#90301507Tuesday, February 26, 2013 2:11 AM GMT

Aiden A pidgeoto and a zangoose. on the very same day! I have SUCH good luck. :D
#90301990Tuesday, February 26, 2013 2:15 AM GMT

Shen I decide its time to bring the two eggs onto the lakes beach and halfway cover them in sand. I walk over to the beach beach and see a group of lapras about three in the middle. I mutter to myself "One of you like me..." I careful make a crater about a foot deep and around and I set the newest egg in. I make another hole and do the same. I lay on my back and I take a nap. ~Italian of OT~
#90302692Tuesday, February 26, 2013 2:22 AM GMT

Lucario watches the distant houses, after a while, returns into his cave. He should probably get some sleep. The cave of his was rather small, with a small rock shelf jutting out of the wall on one side, and a small natural spring sprinkling water into a damp corner of the cave. He had a small pile of rocks sitting in an almost pillar formation, and he often used these to practice on. The world he lived in seemed so peaceful, the humans kept their distance, unknowingly, but they stayed away, life was good here. ~Dammit snow. Stop falling, I just want spring.~
#90304126Tuesday, February 26, 2013 2:36 AM GMT

Shen Wake up to hear cracking, not loud but soft it seems to be coming from my newest egg. I curl next to it, feeling its heat. (OOC: Fathat its uh your time to shine!) ~Italian of OT~
#90307071Tuesday, February 26, 2013 3:06 AM GMT

(I may be late, but I'll participate.) C.S: Name: Hasati M'shao @.g.e: 17 Gender: F Personality: Hasati is a young, bright teen. She helps her father work on the farm Biography: Hasati moved here because too many fire type Pokemon we're near her farm. The fire type pokemon would cause the berries to die, which the berries we're needed for survival and money... Since they we're poor. They also moved to the Pokemon Farm because of easy droughts and hard ground. Inventory: She carries her mom's perfume as a souvenir to remember her mother. Appearance: Hasati is 5'4. She weighs 78 pounds. She has brown, short hair that goes down to the middle of her neck. Hasati has brown eyes. She wears a white tank-top and sweat-pants. She wears wooden sandals so she can easily move around. Skill: She breeds and farms. Pokemon C.S: Fill this Quiz out, then wait for an admin reply. The Admin will tell you what Pokemon Egg you received. To Reply to the quiz copy, and paste the quiz with every answer deleted, except your selected answer. It is possible that I will give you a small legendary pokemon's egg. ______________________________________________________ A Bully is about to beat up an innocent stranger on the street. What do you do? I'll go tell an authority figure quickly. 2 A man just stole a chocolate bar from you. What do you do? I will brghten his day by saying "Keep it! I don't even like chocolate!" 3 You're about to perform in front of a crowd. How do you feel? I really have no feeling. 4 Your freind is an hour late for a party. You feel... Oh no... I hope they are okay... 5 You heard your freind just got a new stereo... Hmm... sounds interesting. I should give them a call and see if I can come over and see it. 6 You see a little girl selling lemonade on the street. I'll try and help them sell it! I dont want any money in return though. 7 There was a diamond stolen, and you are asked to solve the mystery. How will you solve it? HE WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS! Time to start gathering clues... 8 You're flipping through the channels on TV. What do you want to watch? CARTOOOOOOONS! 9 You are stranded in a desert. You are almost out of water. I'll drink some water from a cactus. It's a good think I read about how to survive...
#90345919Tuesday, February 26, 2013 8:39 PM GMT

OOC: Sorry, I was busy yesterday. Don't worry McJuke. Your egg's hatching is coming up in my next post. Accepted. You have received an egg. The egg is primarily light blue in color. There are also indigo colored splotches coating the egg's shell. The egg feels cool, and moist. When you put your ear to the egg you can hear soft gurgling.
#90346518Tuesday, February 26, 2013 8:49 PM GMT

Shen's Egg Hatching Suddenly the air around Shen began to feel very hot. The winds stopped swaying, and everything seemed to become still. For a slight moment, nothing moved. Then, suddenly an electric blast shot out from the egg; bursting the shell into pieces.Shen looked down to were the egg used to be; there on the sand, stood a Charmander. The Charmander, however was not ordinary in color. Its body was a shade of scarlet, but along its back were streaks of yellow, and black. It was as if there were thunderbolts etched into the Charmander's skin. The Charmander stared up at Shen, then cocked it head. It blew out a small stream of fire; filled with electrical sparks. It then looked at Shen again, and let out a happy grin. (Carry On)
#90347734Tuesday, February 26, 2013 9:07 PM GMT

(( I can't carry on. Your sentence has been deemed invalid. )) ~Dammit snow. Stop falling, I just want spring.~
#90348685Tuesday, February 26, 2013 9:20 PM GMT

I stare at it, in amazement I feel its body. I've never seen an electric Charmander, only in tales have I heard of Pokemon normal a type with a random kind mixed in. I pet its head and it curls into a ball and falls a sleep. It must be tired after all the work getting out of an egg. I rub its soft rubbery skin, It looks majestic. I name him Gold thinking of how rare this Pokemon is. ~Italian of OT~
#90367103Wednesday, February 27, 2013 12:43 AM GMT

Jack- I wake up and look at the egg. The egg has started cracking! I go and get water and food so when it hatches it feels comforted.
#90369143Wednesday, February 27, 2013 1:03 AM GMT

Shen After an hour of sleep it slowly gets up and gets next to me and rubs its head on my chest, I can feel the static in the air as he approaches. I get up and he follows. I ask him if he wants to find more Pokemon. He roars. We find some tall grass in the forest and we find a Wurmple I yell 'scratch!' It runs up and bites it in the lower section of its abdomen the Wurmple gets jolt of electricity in its body the Wurmple used stringshot. Spark was covered in webbed silk. it ripped out and I said quietly "Finish him." He runs up and scratches the Wurmple. It lays on the ground motionless. Sparks flame grows brighter then ever, it looks to the sky and blows a small shot of electric fire. I grin and hug him. The adrenaline in my body made me feel no shock though I got plenty of it. I fed it a spicy poffin. He eats it out of my hand. ~Meno male che sono italiano!~
#90369298Wednesday, February 27, 2013 1:04 AM GMT

(( bbllblbl. Anyone? )) ~Dammit snow. Stop falling, I just want spring.~
#90385804Wednesday, February 27, 2013 4:00 AM GMT

Thorn I open my eyes to squints. I sniff, and reach out for what is in the hands in front of me. I take the berry, and sniff it. I ate the berry. I then opened my eyes fully, and stared at the person in front of me. I stared intensely at her, as if I was analyzing her. I flicked my ear, watching the person carefully.
#90419129Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:46 PM GMT

OOC: Jack, your egg has already hatched. For information look on page 2 of the thread.
#90419664Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:51 PM GMT

(( I'm still waiting for anyone. ANYONE. )) ~Dammit snow. Stop falling, I just want spring.~
#90420463Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:59 PM GMT

Shen I just sit there thinking about spark, how in the world would a Charmander blow electricity? We walk back home seeing the egg still in sand gives me a chill. What could be inside? I put it in my bag and walk home with it. ~Meno male che sono italiano!~
#90422113Wednesday, February 27, 2013 10:15 PM GMT

OOC: Wait, I thought your Lucario character quit this roleplay. If not, then I will try to find a way to roleplay towards you as fast as I can. In the meantime, I persuade other roleplayers to meet up to her character as well. If you are not talking about the roleplay, then please ignore this post.
#90422202Wednesday, February 27, 2013 10:16 PM GMT

(( Well. The person you were waiting for responded. )) ~Dammit snow. Stop falling, I just want spring.~
#90424314Wednesday, February 27, 2013 10:36 PM GMT

(Nothing I can really do without my egg hatching so I am gonna wait. :P)
#90424409Wednesday, February 27, 2013 10:37 PM GMT

(( He already told you. Go look on page two, y'know, like he said? )) ~Dammit snow. Stop falling, I just want spring.~
#90424428Wednesday, February 27, 2013 10:37 PM GMT

OOC: I'm very frusturated, sorry. I made a really long post, but then I accidently closed out Roblox without saving it. This is my last post for the day. Expect roleplaying from me tommorow.
#90432119Wednesday, February 27, 2013 11:49 PM GMT

Aiden Work at the farm is going so well right now! My family has like,what, twice as much money as they used to?
#90500635Thursday, February 28, 2013 11:23 PM GMT

OOC: Marvel, as I have said before your egg has already hatched look on page 2 of the thread for your hatching details.
#90501633Thursday, February 28, 2013 11:34 PM GMT

Callisto Bloom I breathe out a sigh of relief, as the pokemon takes the berry from my hands. It begins to eat it; taking very small bites from the edges. Having serenity set into my heart; I pulled out a green Pokedex from my bag. It was a gift from my father before I had left towards the Pokemon Farm Valley. The Pokedex made a bleeping noise as it scanned the pokemon standing in front of me. "Snesal, the Sharp Claw Pokemon" it said. " Vicious in nature, it drives Pidgey from their nests and scavenges any leftovers it can find". The Pokedex made one, final bleep, then turned off. The entry sounded frightening but it didn't change my feelings for the Sneasal standing in front of me at all. I walked up to the Sneasal, and patted its head. It had finished eating the berry, and now its claws were coated in Oran juice. I let out a soft giggle. "You're not like that entry, are you", I asked. The question was rhetorical. I was positive that the Sneasal wouldn't even think about hurting a single Pidgey in the world. "I'll name you, Thorn" I began. It was true that the name seemed a bit vicious, but I was only making towards a Sneasal's general nature. Besides. his Oran juice coated claws reminded me of little thorns. The Sneasal looked up towards me in adoration. "We'll be great friends" I said.
#90510342Friday, March 01, 2013 1:02 AM GMT

(lol) Thorn I bring my claws up to my face and begin to lick them clean. I didn't mind being patting, maybe even liked it a little. I yawned, and looked around for a moment. I had thought I heard a pidgey, but doubt it. I stared back up at the person and waited.