#115162764Friday, October 11, 2013 12:33 AM GMT

{Construction: Shipyard (5/30)}x3 {Construction: Iota-class Patrol Boat (COMPLETE)} {Construction: Iota-class Patrol Boat (1/5)} {Research: Neutron Beams (22/30)} {Queue: Remote Stations(1/15) Shield Array (1/30), Basic Nanotechnology (1/35), Advanced Artificial Gravity (1/45)} Another Patrol Boat is completed and launched, with one more in the works. The subspace relays are finally adapted to support VMNBC transmissions, and it turns out to be quite a success in the households that have access to it. Work begins on massive changes to the designs of the Xendian fleet, fairly easy since only the blueprints have to be modified rather than the actual ships. The Patrol Boat continues its rounds of Xendian space, although the reasons are unknown. Only a few colonies have been re-established in orbit of their former (and currently glassed or otherwise destroyed) homes. Most civilians aren't too fond of the idea of resettlement, finding the thought of spending days staring down on their destroyed homes rather depressing. Plans are made to construct several deep space outposts to house these displaced civilians.
#115163356Friday, October 11, 2013 12:39 AM GMT

Imperial Fleet Shipyard: 23/30 Parkara-class Frigate: 8/14 Marshal Tarus "Then they'll be hearing from me, then." Channel closed. The Helvaris locks a course for Union core space, and enters wake after the drive spools up.
#115163604Friday, October 11, 2013 12:42 AM GMT

As the new Feudal government would be stabilized, nobles would begin hiring the best Shipwrights of the cluster. Be they Union, Corrundian, Malsuth, Tal'Ryth, or whatever nationality they are, the Malsuth Empire would be a place of boon for shipwrights to make a fortune using the varied technology of the different kingdoms to give the Empire a varied and powerful navy within the cluster. Meanwhile, with their income stabilized, the VMNBC would begin to devote more and more of their post-cost profit to upkeep of the station. The current Board of Directors would attempt to get tax-breaks in every empire as a Non-Profit corporation due to the eventual near-breakeven they would reach due to their investment into their station. (=Kingdom of Malsuth=) (Construction: Construction Craft: 1/3x1) (Construction Queue: Accensi-Class Light Patrol Boat: 1x5x10 In queue, Triarii-Class Heavy Frigate: 1x14x5 (In queue) (Research: , Improved Carbon-Chobham Mesh: 1/35) (Research Queue: Sentient AI: 50 (In queue), Improved Cargo Storage Techniques: 20 (In queue), Shield EMP Resistance: 50 (In queue) (=Kingdom of Scythia=) (Construction: Construction Craft: 1/3x1) (Construction Queue: Construction Craft: 1/3x1 (In queue) (Research: N/A) (Research Queue: N/A) (=Kingdom of Dacia=) (Construction: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 9/30x5) (Construction Queue: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 1/30x4 (In queue) (Research: N/A) (Research Queue: N/A)
#115164907Friday, October 11, 2013 12:56 AM GMT

GENC Planetary categorizing has been halted momentarily. A rise of a new empire is the cause of this, the Cyrannatarian population of Foen and Fushima have bonded together to create a rival Cyrannatarian faction. -Government Sheet- Name: Federation of United Cyrannatarian Systems Capital (City name/planet name)*: Foen Leading Race (If it is a confederation, who's in charge?): Cyrannatar Current Leader: King El'sila I Government System (e.g. Democracy, Dictatorship, Republic, Monarchy): Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy Moral Alignment* (Good, evil, neutral, etc?): True Neutral History*: Formed when the GENC failed to take back Foen and Fushima and rescue it's inhabitants Emblem*: Military Branches*: Other*: Factonal Theme*: Cyrannus Terraforming: 72/80 Shipyard: 18/30 Vengeance Class Frigate: 8/14
#115165467Friday, October 11, 2013 1:01 AM GMT

[=Construction=] Shipyards: 15/30x4 Overseer-class Patrol Boat: Complete! Overseer-class Patrol Boat: 1/5 [=Research=] Missile Thruster Power: 13/30 The UNS Glory, the third Overseer-class is finished. Construction on a fourth begins immediately. The Hope has sent out a subspace message to Ilith, informing them that the Corrundians are coming, with a possible hostile intent.
#115165590Friday, October 11, 2013 1:02 AM GMT

The first major event of the Cyrannitar would be a boon for the VMNBC. They would spend 15 minutes informing the cluster of this major shift in Cyrannitarian government due to the secession of those two systems from the National government. They would run an hour long panel inviting several political scientists from the Union, Corrundian Empire, and Malsuth Empire, along with several Cyrannitarians and air it on every VMNBC denomination, dubbed for local languages of course. It would attempt to get the varied views on this secessionist state all around the galaxy to weigh in on it, while sticking with the standard unbiasdness of the VMNBC. (=Kingdom of Malsuth=) (Construction: Construction Craft: 2/3x1) (Construction Queue: Accensi-Class Light Patrol Boat: 1x5x10 In queue, Triarii-Class Heavy Frigate: 1x14x5 (In queue) (Research: , Improved Carbon-Chobham Mesh: 5/35) (Research Queue: Sentient AI: 50 (In queue), Improved Cargo Storage Techniques: 20 (In queue), Shield EMP Resistance: 50 (In queue) (=Kingdom of Scythia=) (Construction: Construction Craft: 2/3x1) (Construction Queue: Construction Craft: 1/3x1 (In queue) (Research: N/A) (Research Queue: N/A) (=Kingdom of Dacia=) (Construction: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 11/30x5) (Construction Queue: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 1/30x4 (In queue) (Research: N/A) (Research Queue: N/A)
#115166261Friday, October 11, 2013 1:09 AM GMT

Imperial Fleet Shipyard: 24/30 Parkara-class Frigate: 9/14 The Helvaris readjusts course for Imperial space. Some heavy-duty ambassadors are going to be needed to knock this proverbial wall down. And, perhaps, it will provide the poor Diplomatic Corps, so heavily overshadowed by recent war, a chance to get back into action.
#115167441Friday, October 11, 2013 1:21 AM GMT

{Construction: Shipyard (6/30)}x3 {Construction: Iota-class Patrol Boat (COMPLETE)} {Construction: Iota-class Patrol Boat (2/5)} {Research: Neutron Beams (23/30)} {Queue: Remote Stations(1/15) Shield Array (1/30), Basic Nanotechnology (1/35), Advanced Artificial Gravity (1/45)} With a second Patrol Boat finally available to take over border control, the Patrol Boat XMV Ember of Hope is deployed to the site of the battle between the Verion forces and the TSE. Scans are taken of the debris, searching for salvageable materials that may be useful to the Federation, even if it's just used as raw material.
#115167537Friday, October 11, 2013 1:22 AM GMT

[=Construction=] Shipyards: 16/30x4 Overseer-class Patrol Boat: 2/5 [=Research=] Missile Thruster Power: 14/30 Plans are being drawn up for a frigate. It will be designed for defensive purposes, and this class and other similarly designed defense-minded classes will form the backbone of the Union's new strategy. Reactions to the VMNBC report in the Union vary. Few support the rebels, seeing no reason for more senseless killing, especially after the recent war. Most Krath have no preference for a side. The Union's government, on the other hand, sees this as yet another reason why the current Cyrannatarian government(s) cannot be allowed continued existence. They seem to constantly spill their own blood whilst devising crueler and crueler methods of killing each-other. It is not enough for them to act yet, though.
#115167805Friday, October 11, 2013 1:24 AM GMT

GENC The Emperor is a bit displeased by the two systems leaving the Empire. Due to recent events, he has closed down interplanetary immigration temporarily. He also orders that at least one patrol boat remain on the new border for now, and assures the people that the nation will become unified soon. Cyrannus Terraforming: 73/80 Shipyard: 19/30 Vengeance Class Frigate: 9/14
#115168045Friday, October 11, 2013 1:27 AM GMT

Imperial Fleet Shipyard: 25/30 Parkara-class Frigate: 10/14 The occurrence of yet another Cyrannatarian civil war is of little shock to the general Imperial population, as it's for the most part been expected that these nearby neighbors would always resort to fighting one another -- and likely trying to drag the Empire into it somehow. Imperial authorities see it mainly as just more discord within the 'allies' ' space. The Helvaris, in due course, returns back to Horra to pick up someone who is actually qualified at diplomacy (pro tip: it isn't an Imperial Marshal) to handle the new complications the Union has set up in recovering the exodus fleet.
#115168294Friday, October 11, 2013 1:29 AM GMT

The Malsuth nobility, in response to this report, would be marginally more polarized against the Cyrannitarians. They would be seen as even more of an overly-aggressive species that would need to be stabilized by an outside influence. But nobility would not openly support a war against them however, this report and its varying opinions doing nothing to sway them into a jingoist stance. (=Kingdom of Malsuth=) (Construction: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 1/30x10) (Construction Queue: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 1/30x9 In queue, Accensi-Class Light Patrol Boat: 1x5x10 In queue, Triarii-Class Heavy Frigate: 1x14x5 In queue) (Research: , Improved Carbon-Chobham Mesh: 5/35) (Research Queue: Sentient AI: 50 (In queue), Improved Cargo Storage Techniques: 20 (In queue), Shield EMP Resistance: 50 (In queue) (=Kingdom of Scythia=) (Construction: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 1/30x10) (Construction Queue: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 1/30x9 In queue) (Research: N/A) (Research Queue: N/A) (=Kingdom of Dacia=) (Construction: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 11/30x5) (Construction Queue: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 1/30x4 (In queue) (Research: N/A) (Research Queue: N/A)
#115169061Friday, October 11, 2013 1:37 AM GMT

The Kor-Tal Captain responded "Its not our vessel specific that is having the issue, our home station is what is suffering the issue. Our primary communications on board the station is an array we had Salvaged from a Malsuth vessel, with some minor modifications to boost range. Unfortunately, it is suffering rather routine blackout failure" The Kor-Tal itself gave a quick sensor scan of the smaller vessel, the magnetic sensors making a crude but noteworthy signal reference for future identification. Ovaris watched as the two Fi'tash squads struck towards each other again and again, he himself a bit surprised at just how quickly the two squads had managed to effectively Shred each others armor to bits. After a moment though, he finally spoke up "Brood Lord Kra'Mair, I do have important news for you regardless of this scene. With Alaktor still unaccounted for, you may have to call upon a new council member...Make sure you are ready if the council calls upon you" -Que- [Narvak Class: 6/24]
#115169346Friday, October 11, 2013 1:40 AM GMT

[=Construction=] Shipyards: 17/30x4 Overseer-class Patrol Boat: 3/5 [=Research=] Missile Thruster Power: 15/30 If there were any ships still in the debris field from the main battle, they would detect a ship entering the LAN wreckage. It matched no known designs, appearing as if it were made of scrap. It began searching the LAN wreckage intensely, looking for something. Eventually, it would find it. 21 of them, to be exact. ASTDs. The LAN's superweapons. They would be swiftly removed from the LAN wreckage and transferred to the ship. It quickly left the debris field, trying not to attract too much attention.
#115170981Friday, October 11, 2013 1:56 AM GMT

Imperial Fleet Shipyard: 26/30 Parkara-class Frigate: 11/14 Now loaded with the proper personnel to carry this job out, the Halveris begins heading back toward Union space. Now that the preparations are completed, this matter of business shall be taken care of .
#115172386Friday, October 11, 2013 2:10 AM GMT

(Guys, there isn't another civil war... there is no fighting... two systems just seceded from the GENC, that is all.) GENC Massive mining efforts for molybdenum, titanium, and tungsten begin. Mining worlds see a surge of production increases. The group of government surveyors that went to the residential worlds saw the poverty and uncleanliness of the streets of the cities. At their request, HELIOS has designed a new robot, the 'Lautus', which is a short robot with four wheels that goes around collecting trash from the streets of cities. They put HELIOS back on track after a long period of little sales due to the KSS. They turn from military technology to consumer goods. Cyrannus Terraforming: 74/80 Shipyard: 20/30 Vengeance Class Frigate: 10/14
#115173844Friday, October 11, 2013 2:26 AM GMT

Several TIP leaders all die in suspicious accidents, opening up seats for USP members. The government begins to take down restrictions on heavy industry, hoping for it to expand much more rapidly without the need for silly waste management or unnecessary chemical bans. -Construction- PH-CT1: 3/4
#115174421Friday, October 11, 2013 2:33 AM GMT

GENC The new robots are soon being produced and shipped to the residential worlds. They work on cleaning up garbage from the streets. A shipment of 50 Lautus' , plus about 113 kilograms worth of Tungstium are being packaged on a trip, as soon as the freighters are ready. Cyrannus Terraforming: 75/80 Shipyard: 21/30 Vengeance Class Frigate: 11/14 FUCS The government settles into it's new home on Foen. Most citizens feel a bit uncomfortable with the GENC at our borders. We allow the VMNBC to be broadcast at our two worlds, most citizens receiving it. The region and planetary toll systems are abolished, and farmers, factory workers, and many others are allowed to work without government interference.
#115174813Friday, October 11, 2013 2:38 AM GMT

TC "Understood. If you need any help, we'll be happy to assist." Another Origin-class is produced, bringing the number up to 4. [Origin-class: 0/3]
#115181896Friday, October 11, 2013 4:29 AM GMT

{Construction: Shipyard (7/30)}x3 {Construction: Iota-class Patrol Boat (3/5)} {Research: Neutron Beams (24/30)} {Queue: Remote Stations(1/15) Shield Array (1/30), Basic Nanotechnology (1/35), Advanced Artificial Gravity (1/45)} The XMV Ember of Hope detects the ship, but before they can get close enough for a detailed scan it's gone; the incident is logged and reported to Central Command. The ship proceeds to begin scans of the area near where the UUF vessel had appeared. The LAN had shown interest in something in the area, so maybe there was something here worth checking...
#115195129Friday, October 11, 2013 3:40 PM GMT

The Kingdom of Tarraconensis would finally begin their own industrial buildup, with their limited supplies and budget being offset by the census taxes coming in. They would build up a small number of vessels, not attempting to use their whole budget in one go. They would begin small-scale military recruitment, attempting to get some form of military up and running. Tarraconensis would begin purchasing military equipment from the Kingdom of Malsuth for ground and space conflicts in order to outfit their first ships and soldiers with, they would also ask for several Marshals in order to get some form of officer cadre trained and ready for a conflict. (=Kingdom of Malsuth=) (Construction: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 2/30x10) (Construction Queue: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 1/30x9 In queue, Accensi-Class Light Patrol Boat: 1x5x10 In queue, Triarii-Class Heavy Frigate: 1x14x5 In queue) (Research: , Improved Carbon-Chobham Mesh: 5/35) (Research Queue: Sentient AI: 50 (In queue), Improved Cargo Storage Techniques: 20 (In queue), Shield EMP Resistance: 50 (In queue) (=Kingdom of Scythia=) (Construction: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 2/30x10) (Construction Queue: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 1/30x9 In queue) (Research: N/A) (Research Queue: N/A) (=Kingdom of Dacia=) (Construction: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 12/30x5) (Construction Queue: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 1/30x4 (In queue) (Research: N/A) (Research Queue: N/A) (=Kingdom of Tarraconensis=) (Construction: Construction Craft Varian I: 1/3x1) (Construction Queue: Construction Craft Variant I: 1/3x4 In queue) (Research: N/A) (Research Queue: N/A)
#115195905Friday, October 11, 2013 3:59 PM GMT

In the manufacturing section of Sa'Vora station, Several Ma'Tir and Va'Lori were talking. Discussing possible uses for the basic drone systems already in place, while thus far proving somewhat useless outside basic tasks. One speaking "I say, we find a way to make the computer sort out its own tasks", another responding "I'd rather have control over them from something other then a computer", "Well, if we slave them to a Portable frame, couldn't we do both?", "Not likely, Maybe if we had the drones using their own processing to assist the efficiency". There was a pause as a loud clanking sound was heard, someone shouting "SOMEONE TURN OFF THAT CARGO DRONE! ITS STUCK IN THE GATE AGAIN!" -Que- [Narvak Class: 7/24]
#115196386Friday, October 11, 2013 4:11 PM GMT

The Hastati's captain would reply to the Ra-noth captain. "The offer still stands. You can strip off our subspace comms systems and use them on your own station if you want to. We have radio backups to assist in our re-fitting of our comms." (=Kingdom of Malsuth=) (Construction: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 3/30x10) (Construction Queue: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 1/30x9 In queue, Accensi-Class Light Patrol Boat: 1x5x10 In queue, Triarii-Class Heavy Frigate: 1x14x5 In queue) (Research: , Improved Carbon-Chobham Mesh: 5/35) (Research Queue: Sentient AI: 50 (In queue), Improved Cargo Storage Techniques: 20 (In queue), Shield EMP Resistance: 50 (In queue) (=Kingdom of Scythia=) (Construction: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 3/30x10) (Construction Queue: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 1/30x9 In queue) (Research: N/A) (Research Queue: N/A) (=Kingdom of Dacia=) (Construction: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 13/30x5) (Construction Queue: Orbital Shipyard Design I: 1/30x4 (In queue) (Research: N/A) (Research Queue: N/A) (=Kingdom of Tarraconensis=) (Construction: Construction Craft Varian I: 2/3x1) (Construction Queue: Construction Craft Variant I: 1/3x4 In queue) (Research: N/A) (Research Queue: N/A)
#115196586Friday, October 11, 2013 4:16 PM GMT

The Kor-Tal's captain holds for a moment before responding "That may work, Unfortunately our shipyard is currently in use. So it would have to wait until it clears up enough to strip the subspace communications, Unless of course, it wouldn't be to troublesome to dismantle. Regardless, it may still do to try and call in actual communication technicians, being our only communication tech's aren't familiar with these subspace communication systems" -Que- [Narvak Class: 8/24]
#115202545Friday, October 11, 2013 6:26 PM GMT

{Construction: Shipyard (8/30)}x3 {Construction: Iota-class Patrol Boat (4/5)} {Research: Neutron Beams (25/30)} {Queue: Remote Stations(1/15) Shield Array (1/30), Basic Nanotechnology (1/35), Advanced Artificial Gravity (1/45)} The Ember of Hope continues its scans, searching for any useful wreckage. Several unarmed freighters drop out of hyperspace a few meters away and open the external doors on their cargo bays, allowing the grapple arms to drag busted up pieces of starship hull inside to be transported back to a shipyard and melted down into usable materials for new ships. Meanwhile, another Patrol Boat known as the XMV Dragon Heart arrives at The Forge and begins picking through the debris of countless annihilated shipyard facilities. In a nearby orbit, three new facilities are under construction, using raw materials from the old buildings combined with newly-mined ores.