#15216879Saturday, October 10, 2009 5:40 AM GMT

(Wait I just thought of something) [Melony] "Long,what was that noise?....and are those apples?"I asked Long. [Eric] "Then,what will you do,when Ben tells John to get a girl?....John will have to listen....because he can't be alone forever......would you be ok?" [Ben] I finally started to get out of the hospital bed..... "AHHH! WHERES THE CHAINMAL WOMAN WHEN YA NEED HELP!!!"I blurted out.I tried getting out,I wasn't used to everything.
#15294193Sunday, October 11, 2009 8:12 PM GMT

[Long] I looked back at Melony then up at the roof again, twitching, I was speechless. "Maybe it was god's prank?" I ask? [Mi-Cha] "I'd let him do what ever he wants, he has to move on something, so, why not now?"
#15302725Sunday, October 11, 2009 10:51 PM GMT

[Melony] "God wouldn't do that........atleast I don't think so.." [Eric] "Seems like your over him..."I focused back to Ben,then I told him the story... [Ben] "NOW! I REMEMBER!!!!!!!" I said to Eric. "I'mma go get im!!!!" [Eric] "What about Ashley!?"I asked Ben. [Ben] "She can wait..." I walked to Eduardo's house,but first called Long.
#15302987Sunday, October 11, 2009 10:55 PM GMT

[Long] "Maybe that was the apple that the devil handed to Eve? Hah" I say with a smirk, then, my phone rings again. "..." I take out my phone and look at the caller ID. "..." I accepted the call and put it up to my ear. "Yes, Ben?"
#15324639Monday, October 12, 2009 3:45 PM GMT

Name: Katrina Age: 17 Favorite subject: none Most hated subject: all Hobbies: likes to pull pranks Reputation: The KEWL Kidz Reputation with teachers: I HATE THAT CHILD! Bio: seems all nice but don't mess with her 2nd sheet: Nickname: Kewl Age you look: 17 Are you gonna be kewl to Ben?(Me): sure, why not? Subject is most likely you'll pull a prank one: all (especially science) Subject you'd never pull a prank on!: none In love?: mo Who are you in love with?(optional): nobody Do they know that you love them?: nobody Things you've gotten in trouble for: a whole big list 3rd!? Appearance: ripped jeans, sneakers, and a black t-shirt Weapon that you specialize with: 10 gage Favorite way for transportation: skateboarding and biking Most HATED way for transportation: taxis and planes Friends with Ben?: yes Friends With John?: yes Friends with Ashley?: yes Friends with Melony?: yes You are?: Single
#15339697Monday, October 12, 2009 9:53 PM GMT

[Melony] "Heh" [Ben] "Where can I buy a stripper?"I asked him.
#15343944Monday, October 12, 2009 11:08 PM GMT

[Long] I turned my head away from the phone. "Such a stupid question to ask me.." I muttered in a low, very quiet voice, and hung up.
Top 25 Poster
#15346721Monday, October 12, 2009 11:51 PM GMT

I sit down near a pole, and take out a laptop.
#15347050Monday, October 12, 2009 11:56 PM GMT

[Ben] "GAH!!!!!"It popped in my head."Ah! I know the people that are even more annoying than me!"I said to myself. I then called Nyubok. [Nyubok] I answered my phone,ignoring whoever teh caller I was. "Wassup this is Nyubok king of random....what is it?" [Ben] "Do you know where to find a stripper?" [Nyubok] "Back alley, third street"I told him. [Ben] "Thanks!"I then hung up. [Nyubok] I put away my phone, and hopped back in my sofa. "Poor poor strange Ben....cheating on his wife.....with a stripper"I said to myself quietly. (lol)
#15347141Monday, October 12, 2009 11:57 PM GMT

[???] I watched him careully,waiting for him to get distracted for atleast 10 seconds....
#15350363Tuesday, October 13, 2009 12:46 AM GMT

[Mi-Cha] "Heh.. I wonder.." I walked back to the fountains and got a bucket of cold water, and went back to where I was and looked down. I poured the water down. [Long] Suddenly, a large stream of water hits me, passing through the broken part of the roof, I look up. "..."
#15374690Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:02 PM GMT

[Eric] I watched the water go down,until it hit Long.(He diid it the same way Mi-Cha can talk and watch people)"It hit this rich guy who seems familiar...."I said to Mi-Cha. [Melony] "This can't be normal....."I said to Long."Hm....maybe god trying to give you some Holy Water?.heh...heh.."I tried to say to brighten up the mood.
#15376589Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:39 PM GMT

[Mi-Cha] I accidentally dropped a hammer before Eric said that. "Who? Long..? Oh, woops" [Long] "Then wouldn't it.." I paused for a moment and looked up again, seeing the hammer fly down, I jumped out and it hit through the bed. "..."
Top 25 Poster
#15380022Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:46 PM GMT

I stand up.
#15456890Friday, October 16, 2009 2:35 AM GMT

[Eric] "Ya....That was his name...."I concentrated for a moment then said to Long. "Sorry!" I then dropped paint,some tape and plaster."Thats all I got!"I said to Long. [Melony] "This is unlucky..."I said to Long.,then suddenly supplies fell from the sky...."Heh...well thats lucky!" [???] "AH! DID HE SEE ME!?"I thought to myself.
Top 25 Poster
#15457220Friday, October 16, 2009 2:46 AM GMT

I look around. "I suppose I'm safe here." I rummage around in my backpack.
#15461043Friday, October 16, 2009 7:50 AM GMT

Brandon blinked twice. "You smell that?" he asked Chris.
#15480149Friday, October 16, 2009 9:42 PM GMT

[???] I watched carefully....."His backpack...what could he have?"I asked myself. [Chris] "Pizza?"
#15483823Friday, October 16, 2009 10:45 PM GMT

"No... More like smoke... Wait. This is a non-smoking building..."
#15485226Friday, October 16, 2009 11:12 PM GMT

[Long] I smirked and walked up to the bed and sat down, criss crossed, with one hand holding up my head and I stared at my damaged bed. The sheets and blankets were ripped into two pieces. I thought to myself. Mom never taught me how to sow or what so ever. I looked at Melony. "Got any idea how to sow?"
Top 25 Poster
#15488882Saturday, October 17, 2009 12:20 AM GMT

I take out a router.
#15755320Friday, October 23, 2009 8:08 PM GMT

#15843145Sunday, October 25, 2009 4:22 PM GMT

[Chris] "Either some guy is going to have an addiction problem...or the place is on fire..."I looked around nervously. [Melony] "No, sorry.."I told him. [???] "Hm...I can't dash for it now....maybe he has other things..." (I'm Back!!!!!! :D)
Top 25 Poster
#15843264Sunday, October 25, 2009 4:25 PM GMT

I take out a toolbox, and take out a hammer and nails. I nail the router onto a wood pole.
#15843393Sunday, October 25, 2009 4:28 PM GMT

[???] "Hmph...this kid makes me wonder...."