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#91418176Sunday, March 10, 2013 5:38 AM GMT

I went to a grocery store... (The next person says part of the story)
#91418333Sunday, March 10, 2013 5:41 AM GMT

And bought a rainbow unicorn.
#91418412Sunday, March 10, 2013 5:42 AM GMT

It stabbed me in the head with its horn.. NO ONE CAN ESCAPE THE MILES!
#91418492Sunday, March 10, 2013 5:43 AM GMT

[i just notcied me and OP's join dates are the exact same. -shutter-] NO ONE CAN ESCAPE THE MILES!
#91418661Sunday, March 10, 2013 5:46 AM GMT

I run away calling 911 but miss dial and call 411
#91418849Sunday, March 10, 2013 5:49 AM GMT

than a person called shaniqua called and said "HEY YO DIS IS YO 411 SPEKIN WHAT U WANT N GET OUT MY FACE YO"
#91419030Sunday, March 10, 2013 5:52 AM GMT

#91419124Sunday, March 10, 2013 5:53 AM GMT

"I give you good time for only tree fiddy a hour. It good."
#91419208Sunday, March 10, 2013 5:55 AM GMT

*Is confused so checks pockets for money* Um all I have are food stamps. Do you take those?
#91419713Sunday, March 10, 2013 6:02 AM GMT

"I only take pie"
#91419823Sunday, March 10, 2013 6:03 AM GMT

*calls mother* MOM MAKE ME A PIE PLEASE
#91420885Sunday, March 10, 2013 6:18 AM GMT

Pi? Alright, I can print out 3.14.
#91420981Sunday, March 10, 2013 6:20 AM GMT

*Gives pi to staranger* Stranger: THIS ISN'T THE PIE I WANTED *Gets shot in the head*
#91422428Sunday, March 10, 2013 6:48 AM GMT

Man comes along. Man: "Why young man, what r u doing on the ground, oh I see stabbed and shot, let me call 911" *calls 911 but write 411 by mistake* Stranger: "YO Y U CALL ME AGAIN, U DEAD, I SHOT YOU, NOW GIVE ME PIE!!!" *man hangs up* *calls 911 again, and does it right* Man: "IT'S AN EMERGENCY THIS MAN HAS GOT STABBED IN THE HEAD, AND SHOT!!! HE SHOULD DIE IN AROUND 15 MINUTES!!!!!!!" Nurse: "Ummm... Yeah about that, it's are Lunch Brake," Man: "BUT THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!!" Nurse: "Yeah, but it's a lunch brake too, so you'll have to make an appointment, hmmm we can book you in for next year July 7th at 2:00pm, will that be alright?" *Man hangs up* *Calls another hospital* Man: "THIS IS AN EMERGENCY HELP!!!!!!!!!" Doctor: "What's wrong?" Man: "THIS MAN HAS GOT STABBED IN THE HEAD, SHOT, AND HAS PROBABLY ONLY 10 MINUTES TO LIVE!!!!!!!!!!" Doctor: "Hmmm, well you see..." Man: "Your on your lunch brake, right?" Doctor: "No, were closed today, every patient left to a better hospital, this building if about to get blowed up very soon." Man: "So, why you in it?" Doctor: "I'm a hostage," Man: "Oh, well um, bye..." *Man hangs up* Man: "Now only 5 minutes!!!" *Car comes racing along," Car driver: "YO, my Man! What Up, wanna Drive in my Crazy Taxi, it's free?" Man: "Nah, I'm good," Car Driver: "Yo get in now or I'll kill ya!" *Man walks into Car* Car Diver: "Yo, your my Hostage now, want a Lolly Pop?" Man: "Nah" Car Driver: "Take the Lolly Pop!" *Man takes lolly pop* Car Driver: "Now I need to reverse so hold on." *The man who got Stabbed and Shot comes back alive* *Car Driver Lady reverse, and runs over him* *Man Dies* Man: "Ummm Excuse me, you just killed that guy," Car Driver: "No I didn't, I nevah killed anyone, and just to make sure, I gonna kill you" *Shots man* Man: "But I never learned your name, mines Gary Blobbkin" Car Driver: "Mines Sharonda, now finish your Lolly Pop, and hurry up." *Man dies* Car Driver: "Yo where's my pay?" *Wallet falls out of mans pocket* *Lady picks up wallet* Car Driver: "Yo there it is," *Drives off down Street playing Hiphop music*
#91422678Sunday, March 10, 2013 6:55 AM GMT

Man that died's sister(Little Susie): (Saw the whole thing happen) Little Susie tells mother all confused and teriffied because shes only 7 Mother: *Trys to run after taxi but is too late* Father: Hurry get into my truck I think we can chase them! *Familys truck racing to catch up to the Taxi*
#91426293Sunday, March 10, 2013 8:30 AM GMT

the truck crashes. everyone dies. the end,
#91429749Sunday, March 10, 2013 10:45 AM GMT

Sharonda, escaped safety, but she bumped into the guy who got stabbed and shot, then ran over mum, she threw the pie in here face, she licked it, but the mum put poison in it, and now Sharonda is dead
#91476756Sunday, March 10, 2013 8:48 PM GMT

Sharonda's exboyfriend, Lequan was about to get back to gether with Sharonda that very night and had the ring in his pocket ready to propose. When he found out, and went on a murder rampage and killing everyone in the family tree related to the murderer...
#91477233Sunday, March 10, 2013 8:53 PM GMT

All the people he killed came back to life and they all held hands and danced in the rainbows. THE END.
#91544366Monday, March 11, 2013 6:06 PM GMT

By everyone who wrote part of the story, which is everyone who commented
#91629881Tuesday, March 12, 2013 8:55 PM GMT

Sponsored by: McDonalds, KFC, Wendys, And the Hobo down the street
#91630448Tuesday, March 12, 2013 9:00 PM GMT

directed by M. Night Shamallamadingdong

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