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#90862684Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:37 PM GMT

The basic description of the Kingsguard is in the group's description, but some recommendations to help you get accepted will be listed here. Mainly, it's all about your skill in combat. Whether that be brute force or cunning, it matters not. But great knights aren't dull piles of bricks, no. So here are what will definitely help you into achieving the position of a Kingsguard: 1 ● Combat prowess If you're able to take down several opponents and still stand, you probably have some skill in combat. That, or you have the luck of a rabbit. Being able to kill many of your enemies easily isn't the only way you can be considered talented. If you can work with your team-mates to trick someone into dying by your team mate's hands, your enemy still dies, and neither of you took much damage. If you can step into a battle at the right time and make quick work of an opponent, that will be noted. 2 ● Intelligence As I said earlier, knights aren't massive brick walls with no wits. We most certainly do care if you can fight quite well, but if you have the IQ of a rock, you have no chance of being accepted. Intelligence would basically mean following the rules, not being an annoying child, and in general HAVING INTELLIGENCE. (Bet you didn't expect that one, did you?) 3 ● Grammar This could fall under intelligence, but I'd rather make a different section. First off, you don't need to be an expert on grammar, but I highly suggest that you use it. No one respects a bumbling idiot who can't speak properly. I'm not going to put a guide to decent grammar on here. Google is your friend, speak to him. 4 ● Respect/Ego Okay, firstly, you do NOT WANT an ego. Just because you've achieved a special rank doesn't mean anything, you're still equal to everyone else. Respect your fellow members, and on the same note, respect your high ranks. They're probably the ones who got you where you are now. Also make sure that you don't disrespect your enemies just because they're not as good as you. 5 ● Self-control This can vary. First, we don't want you to be bloodthirsty to the point where you always rush in between everybody just to try to be the one who gets the last blow. If someone else can handle it, don't intrude on their battle. If you still want to help, get on the opposite side of your team-mate, and enclose on the enemy. To add on to this, you need to know when to attack, or when to support your friends. If someone is low on health, try to protect them from death and handle the foe for them. A second thing to keep in mind if you become a Kingsguard is this; You have shouting abilities. Neat, huh? Yeah, sure it is. Being able to shout doesn't mean you need to abuse it or use it for idiotic purposes. What you need to know about shouting if you're a Kingsguard: You can only shout for these: PATROL, DEFEND Kingsguard can only use the {} shouting brackets. (Check the shout tag guide for more information on this.) If you abuse your shouting powers, you will receive a good amount of demotions. Being able to shout does not make you a high rank. (obviously not game of thrones)

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