#91271821Friday, March 08, 2013 8:44 PM GMT

I hum a few notes, and te lights go out. They come back on, and a large pokemon (altaria) appears. (I'm only using it for right now.) "Climb on!" it says.
#91272211Friday, March 08, 2013 8:49 PM GMT

Shade wakes up and sees the altaria ang gets nervous again Shadow notices Shade nervous "Don't worry my boy, just jump on my back" Shade does as he commands and they get on Altari "Well, let's get going
#91272277Friday, March 08, 2013 8:50 PM GMT

Altaria climbs out of the cargo room, and soon they're high above the ocean.
#91272884Friday, March 08, 2013 8:59 PM GMT

Shadow looks along the ocean "Ah, the sweet ocean air, isn't it great, son? Shade peeks out from Shadow's mane and takes in the sight "Yes, of course it is, surprised you're not nervous" Shadow suddenly gets a more serious look "Of course I am, but it's time for my revenge now, HE WILL PAY!" Shade leans back "I'll be there to help you all the way" Shadow "I don't know if you should come....he's too dangerous" Shade "But dad!" Shadow "Stop Shade! You're not coming, and thats's that! Shade looks down "Yes dad"
#91273551Friday, March 08, 2013 9:08 PM GMT

Meloetta looks confused. "Who will pay?" She said. She thought, {I have revenge of my own to dish out...}
#91274000Friday, March 08, 2013 9:14 PM GMT

Shadow looks at Meloetta, with the same serious look "Let's say I still have a grudge with a few Pokemon in Unova, and leave it at that" Shade "It's.... Cobalion and Kyurem....." Shadow "Yes.......I'll never forget those days......."
#91274287Friday, March 08, 2013 9:18 PM GMT

"Kyurem! I know where your hatred is coming from...." {Genesect will pay, too...}
#91274923Friday, March 08, 2013 9:26 PM GMT

Shadow "Hatred?Hatred doesn't begin to describe it! He begins to flash in and out of white Shade "No dad!" He uses a shadow claw on Shadow's back, phasing him back to normal Shadow "Thank you, son" He turns back to meloetta " Kyurem has has hurt, and even killed many of my friends and family""And Cobalion, I'll get back to you later on him"
#91275170Friday, March 08, 2013 9:29 PM GMT

I smile. Altaria touches down in Icirrus City. I say, "Kyurem turned my friend against me, then froze me. And Genesect..." I begin to transform into attack forme.
#91282641Friday, March 08, 2013 10:47 PM GMT

Shade begins to shiver "Daddy, i-I'm cold" Shadow lets off a small heat wave, then stares into the distance "I remember this place, this is where I found the snow, unconscious and shivering.....I wonder how he's doing now" Shade "Didn't he say he was going to find the Swords of Justice?" Shadow "Haha, "Justice"......Justice doesn't refuse help to anyone, no matter who/or what they are........Yes he did go to look for them......Maybe he's changed Cobalion......hopefully not Cobalion didn't change him.....He hastily accepted my help...." Shade "Do you remember his name? I don't remember it" Shadow "His....His name was Keldeo......I hope he hasn't gotten hurt again...." Shade "I hope not, I remember you told me he was looking to battle kyurem......." "He could have gotten seriously hurt....He didn't sound too strong,,,,," Shadow "For his age, he was very strong....but not kyurem strong....But most of all, he has heart, and courage......He may have defeated him and did my job for me....It has been a few years...." Shade "But there is such a thing as overconfidence.....and that alone could have gotten keldeo killed....and he wanted to do it himself....." Shadow "Despite how evil Kyurem is....he has honor.....He won't kill one who challenged him normally.....Just don't break his rules.....Those who do will get hurt....or killed..."
#91284096Friday, March 08, 2013 11:02 PM GMT

(too late to join?) POKENERDS. YESSS.
#91285257Friday, March 08, 2013 11:14 PM GMT

(Not at all, just post CS and you're good to go:))
#91287159Friday, March 08, 2013 11:33 PM GMT

Pokemon: Name: Sylveon Appearance: Sylveon are mammalian Pokémon covered primarily in pale cream-colored fur with pinkish feet, ears, and tail. There are two bow and scarf adornments on them, one around their neck and one on their left ear. The bows are pale cream with pinkish centers, while the scarves are pale cream with pinkish and blue tips. They have four short legs with three visible toes on each foot. Their eyes are blue with white pupils and no visible sclera. (got it from wikipedia.) Personality: Timid and shy. Bio: yeah. Other: kk.
#91288432Friday, March 08, 2013 11:45 PM GMT

Pokemon: Name: Xerneas Appearance: Xerneas are blue and black, quadruped, deer-like Pokémon with an eight-horned set of antlers extending out from their head, two on each side. Each horn is beige and adorned with a colorful, three-part protrusion twining through the horn (orange, red, purple, and teal-blue), one side mirroring the other. The colors gradually turn lighter to darker when moving from base to tip. Xerneas's head is blue with two horns on either side of their head, and the root of their horns mark their face, just below the eye and over the nose. Their eyes are the same color as their fur, and their pupils are X-shaped. The blue portion of their body ends at the chest area where the "fur" jousts outward, similar to the blue horns on its face. The rest of their body is black with small, multicolored spots on their back (the same color and order as their horn adornments, the teal-blue colored-spot on the based of their tail) and a blue stripe running along their spine. They have a small, fluffy black tail where the blue stripe ends. Their legs are fashioned like blades with forward-pointing "hooks" at the tips, creating a cross shape, with the main "edges" trimmed with the same beige as the horns; the trim on their forelegs further map a crude sword-like pattern. (got it from wikipedia.) Personality: Brave, old and wise. Bio: yeah. Other: kk.
#91296504Saturday, March 09, 2013 1:10 AM GMT

The cry of a Sylveon cried out as they walked through the forest. "Hush now, young one," he soothed Sylvie. She nodded quietly, growing cold and now very used to this less fur. It was warmer when she was a Evee. As they walked on, they soon encountered a group of other, unfamiliar Pokemon. "What's this?" He said, raising a eyebrow and looking at them, horns flashing colorfully.
#91310917Saturday, March 09, 2013 3:49 AM GMT

Shadow hears a strange cry and looks over to see 2 strange pokemon "(Never seen those before, have you seen them in your books, son?" Shade "(No, I haven't) Shadow "You two there! Who are you?"
#91348457Saturday, March 09, 2013 4:57 PM GMT

Xerneas "You sure we're in the right region?" he asked Sylvie slowly. Sylvie. "Yes. no. maybe. sorry." she responded, hanging her head. "We're just some Pokemon in the wrong region," she replied sheepishly.
#91357223Saturday, March 09, 2013 6:35 PM GMT

Shadow " Very well, you mind giving us your names?" "And may I ask where you plan to go? I have some friends that could probably give you a hand." Shade walks up to Sylvie "You kinda seem like you're a part of the eevee family, are you? He looks up at Xerneas "And you look like what an evolution of Sawsbuck would like look like. Shadow "(Shade, you know it's not polite to ask such questions to strangers)" Shade "(I just wanted to know.....)"
#91362395Saturday, March 09, 2013 7:26 PM GMT

I examine the creatures carefully. Getting shy, I mumble a simple greeting and half-smile.
#91375012Saturday, March 09, 2013 9:40 PM GMT

Xerneas Xerneas chuckled. "No, and I'm afraid I don't evolve from anything. We are from a different region from Sawsbuck." Sylvie "Yup! Until recently, I was a Evee!" she replied.
#91375263Saturday, March 09, 2013 9:43 PM GMT

"Interesting." I say. I turn to Xerneas. "I see you are a legendary....why are you here?" [bamitts, we joined twelve months apart. Cool!]
#91380554Saturday, March 09, 2013 10:41 PM GMT

(kk) Xerneas "It's complicated. Better you don't know."
#91391100Sunday, March 10, 2013 12:36 AM GMT

"I see. What region are you from?"
#91410408Sunday, March 10, 2013 3:53 AM GMT

Shade nods "Thank you, just wanted to know." He looks at Shadow "You ready to leave?" Shadow "Yes, meloetta, xerneas,sylvie, you're welcome to come along with us to the moor of iccurus, I'm visiting an old friend of mine....we agreed to visit awhile ago there" Shade "Goodbye for now!"
#91452129Sunday, March 10, 2013 4:49 PM GMT

Xerneas "Well, we have nothing better to do so I guess we'll tag along." "We're from the (somethingidontknowyet) region." Sylvie "Yeah, let's go!"