#102127694Friday, June 21, 2013 7:43 PM GMT

Henka "Okay." he said, standing there.
#102128198Friday, June 21, 2013 7:47 PM GMT

The being looks a bit taken aback. "You sure? You're gonna get blamed for a lot of stuff." He looks generally worried about the well-being of Henka, even though he's an evil demon thing. Although, you can sense sarcasm in his voice.
#102128289Friday, June 21, 2013 7:47 PM GMT

Henka Henka put his claws up to his neck. "On second thought..I'll take control of Samu's body to the grave." he said.
#102129050Friday, June 21, 2013 7:53 PM GMT

The beast takes a step back. "Now now, let's not do things too rashly, eh?" It stutters. Jeez, Henka. You've just made a destroyer of worlds stutter.
#102129809Friday, June 21, 2013 7:58 PM GMT

(Got censored so I put ^s) Henka Henka heard a click in his ^head. 'Good..' he thought. And then, the cage burst, and all of the other chakra around him flew back, and his real chakra took over. Henka growled, and two ^humanoids that had ^dark ^chains and were 10 feet tall surfaced on each side of him, they were made of ^dark chakra. Henka growled. "You honestly thought I would ^kill ^myself without getting a taste of what power you have to offer? Silly you." he said, smiling. The humanoids got into a stance.
#102129953Friday, June 21, 2013 7:59 PM GMT

The being stares at the small, petty humanoids. He tries to splatter them in his palms.
#102130098Friday, June 21, 2013 8:00 PM GMT

The humanoids splat, however the dark chakra from them crawls up his arms and sucks out his chakra converting it into more dark and light chakra for Henka, .
#102130232Friday, June 21, 2013 8:01 PM GMT

The beast growls. "I can barely drag any of my chakra into this dimension already, and now you're taking it? How disrespectful..." Two purple and black beams fly at Henka.
#102130379Friday, June 21, 2013 8:02 PM GMT

Henka Henka was molding chakra, a large black and white ball appeared. "BIJUU BALL!" he yelled, shooting it in, and making a dark and light shield strong enough to hold it.
#102131729Friday, June 21, 2013 8:11 PM GMT

"You think THAT'S powerful enough t-" It smashes right through the beam. "Well **** me." The beast goes, rather comically, flying across the room, smashing into the walls of Samu's Soul. Not a particularly good thing, but effective damage, nonetheless. Samu: "I... I've failed you all..." Samu mutters. The beast looms over him, about to devour him whole. Samu reaches a hand out, as memories of his childhood, his friends, his leaf village comrades, everything flashes before his eyes, which slowly flutter shut.
#102131894Friday, June 21, 2013 8:13 PM GMT

Henka "CONTINUOUS TAILED BEAST BALLS!" Henka said, and 5 more of them shot at him.
#102132270Friday, June 21, 2013 8:15 PM GMT

"What the crap!" The beast shouts, dodging. It's low chakra means it cannot focus on its goal, and so its emotionless state disappears, leaving a rather comical character. It dodges three, and two skim it, ripping off part of its chakra. It grunts in pain. Samu: I... can't die... this way... have to... pull... through... I have to... I have to win! A massive burst of light and dark chakra comes from Samu's clan chakra. Inside his body, the eight chains surrounding it have a ghostly version unchain - the real ones remain, but the ghostly ones dissappear. The beast stares as Samu stands up again, a white and black light surrounding him. "WH-WHAT'S THIS!?"
#102132720Friday, June 21, 2013 8:18 PM GMT

Henka 'Hmm..maybe this kid isn't as weak as I thought.' Henka thought to himself. He then swiped his claws, and a giant twister appeared and headed for the beast.
#102133453Friday, June 21, 2013 8:23 PM GMT

Samu: "I'm sorry it had to come to this, beast." I mutter. "But you've left me with no other choice." The entirety of the chakra fills my hand in a small, but incredibly concentrated ball of chakra. "One of my clan's three forbidden jutsus..." The small ball starts spinning wildly, before turning golden. "Order Style - Golden Chains." The ball smashes into the beast, who merely grunts. It hurt. "You've managed to injure me. Impressive. But if that's all-" The beast yowls in pain as golden cogs and chains surround it. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME!? LET GO!" The beast is dragged towards Samu as a chain extends from his chest to the beast, relentlessly dragging the beast's soul towards it. In his soul, the same thing happens as it is pulled towards a pit. "This ability burns out my soul, in exchange for an absolute resolution to conflict."
#102134986Friday, June 21, 2013 8:34 PM GMT

Henka The humanoids disappeared back into Henka, and Henka recreated the cage and lie down. "Now I can get back to my nap.." he muttered to himself.
#102135264Friday, June 21, 2013 8:36 PM GMT

Samu: I smile. "I'm going to lose all my abilities from this attack. But to seal something as destructive and malicious as you, it will be worth the price, the cost." It screams. "I can offer you power! I could kill you with a stare! Let me go-" "I'm going to seal you in the depths of my soul, my darkest emotions, where you will never see the light... or darkness... of day again. Order : Absolution Seal..."
#102143189Friday, June 21, 2013 9:32 PM GMT

Henka Henka lie down and watched.
#102143530Friday, June 21, 2013 9:35 PM GMT

The beast roars in fury as it is pulled down into the depths of Samu's soul. The pit closes, and the golden chain connecting Samu to it start to disintegrate. In the dimension Samu is in, Samu starts to flake as well as the disintergration reaches him. "I guess it's my time..." He murmurs. He looks up into the sky. "Welp, my time's up." He murmurs, and falls over backwards, unconcious. He quickly opens his eyes again, in his soul. "H-huh? Why am I here?" He questions. He still feels all his chakra.
#102143760Friday, June 21, 2013 9:37 PM GMT

Henka "All of this is weird.." he said.
#102144160Friday, June 21, 2013 9:39 PM GMT

Samu: "Oh. Hi there, Henka. Hey, uhm, why do you look like you've just been in a fight?" Samu friendly questions. He's totally confused, so he may as well try to make friends.
#102144381Friday, June 21, 2013 9:41 PM GMT

Henka "The dimension destroyer or whatever the hell you dragged into here had a fight with me.." he said, semi-annoyed with Samu.
#102144556Friday, June 21, 2013 9:42 PM GMT

Samu: "Hey, blame Kayuga. She put me in that weird genjutsu thing in the first place." I mutter over to him, tired as heck. "But seriously, I'm glad to see even one familiar face." Samu gives a small smile.
#102144708Friday, June 21, 2013 9:43 PM GMT

Henka Henka laughed. "Yeah sure, smooth-talker." he said.
#102145014Friday, June 21, 2013 9:46 PM GMT

Samu: I grin. "Hey, wait a minute." I ask, my smile slightly decreasing. "If I'm here, then my real body is-" "OH CRAP. I'LL BE BACK, HENKA." Samu poofs out of his soul, and then into reality, where he's holding Hotaru by the throat, a sword in his other hand. He sort of stutters for a moment, before murmuring "Hi, boss."
#102145600Friday, June 21, 2013 9:50 PM GMT

Hotaru "Oh, hey Samu." he said.