#124008586Saturday, January 25, 2014 5:51 PM GMT

You sir, deserve a cookie..
#124074814Sunday, January 26, 2014 5:47 AM GMT

How cute, 90% of these people are Minecrappians defending their circleless craphouse (with bad graphics)
#124083801Sunday, January 26, 2014 8:22 AM GMT

I don't play minecraft, I'm not defending it. I'm making a point how your arguments are idiotic. I've probably been on this website for half of how long you've lived, so, well, there's that. Again, "adults and mature kids care about graphics and not gameplay" is one of the most stupid arguments I've ever seen in a debate, even on this forum, and when said argument is presented by someone who plays roblox and WoW, well that doesn't help your case. ~Finnish, video game nerd, 09'er~
#129086666Thursday, March 27, 2014 4:41 AM GMT

OK, i may sound like i am defending minecraft, but i just want to say that you really should not be hitting minecraft so hard guys. if you read my other posts you will know i try to be as fair as possible with my arguments. but i have played and usually still do play both games. while i typically play Roblox more often, i still do play minecraft from time to time. here, i want to lay down a few things that minecraft has that you wont find in roblox. if you want me to talk about this conversation vice versa, i will need a conversation where roblox is being punched in the nuts. here are some good things about minecraft: the reason for the graphics is not because they are bad, it is to make the building easier the game was made to be a building/survival guys, and unless you are playing it on easy, it is a lot more than punching trees, it is rushing to build a home as the sun sets, hoping that you have time to build it but fearing it is not, you're hunger is running low, so you must find some food, after finishing the home, you come back and just before you open the door, a fuse like hiss come from behind you, with a shattering BOOM, you see as you're body falls and dies and a portion of you're house disappears.(i'm not doing a full length story so i will stop here) it has extremely interesting folk lore that include many creepy pastas and horror stories the game can become pretty fun and with complicated designs almost anything can be built(someone made a calculator once, it was awesome) a lot of the servers are original and fun (seriously, Roblox needs to discourage the obbies and can you?'s) many original creatures, creepers, endermans, zombie pigman, the ENDERDRAGON, the Wither, and many other mobs and bosses and many more things, and by the way, for the people who say that minecraft have a bunch of little kid noobs running around acting like adults, DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY KIDS DO THAT DAILY ON ROBLOX? i mean seriously. plus, there are trollers and hackers on roblox, there are inappropriate people on Roblox, and many other things. now, Roblox has many great features on itself, but seriously guys, give minecraft a break. i seriously want to see YOU guys make a simple but yet fun game that gets popular(by the way, it has to be a game that is not on another game like Roblox, it has to be a original game you scripted and everything) when you do that, than MAYBE you can complain about it.
#129087249Thursday, March 27, 2014 4:52 AM GMT

by the way trollmaster303, i am laughing at you right now. If adults cared SOO much about graphics, how come i find my dad playing minecraft often an why do people still play games like mario and sonic and those games even though there graphics are EXTREMELY outdated? it is because of the game play, think about it this way, suppose there was a game that was called, the illusion of paintings, and it said it had the best graphics of this generation! now, you play the game and all you do th entire game is walk around a boring art museum(not making fun of art museums, i love going to them) and look at pictures? sure the graphics are phenomenal, but you are going to get bored of that game real fast. plus, last time i checked, Roblox's graphics are not the prettiest either. you want graphics? go play halo 4 and titanfall. and stop saying graphics are everything, because they are not. plus, in the compound word game-play, i think there is a special word that helps it... GAME-play, think about it, GAMEplay. so, my dear friend, i think you just got burned.
#129091093Thursday, March 27, 2014 6:25 AM GMT

Again. Here we go. SWAG = Secretly We Are Goats
#129091169Thursday, March 27, 2014 6:27 AM GMT

It is so raging when you lose all of your stuff
#129091268Thursday, March 27, 2014 6:31 AM GMT

can everyone just stop posting about minecraft or roblox/ minecraft vs roblox, it's just your opinion to hate it or not. and don't compare minecraft and roblox
#129092006Thursday, March 27, 2014 7:00 AM GMT

Lol it does stink
#129137341Thursday, March 27, 2014 11:22 PM GMT

@derp, if you're dad plays Mindcraft he must be pretty disliked at work. Second, I never said graphics are EVERYTHING. Third, don't lecture me on things when you can't use proper grammar. Fourth, barely anyone plays the original Mario/Sonic games, they play the newer ones. And finally, I never got "burned" because you're horrible at arguments and comebacks. Next time you try to lecture someone about "getting their facts straight" make sure you get your OWN facts straight as well.
#129140328Thursday, March 27, 2014 11:52 PM GMT

ROBLOX: Overpriced sales for B.C, T.B.C, and O.B.C. Minecraft: Only $20 and you can play the game FOREVER. In some cases, Minecraft is also free to download. True story. ROBLOX: They were advertising since 2007 or something and they only got a few million players. Minecraft: This game started in 2009 with NO advertising, and they have more players than ROBLOX. Meh. ROBLOX: Admins abuse their 'admin powers' and ban anybody they do not now. Minecraft: Admins actually BAN those who troll, hack, grief, etc. True. ROBLOX: Smooth and easy controls. Can be played on almost any console or handheld device available. Minecraft: Difficult and choppy controls on handheld devices. Not VERY true ROBLOX: Great texture pack design and graphics setting! Minecraft: Bad texture pack design and no graphics setting. Since when does graphics matter? ROBLOX: No mods. So what? You don't need mods to enjoy a game. Minecraft: Mods. Who cares? Why is this here? ROBLOX: Millions and millions of items you can use to customize your avatar! Minecraft: Same as ROBLOX, but with lesser features. Not needed. ROBLOX: They care about what we say! MInecraft: They just care about money... Turn that around,and then it's true. ROBLOX: Can rely on admins to ban abusive players! Minecraft: Admins ban people in a server at an average of 10 people an hour. No.The admins on ROBLOX are horrible. ROBLOX: Can post certain links. Minecraft: Can post any links, but unable to copy from the chat bar. This isn't true,because you can. ROBLOX: You can say anything you like on the forums. Minecraft: You can only say certain things in the forums.. -_- It's something called rules.
#129142624Friday, March 28, 2014 12:13 AM GMT

ROBLOX: Overpriced sales for B.C, T.B.C, and O.B.C. Minecraft: Only $20 and you can play the game FOREVER. In some cases, Minecraft is also free to download. True ROBLOX: They were advertising since 2007 or something and they only got a few million players. Minecraft: This game started in 2009 with NO advertising, and they have more players than ROBLOX. True ROBLOX: Admins abuse their 'admin powers' and ban anybody they do not now. Minecraft: Admins actually BAN those who troll, hack, grief, etc. True ROBLOX: Smooth and easy controls. Can be played on almost any console or handheld device available. Minecraft: Difficult and choppy controls on handheld devices. Handheld? ?????? They are almost the same on the computer ROBLOX: Great texture pack design and graphics setting! Minecraft: Bad texture pack design and no graphics setting. I use texture packs so... ROBLOX: No mods. So what? You don't need mods to enjoy a game. Minecraft: Mods. Who cares? I care.... ROBLOX: Millions and millions of items you can use to customize your avatar! Minecraft: Same as ROBLOX, but with lesser features. Mods....MODS ROBLOX: They care about what we say! MInecraft: They just care about money... *Laughs out loud* ROBLOX: Can rely on admins to ban abusive players! Minecraft: Admins ban people in a server at an average of 10 people an hour. Slight Exaggeration ROBLOX: Can post certain links. Minecraft: Can post any links, but unable to copy from the chat bar. Yah, thats true ROBLOX: You can say anything you like on the forums. Minecraft: You can only say certain things in the forums.. -_- Wait so I can say ^#$^#$^@@^$^@$^$&&&@&@&$%@$@253525@%@%#@%@#%@#%@#%@ YOU!
#129151602Friday, March 28, 2014 1:34 AM GMT

You lost me when you said Roblox cares abouts its players and that Minecraft is laggy after 1 minute. I started rolling across the floor laughing. It is the complete opposite. Crappy graphics? Just get a texture pack. Laggy? If you are running it on a Windows 98 with over 2000 viruses, maybe. Roblox cares about its players? Only player suggested thing I have even seen come in was trading. Roblox more well known than Minecraft? Lol, Minecraft has been on the news multiple times and has even gotten on consoles. Roblox has only been on the news once that I am aware of, and has only gotten on mobile devices. tl;dr version: Almost all arguments are false.
#129157725Friday, March 28, 2014 2:42 AM GMT

but they are both different
#129674946Thursday, April 03, 2014 12:34 AM GMT

I've been playing roblox since 09, and MC since 2011. They both have their ups and downs.
#130793249Tuesday, April 15, 2014 2:29 AM GMT

MC started in 2011....
#131922952Saturday, April 26, 2014 7:52 AM GMT

You can't compare Minecraft and Roblox , they're different games. Dumbass
#131922988Saturday, April 26, 2014 7:53 AM GMT

You can't compare Minecraft and Roblox , they're different games Dumbass
#131923051Saturday, April 26, 2014 7:55 AM GMT

Agree with you ManWithAPan. You can't compare ROBLOX and Minecraft , they're different games
#131928382Saturday, April 26, 2014 10:59 AM GMT

1.Punching trees to get resources is something you'd probably do for 2 minutes max each time you start from the beggining. And no , thats not a reason to delete the game. 2.Griefers , exist , in every , game. Your comparison that you do later on on your thread with Roblox , well guess what. Roblox is full of them too. 3.Servers have to do with connection. If you find a good server , you wont have such a problem. Other than that FPS Lag is caused by having a bad PC. Having a bad PC is your own problem. The game itself is really soft and you shouldnt have problems with it 4.If you are lagging on the game again. Thats your own fault. Games have specific requirements , if you do not meet them , you cant judge them. I personally dont lag at all on minecraft. 5.Decals are not easy to make , first of all they are also time consuming. And those "mods" you talk about. You dont have to create them , people make them and you choose whatever you like the most. The graphics are nowhere near horrible , it's just how the game is. Its made to be that way and it has a style of its own. Those were your first 5 arguments. Your thread continues on with : Lets compare those two games. I do not wish to read the rest of your threads. You cannot compare two. DIFFERENT games like that. Roblox has its own building studio , entirably resizable blocks to do any sort of thing. Minecraft has limits but other unique stuff to it. With Mods and Redstone. Any type of gamemode that can exist in roblox is possible to exist on minecraft. Do you know what mods are filled with? Scripts. Do you know who also uses scripts? People in roblox. Thanks for your time -Shi
#131932912Saturday, April 26, 2014 12:42 PM GMT

" What makes Minecraft unique is the blocky 80's style graphics. " Minecraft isn't unique, haven't you seen how many voxel based building games there are? Also, they didn't even INVENT voxels. There were voxel based building games before Minecraft.
#131933359Saturday, April 26, 2014 12:51 PM GMT

I don't usually support the Minecraft side on these types of threads, but isn't it the other way around here? "Minecraft says you can build unlimited things and use your imagination. But that was a waste of time. The more things you build, the more laggier it gets! You'd be lucky to last a whole minute in any building server without any lag. With ROBLOX, the speed is usually fair, and it's all the same. With an empty baseplate, you get the same speed as you would with a baseplate filled with random buildings."
#132035875Sunday, April 27, 2014 10:47 AM GMT

You can't compare a game to a side that has games
#132985329Wednesday, May 07, 2014 9:08 PM GMT

I sadly agree the argument is stupid, but Mindcraft IS a horrible game. Here's my argument First off, I will NOT include addons/texture packs because it makes the game look WORSE. You have no idea WHO you're installing it from and if it's a virus or not, PLUS you need to waste extra space on your computer to get them. ROBLOX: You have your own studio to build whatever. Mindcraft: You have to use creative mode and there's limited things you can make because some things can't be built without scripts. ROBLOX: Buy BC to buy better things and get in extra activities. Mindcraft: Buy $10+ Membership for a single server to do anything, and the people who get the money are probably as old as YOU. ROBLOX: All servers built into the website Mindcraft: Spend days looking across the internet for 1 single server. ROBLOX: Restrictions. Most people quit when they get permanently banned, others get alts and repeat their mistakes. Mindcraft: Devs never PLAY multiplayer servers so the owners of the games just let the players do whatever, swear, grief, you just go to another server once you get banned. No one fixes this. ROBLOX: Everything is player made so there's (almost) always something to play. Get bored? MAKE YOUR OWN GAME Mindcraft: Same thing, just dig, punch trees like a maniac and die by wimps (If you put a creepy in a real RPG they would only be around level 3) but sometimes someone makes something new. Sometimes ROBLOX: Admins don't really care too much about our needs, but they do care about us. I even read in the blog they went to a school to teach kids how to script. Mindcraft: Devs care about their fans even less than ROBLOX Admins to us. That's why they make kids make all their crap and Mindcraft just takes the credit. ROBLOX: About 2/3 of the players behave and act mature. We (A lot of us, that is) can get along with other people of the world (unless they wrong us) Mindcraft: Majority of the population is a bunch of children in first grade, I even saw a first grader on a Mindcraft Lego Set when I was at the store. I can't go to YouTube one time without seeing a video called "9 Year old gets 'trolled' in Mindcraft!!!" and make it look like a big deal. I troll people every day and I don't make a big deal about it. Don't play Mindcraft? Be annoyed by thousands to millions of little brats who can't stand peoples opinions. ROBLOX: Fun people like VenturianTale playing ROBLOX. Mindcraft: Butter Boy/Squid Hater. I bet he would die watching me eat one of my favorite delicacies: squid. ROBLOX: It's own blog to talk about updates and stuff. Admins actually play ROBLOX live on twitch. Minecraft: The only place I know where you can get feedback from is Twitter where Notch the Fat posts all his crap about... well... crap. Bad things about Minecraft alone: - Crappy Bosses: 3 headed floating thing, Dragon, and you're white-eyed twin. - Players ruin every good song I know with their parodies. I listen to my Maroon 5 songs (yes, I like their music) and then I find a parody, I listen to it, and it sounds like a cross between a banshee and Justin Bieber is trying to sing a Minecraft version. I hear: OH IMA INA MINSHACK TRYN TO DIG DIAMONDS 4 UUUUU! and both my eyes and ears bleed from the horrible animations and horrible voice/lyrics. -The graphics are horrible for 2014. So that's the improved version of this argument.
#132986012Wednesday, May 07, 2014 9:17 PM GMT

"ROBLOX: They care about what we say! MInecraft: They just care about money..." died you don't understand, minecraft isn't suppose to have good graphics. its ment to be pixely -.- watch out for beach bullies