#92723944Sunday, March 24, 2013 10:27 PM GMT

Geoff I turn to Vix. "Thank you..." I say. I stand up. "Where to now?" I ask Kate.
#92724224Sunday, March 24, 2013 10:30 PM GMT

Kate muttered saying,"That creature got me of track.. Now we explore for I don't have a compass..."
#92724654Sunday, March 24, 2013 10:34 PM GMT

Geoff I sigh. "One of us could go scout out the area while another goes to look for supplies?" I suggest.
#92726174Sunday, March 24, 2013 10:48 PM GMT

Kate I say,"I will I'm not injured, you guys should rest.." I walk out looking for food and water, we had weapons. I found a bottle and a stream. I gathered some water then looked for food.
#92726812Sunday, March 24, 2013 10:54 PM GMT

Geoff I shake my head. "Is fine. I'll go scout out the area." I say, then walk in the other direction.
#92728389Sunday, March 24, 2013 11:10 PM GMT

Kate I find a candy rapper. I look a it confused then continue to look for food.
#92729256Sunday, March 24, 2013 11:18 PM GMT

Geoff I walk over a bridge and find a graveyard. I start to look at some of the engravings. But... 'Geoff Harly 1996-2013' 'Kate *Forgot last name >.<* *Birth year*-2013' 'Kim Greg *Birth year*-2013' 'Vix *Forgot last name* *Birth year*-2013
#92730744Sunday, March 24, 2013 11:33 PM GMT

Pawer) Kate Pawer I run into a large thing.. It looked gross. It's was a blob human with blood all over it I cover my nose, as the smell was nasty. I turn leaving it.
#92731420Sunday, March 24, 2013 11:39 PM GMT

#92970957Wednesday, March 27, 2013 5:08 PM GMT

(Smith….) (And sorry I haven’t been on in three days.) Vix Smith “No problem” I say when I hear Geoff thank me. I mean, they’d do the same thing for me… right? I watch Kate and Geoff go off in separate directions. I mumble to myself, “Split up…. Yeah… that’s a smart idea. It’s not like, what happens in every scary movie before the monster comes up and grabs one of them…” I decide quickly that instead of trying to follow one of them, I’ll just sit here and wait for them to come back… That’s when I see a tree… “I think I’ll sit in that tree so that way if the monster shows up I’ll at least be partly hidden.” I climb the tree and settle down. “But what if they can’t see me? They won’t know where I am…” This tree feels cozy…. I can feel my eyelids grow heavy and start to droop. The tree is warm…. And comfy…. Maybe I’ll take just a little nap…. But I can’t take a nap…. Can I? If there really is a monster then I’m a sitting duck…. And if I’m asleep then how will Geoff and Kate know I didn’t run off somewhere? I look down and see that my first aid kit is still down there. “Maybe they’ll see that and-”
#92971028Wednesday, March 27, 2013 5:10 PM GMT

(Continued....) -------------------------------- And so Victoria Smith fell into a deep slumber. A shadow loomed over where she sat asleep. The source of the shadow picked up the sleeping Victoria (Vix) and walked off into the surrounding trees. ------------------------------------------ Vix Smith I wake up and…. I’m not in the tree anymore! I can feel my breath become shallow and quick, am I hyperventilating? Check the Magic Eight ball: ‘All signs point to yes’. As I try to slow my breathing and calm myself I notice that I’m in an enclosed space…. A really small one at that. I try to move and… I can’t… well… I can but not very far. It seems to have been tailored to fit me specifically. “Help!” I scream and start pounding on the sides of the room. I feel the room shake as I move and I hear dirt rattle and fall on my room. But if dirt fell on it, then it can’t be a room. I’m in a box of some sort… and I’m buried… in the ground. Alive (I kinda built off of what you did with the graves…. Hope that was okay.)
#92973373Wednesday, March 27, 2013 5:55 PM GMT

(Too late?) (I wanna be unique :)) Name:Subject 840 @ge:16 Apperance:Large helmet (Has a weak spot) Hevaily armoured with 2 magnums and a PPSH (With military cadet clothcer Bio:His Dad and Father were killed by the US Army and used and trained by them... Phiscially trained for anything and mentally trained for solving life problems,anti-social. Works on a progam "Shoot first,questions later"
#92974633Wednesday, March 27, 2013 6:18 PM GMT

(Whoa... Coolioz, so your character's a robot? Accepted)
#92978238Wednesday, March 27, 2013 7:17 PM GMT

Charlie (Or Subject) I came trotting out of the shadows after I finished my victims. I stealthily sneak to Geoff and grab him on the mouth so he suffocates.... slowly... I then put him in the shadows and put on my deadly plaster on his eyes and his upper part of his head,I proceed to paint it red,then print out eyeholes. "Hello" I say as I press the butt of my magnum on his temples "Where are you going? I went through some portal..." So your parent's died on your 10th birthday?" "I know how it feel's like... but on my first." ............ "Don't tell your friend's I'm here" I whisper. Then I let him run to his friends with his plaster on
#93080654Thursday, March 28, 2013 9:29 PM GMT

Get it online and running again!!
#93083601Thursday, March 28, 2013 9:57 PM GMT

(Hey idk bout sheep be good and wait.. Well time for some action...) Kate I walk to where Geoff went, muttering but instead seeing the robot thing. I growled grabbing the sword staid with purple blood, although the thing disappeared as I grabbed the sword. I muttered coldly to myself then walked towards Geoff.
#93134999Friday, March 29, 2013 7:46 AM GMT

*Whispers to Kate* I'm no robot. I HAD a life,but I'm not sure now... *Sings a ryhme that teased Kate in the 6th Grade* Katie wet herself,katie wet herself...hahaha. I'll take you down one by one but I want to stay in this group to have a family,life friends. . Because I have nothing now. Then I stab her on her knee and dissepear,observing the group in stealth mode.
#93135072Friday, March 29, 2013 7:49 AM GMT

That should slow them down before they hit the burning metorite crater and even more havoc. But I got to stop them before they die!
#93139904Friday, March 29, 2013 11:10 AM GMT

Geoff I look at Kate. "What... WAS that thing?" I ask.
#93139923Friday, March 29, 2013 11:10 AM GMT

(Uh no you can't control what my character does excuse me -.-) Kate sighed at that song, it was no longer that bad. She said,"What a idiot.." (No offense)
#93140129Friday, March 29, 2013 11:18 AM GMT

Kate looked at her wound and muttered coldly. She ripped the long sleeve into a short and used the cloth to the wound. I crossed my arms saying,"I don't really care.."
#93267916Saturday, March 30, 2013 3:32 PM GMT

Geoff I watch as he pads off. "Who..." I mutter.
#93282177Saturday, March 30, 2013 6:01 PM GMT

Vix I start pounding on the walls of the coffin again. (She's buried in that graveyard Geoff was at earlier.)
#94734182Saturday, April 13, 2013 1:00 PM GMT

Kate has a tingling sensation in her stomach. Her mind tells her to go somewhere.. She starts to follow. She ends up in a graveyard.. But one of the graves say "Vix [insert last name]". The dirt was moving. Kate then though, holy crap!
#94735797Saturday, April 13, 2013 1:24 PM GMT

Geoff I walk up behind Kate slowly. "Yeah, I saw this earlier." I say. Then the ground starts to shake. "But not this part..."