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#9248619Thursday, June 04, 2009 9:31 PM GMT

With the invention of gear it got me thinking. What ifs....gear could be self designed (not likely), armor that works could be sold (hmmm....thats an idea...) and much more. I also came across some really weird gear like a board with a nail in it, who would pick that over a sword in real life? Or the really cool ones that weren't what you expected, like the Shadow Ninja stars that go 3 feet. Or the super cool Lightning Staff thing. I thought a gear designing constest would be good. I want your opinion. What can I say, I'm nosy XD
#9272947Friday, June 05, 2009 2:51 PM GMT

I also had an idea that the shadow and light ninja idea should be expanded. Staff of the Shadow Masters? Forbidden Blade of the White Void?

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