#12477215Friday, August 07, 2009 6:50 PM GMT

*Sarah smiles* *The door closes on the ferris wheel and they start going up* *Sarah holds Cedix's hand*
Top 25 Poster
#12477270Friday, August 07, 2009 6:51 PM GMT

I hold Sarah's hand.
#12477731Friday, August 07, 2009 6:59 PM GMT

John:Should we start with 1?...and work our way higher?
#12477796Friday, August 07, 2009 7:01 PM GMT

"That's what I was thinking.. Sure" I say with a smile.
#12492577Friday, August 07, 2009 11:43 PM GMT

John:How should we go?....vehicle?..walking...or..what?
#12492734Friday, August 07, 2009 11:46 PM GMT

"Walking is fine. At this time there's probably traffic" She says.
#12492850Friday, August 07, 2009 11:48 PM GMT

John:probably...now we should also get going..before my brother,and Chris start looking for me....and shouldn't you try to get going too?your a famous Japanese model?...your going to attract attention..
#12493405Friday, August 07, 2009 11:59 PM GMT

*Soon the reached the top of the ferris wheel* Sarah:Have you noticed...we never hang around each other anymore?
#12493906Saturday, August 08, 2009 12:09 AM GMT

"I figure that guys here in America don't look at Japanese magazines a lot" I say.
Top 25 Poster
#12493933Saturday, August 08, 2009 12:10 AM GMT

"I've noticed that."
#12496169Saturday, August 08, 2009 12:53 AM GMT

John:Lets just hope so.. *The perv ran up to John,not noticing Mi-Ch and he was holding a disc and carrying a backpack* (LOl I mean Ethan) Ethan:Hey John...can I show you something? John:What?
#12496261Saturday, August 08, 2009 12:55 AM GMT

Sarah:How Come?
#12496732Saturday, August 08, 2009 1:04 AM GMT

Mi-Cha thought to herself. 'I'll just let John handle this..' She thinks to herself talking steps back.
#12498029Saturday, August 08, 2009 1:31 AM GMT

Brandon stopped being silent. "Your name's Ben right?"
#12506081Saturday, August 08, 2009 4:07 AM GMT

John:Wait..a'rent you Ethan? Ethan:Ya? John:Your that perv!!!...I don't wanna see that disc.. Ethan:I just wanted to apologize for being a perv by giving you this disc that shows how to hack games.. John:no Thanks.. *Ethan pulled him into his room and said angrily yet quiet* Ethan:YOU KNOW WHAT!?...I kidnapped.... *Ethan thought for a moment* Ethan:Kyle...I kidnapped your brother Kyle...and this disc will show you how to um...get him back... John:...Why'd you kidnap him in the first place? Ethan:I..just wanted to see you go find him..cause he said right now..he's so desperate for someone to find him that he's give whoever finds him $100.. John:I don't care about the money juts give me the disc... *John already knew that his brother wasn't kidnapped* *Ethan was just trying to distract John so he could get Mi-Cha* Ben:Ya..thats me..
#12506579Saturday, August 08, 2009 4:18 AM GMT

Mi-Cha looked at Ethan in the eyes as Ethan looked from one place to another. Mi-Cha raised an eyebrow. "John, he's lying" Mi-Cha says.
#12506740Saturday, August 08, 2009 4:22 AM GMT

John:What are you talking about?...he can't be lying..he's my friend.. *Then John winked at Mi-Cha as in saying I got a plan* Ethan:Here...now let me show you the disc... *John then grabbed the disc* *John secretly switched the disc with something else but he showed Mi-Cha that he switched the discs without showing Ethan* *John then went up to a portable DVD Player*
#12506943Saturday, August 08, 2009 4:27 AM GMT

(So wait, Ethan gave John the disc, then John switched the disc with another disc and he only showed Mi-Cha what he switched it with?)
#12507022Saturday, August 08, 2009 4:29 AM GMT

(Ya he backed up to Mi-Cha and showed her a disc titled tricking Ethan..)
Top 25 Poster
#12507210Saturday, August 08, 2009 4:34 AM GMT

#12507251Saturday, August 08, 2009 4:35 AM GMT

Mi-Cha pulled out a piece of white chocolate and watched John.
#12511808Saturday, August 08, 2009 7:47 AM GMT

Sarah:Hm... *Ethan stared at the picture on the small screen very closely*... *John smirked...* Ethan:Wait!..this isn't my disc- *A scary face popped onto the screen with a face that has no eyes...and it made a VERY LOUD scream* Ethan:AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Chris was in his dorm and he screamed just by hearing the scream* Chris:AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Eduardo was just startled* *Ethan dropped his backpack and dashed to his dorm room to hide*
#12511838Saturday, August 08, 2009 7:49 AM GMT

Mi-Cha twitched and grabbed her earplugs off the table and shoved them in her ears. "It didn't have to be that loud.. o_e" Mi-Cha says.
#12513862Saturday, August 08, 2009 10:25 AM GMT

Brandon jerked his head towards the noise, then looked back at Ben. "So what exactly is going on around here, some argument between you and the other guy, I assume?"
#12530600Saturday, August 08, 2009 6:36 PM GMT

Ben:Wha? John:But then...I couldn't get twice the joy by making Chris scream too... *John picked up Ethan's backpack* John:So..what was his disc about?