#90859867Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:16 PM GMT

luc, you no colonel;p btw, i'm the best brig
#90859869Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:16 PM GMT

actually, that's another thing I forgot. If any Officers do get offered Colonel, I'd recommend you decline it. It really isn't as dandy as you may suspect. You won't be joining a democratic bunch at all. also, im touched by the amount of views (or f5 bombing) this got. ty
#90860351Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:20 PM GMT

be touched dude, be touched. :)
#90860371Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:20 PM GMT

it's already been proven that im the best
#90860999Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:24 PM GMT

"be touched dude, be touched." im always being touched by dudes
#90861061Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:25 PM GMT

Of course, jammy. Who wouldn't want to see your egotistical pansy goodbye forum?Eh? But seriously though, you are a cool guy. Always have been and I wouldn't anyone else deserving of this love (and hate from backwater trolls that will come here soon lololololol). It's obvious that things like this can happen and I must accept the fact that it will happen to you. Hey whatever. As long you are happy doing what you want, it's alright for all of us. Now we wait for haters.
#90861147Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:25 PM GMT

I wouldn't KNOW anyone else* omfg typo nmmnoo
#90861196Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:26 PM GMT

Haters shouldnt even be allowed to post on this.. -Loggy the fire bringer
#90861296Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:26 PM GMT

Jeremy Clarkson! o7
#90861510Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:28 PM GMT

" As long you are happy doing what you want, it's alright for all of us." >nothing to do
#90861536Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:28 PM GMT

lol nahom..
#90861604Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:29 PM GMT

[18:23] here lies jammy, best col: ipwned deserves officer because he is best sgt [18:23] here lies jammy, best col: ok guys this is 100% me and not fake chatlogs make it happen as his last dying wish
#90861625Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:29 PM GMT

Bye Jam bro.
#90861631Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:29 PM GMT

yey I'm the jammy of today, but seriously, goodbye, you'll be missed.
#90861743Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:30 PM GMT

Watch as agent becomes a pansy
#90861815Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:31 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#90861978Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:32 PM GMT

Never really talked to you, more neo. So uh bye. Enjoy being touched by dudes, I could be one of those dudes on day.
#90862211Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:33 PM GMT

one day*
#90862338Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:34 PM GMT

#90862556Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:36 PM GMT

bobosaid: DECLINE IT WHEN YOU GET IT, such a big hint.
#90862616Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:36 PM GMT

Stop being such a pansy, agent.
#90862679Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:37 PM GMT

Aww... Jammy is leaving and didn't mention me.
#90862761Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:37 PM GMT

no cash, I want to be a pansy
#90862911Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:39 PM GMT

Jammy... I don't know what to say... I seriously didn't expect something like this to happen so soon, but I guess your quick-but-not-wise thinking finally caught up to you. I have a strong memory. I remember nearly all of the things we shared. Good times... Farewell.
#90863017Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:39 PM GMT

well we never saw eye to eye all the time but i always thought of you as a chill guy bye