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#90679406Saturday, March 02, 2013 6:02 PM GMT

Yesterday when I was building a conglomeration of blocks, I was able to use the 'Re-size' and 'Move' tools successfully, even though all the blocks were merged together and cframed. This meant I didn't have to use a cframe tool, but instead could use the normal resizing and moving tools. It makes building 100x quicker and easier, but for some reason it isn't doing the same today. In fact, now, I can't re-size bricks that touch other bricks, and if I use the move tool, it moves it out of the other brick. Hopefully my post made sense. Please tell me how to get it back like it was yesterday. Thanks!
#90700663Saturday, March 02, 2013 8:22 PM GMT

Nobody knows?

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