#99216445Wednesday, May 29, 2013 12:42 AM GMT

Tom searched himself for any water.
#99221289Wednesday, May 29, 2013 1:16 AM GMT

-Thomas- If you had any before, it's gone now.
#99225980Wednesday, May 29, 2013 1:48 AM GMT

((A few of both, actually. I'll go with the ratpaks))
#99226472Wednesday, May 29, 2013 1:52 AM GMT

-Jessica- You take out one of your RatPaks. This one is part of the "fruity tropickal" brand. Fruit salad and assorted chopped fruit and berries are in the different sections of the container. Most of them are dry.
#99228839Wednesday, May 29, 2013 2:07 AM GMT

Rex- So there are no objects in the room, just one person? If there is just the person, try to get his attention without alerting the guard. If there are objects in the cell, search thoroughly under, over, and inside.
#99229208Wednesday, May 29, 2013 2:10 AM GMT

-Rex- No objects. There isn't even a floor; it's just grassy dirt. This must be an emplacement-detainment unit. The vagrant on the ground wakes up. "Where am I?" he snarls at you.
#99230760Wednesday, May 29, 2013 2:19 AM GMT

Rex- I gesture towards the guard and hold my finger to my lips I whisper "I really don't know, but I don't want to be here"
#99234252Wednesday, May 29, 2013 2:46 AM GMT

-Rex- "Hrurm?" he looks around, then comes to his senses further. "Drat! Let me out of here!" he complains to the guard, who ignores him.
#99240830Wednesday, May 29, 2013 3:49 AM GMT

Dirt floors, hm? Is there anywhere in the cell I can go where the guard won't see me?
#99241524Wednesday, May 29, 2013 3:58 AM GMT

Tom turned to the agent next to him. "Hey man; anything to drink?"
#99241675Wednesday, May 29, 2013 4:00 AM GMT

-Rex- No. That wouldn't be practical when the cell was designed. -Thomas- "What do you want? I can get the driver to pull into a Eat-A-Pak drive-thru."
#99247181Wednesday, May 29, 2013 5:31 AM GMT

(Okay, that gave me nothing to go on...)
#99248465Wednesday, May 29, 2013 6:02 AM GMT

-James- Well, you read the tag. That's what you wanted to do.
#99256733Wednesday, May 29, 2013 10:28 AM GMT

{James} He peeks out to the hallway to see if there are any guards coming his way.
#99259522Wednesday, May 29, 2013 11:33 AM GMT

Rex- Is the guard close enough to grab from inside the cell?
#99269081Wednesday, May 29, 2013 2:46 PM GMT

-James- One of them is asleep, leaning back in a wooden chair with his feet crossed up against an outdoor coffee table. -Rex- You might be able to grab him. But there are probably more guardsmen around here.
#99269116Wednesday, May 29, 2013 2:47 PM GMT

[and repost] >
#99269325Wednesday, May 29, 2013 2:51 PM GMT

-John- You sprint towards the wall, leap off, then activate your jumpjet. You soar above for a few moments, then roll onto the next roof the your right. A rebel wielding a stockless Troupe SMG is up here. He has a friend, an insurgent armed with a Chippler Spree assault rifle and body armour.
#99269464Wednesday, May 29, 2013 2:54 PM GMT

Rex- So does the guard have his back turned to me? If yes, grab his neck and choke him. If no, just wait.
#99269847Wednesday, May 29, 2013 3:01 PM GMT

-Rex- His back is turned, but he seems to be wearing military plating that has a metal strap going around the back of his neck that seems to be part of his shoulder armor. You probably can't choke him.
#99270561Wednesday, May 29, 2013 3:14 PM GMT

Rex- Are there any weak spots in his armor? If not, see if there are any loose bars in the cell (Assuming it's a barred cell)
#99270725Wednesday, May 29, 2013 3:16 PM GMT

-Rex- Doesn't look like it. This is probably one of those high-importance site guards. No bars are loose. If one was, you couldn't do much anyways. You would be noticed if you tampered with any of them.
#99270820Wednesday, May 29, 2013 3:18 PM GMT

Rex- Are there any logical actions to do except wait?
#99271512Wednesday, May 29, 2013 3:29 PM GMT

I quickly sprayed across the two, aiming for the chest and arms of the SMG rebel, and the legs, arms or head of the armored one. I than dove to the side, looking for cover, if they weren't both downed.
#99277825Wednesday, May 29, 2013 4:58 PM GMT

-Jessica- Fruity tropikal? Good enough. I consume as much of the product as possible without making a mess, and if there is any juice at the bottom, I also drink that to help quench my thirst.