the next people who were closest to the top but to my surprise the highest now was Yukio helping some other chick, I began going over to them.