#99323260Wednesday, May 29, 2013 11:59 PM GMT

"Are you going to be with me?" Shi asked. Orianna and Ball were the only 'people' who can deal with Shi.
#99323664Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:02 AM GMT

Orianna sighed. "I don't know Shi. First you need to become a champion in the first place! I'm sure you'll get in though. There are over 100 champions, myself included."
#99323950Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:04 AM GMT

The smoke clears, and revealing is a colossus, with red and black fog surrounding it, making its shape very unclear.
#99323966Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:04 AM GMT

"Must not be that hard then...." Shi said in a inaudible tone. "What are some of the champions anyway?" She asked.
#99324554Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:08 AM GMT

Orianna thinks. She begins describing some of them. "Well, one of them is a scorpion, made of crystal! Another is this scarecrow guy who throws scythes and drains life force and stuff! There's also an armored bear, a half-dragon, pirate, giant preying mantis guy, ghost armor blue-firey cenatuar, this insectoid demon thing, this weird lady who can transform into a spider, a minotaur, and then there's the master of evil!" Orianna didn't even go over most of them.
#99324853Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:10 AM GMT

Shi almost fell asleep with the list of easy to beat 'champions'. "These guys sound easy.... I bet their magic is nothing compared to mine, and the Void."
#99325416Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:14 AM GMT

Orianna thinks. "You'll probablly be unable to use your Void magic in the games. The Summoners have this huge debate whether or not such power is unfair. Also, every champion is equal through the aurua surrounding each battle ground, meaning you can be killed or kill. It's very complicated. Take for example, there's this huge guy with an anchor. Under normal circumstances, being whacked with an anchored without heavy armro would result in your death, but due to the magic of the summoners, it keeps you alive. There are also items you can get at the shop to help you become stronger, such as this!" Orianna pulls out a big floppy wizard hat with a zipper around it. Two glowing mean looking eyes dot it, making the zipper look like a mouth.
#99325714Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:17 AM GMT

"Being whacked with a anchor wouldn't kill me in the first place anyway..... IM GOING TO BECOME THE BEST CHAMPION THERE EVER WAS!" Shi holds her sword up high with both of her hands. However... She didnt feel right....
#99325862Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:18 AM GMT

Vectorman After a while, i just stop following the tracks and find Robotboy, turned off and laying on the ground(usually in that mode, imagine he's the size of the average action figure. that's the size) I pick him up. "Interesting." I keep walking, holding Robotboy. ~HENSHIN A GO-GO BABY!!~
#99325977Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:18 AM GMT

Orianna claps excited. "Wait, does that mean you'll be better than me? And what role will you play? Have you thought about what abilities you'll use? You can only have 4. And what will your passive be?"
#99326296Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:21 AM GMT

"What are you talking about?" Shi asked. Four? Passive? ROLE?! This is starting to sound ridiculously stupid......
#99326395Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:21 AM GMT

The figure steps out of the fog, and wings spread out behind him. -Character Sheet- Name: Uoipaio Gender: Male Cartoon Type: Video game/ Modern Appearance: He has a colossal figure, with large bat wings popping out of the back. His skin is dark green and slimy, it occasionally has faces stretching out of it (They can talk.). His head is slimy and green on one side, and red and rugged on the other (Representing his new double personality.). He has giant volcano like pores coming out of his back, which generate smoke. Current Location: The mountains Inventory: Nothing Other: N/A Bio: He is the fusion of Giygas and Aldert, Aldert is a wizard with a distinctive almost charming persona. Giygas is an evil space alien bent on ruling earth. (M.Bison: OF COURSE!!!)
#99326802Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:24 AM GMT

Vectorman I find the watch that comes with him. I put it on and keep walking. "Odd." ~HENSHIN A GO-GO BABY!!~
#99326987Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:25 AM GMT

(Mada nope. Also. What'd I miss croc?)
#99327038Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:26 AM GMT

Orianna began. "Well...Each champion has 4 abilities they can use. For example, I have Command: Ravage as my first ability." Orianna points to a place in the sky. In a metallic whirl, the Ball launches there. "A passive is an ability you have that you don't need to use in order for it to be active. For example, my 'passive' is Clockwork Wind-up, in which every basic attack I land does a small amount of my ability power , increasing with each additional attack I do against the same target." Orianna winds the key on her back more. "A role is what thing you do on the team. For example, I play mid, in which I go to the middle lane, where spell casters battle for supremacy. People like Renekton-" Orianna points to Walter. "My name is Walter! Do not compare me to that guy!" Walter yells. "Go to the top lane, where they duke it out with the more burly melee oriented champions!"
#99327776Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:31 AM GMT

"THAT'S STUPID. How can we be champions, if we can not show them why we can be? Why are we limited?" Shi asks. She hates this idea now.
#99327988Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:32 AM GMT

(Well, if you're referring to your characters, nothing much. Ivan's still eating and Orianna is taking Shi to become a champion in the Institute of War. Cole is fighting Aatrox. Nothing much.) Orianna thinks. "Because some people would be rediculously overpowered, crushing everyone beneath them like miserable ants, completely ruining the point of the games."
#99328512Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:35 AM GMT

"We'll, they shouldn't pick weak people to become champions then.... There is no point going there now, if they are going to be like that..... Don't you ever want to become stronger, Orianna, and not be limited to what these people give you, just so their weak champions can actually fight you?" Shi asks.
#99328609Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:36 AM GMT

Vectorman I finally walk off the island, venturing somewhere else. "This is going to be boring." ~HENSHIN A GO-GO BABY!!~
#99328998Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:39 AM GMT

Orianna thinks. "It was my life goal to become a champion, Shi. And now I am one. Maybe they shouldn't allow powerful people to become champions if they can't have balance to make it fair for people like me." Walter groans. They were almost there. "Am I going to have to turn around now?"
#99329623Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:43 AM GMT

"Then they should have divisions. So strong can fight strong, and weak can fight weak. And yes Walter, we are turning around. Now." Shi sat and crossed her arms. Apparently there is nowhere she can live, unless it involves killing. Which she did not want at times...But this was just stupid enough, even she didnt like it....
#99330443Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:48 AM GMT

Orianna speaks up. "No, Walter," finally getting his name right. "I want to go. You can take Shi back after." 3 minutes later, Walter lands on the beach of a large,almost Continental, island. Orianna hops off Tyvonxys, taking Ball with her. "Good bye Shi. I'm going to go home now. Best of luck in whatever you want to do." Orianna walks away. Walter sighs and takes off with Shi, back to the Bayou Shack. "You're smart, Shi. You wouldn't have liked it there anyways. All they do is kill you and stuff, only for you to come back to life and die again."
#99331328Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:55 AM GMT

Shi starts sniffing. "I'm never going to find a place I will call home, will I?" Shi sniffs. Her only two friends now gone, she is now left in her disorienting and disturbing world.... Alone.
#99331554Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:57 AM GMT

Vectorman I keep going, but i decide to give up looking for excitement, noone's anywhere for miles. Probably because everyone is dead. Probably what happened... I knew i should've saved 'em. They're all dead. Knew it. There's probably someone exploring this wasteland. "Hey! Anybody?" I yell at the top of my.. voice. "HEY! ANYONE!?" "Not cool..Not cool." I start running after a while, afraid that everyone really is dead. ~HENSHIN A GO-GO BABY!!~
#99332363Thursday, May 30, 2013 1:03 AM GMT

-Cole- "I've greatly improved..." Cole then realizes who he is fighting. "Aatrox!"