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#9360856Sunday, June 07, 2009 4:35 PM GMT

gather friends. listen to the tale. of the ROBLOXians. in the early days,evrything was at peace. our sworn protectors known as the moderators,kept it all at peace,while our great leaders,the admins,built the world and shaped it so its inhabitants,the ROBLOXians,could shape it to their own desires. years passed. this peace is about to be disturbed. from the depths of ROBLOXia,twisted beings that looked like ROBLOXians,called noobs,rose up from the depths. they then deleted and ruined a lot of ROBLOXia. here we are.... mr.D:ahundred and two....blocks,ive lost count. telamon:noes! theyve almost taken the heights! briguy:ill get em! the fighting continues for a long time. the year:2008. ROBLOXians are still coming,despite the noobs. one of theese..is mecha51. we will follow him,and his journey. mecha51:bricks.....im almost there!!! he continues to the greeting house. greeter:ah,new here? mecha51:yes,i am. greeter:here take theese. he receives a bloxxer t-shirt and ROBLOX pda. greeter:have a nice time. he eagerley runs to a few places and is nicley welcomed. he builds and plays. (and bashes a few noobs.) lets hear his time facing some noobs. mecha51:ahh,what a nice day to be a ROBLOXian. i think ill go build :D -at a building place- mecha51:i love this creation :') BANG BANG BANG mecha51:NOOOOO! :( alright,who did that? he faces this scenario a few times. 2009. he makes good places. he plays fair. he bashes noobs. he is now a proper ROBLOXian. sword and paintball gun in hand,he sets off to be famous. for this is the way. of the ROBLOXian. to be continued.
#10601373Saturday, July 04, 2009 9:25 PM GMT

needs to be BUMPED

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