#98475013Thursday, May 23, 2013 12:35 AM GMT

~Lily~ I suddenly ran over and picked up Alex, who was a cat. "Sorry...but we kinda need to go for a second..." I said to the guy who was talking with her. I teleported away, into an empty hall. Alex turned back into a human. "She's here..." Said Alex. "We must not do anything right now, becuase 'she' will be watching us, so we can get 'her'." I said quietly. "Yes, so we must take caution, once everyone is gone somewhere, we will go to her..." Alex said, nodding. "Now tell master we have found her..." I said quietly. Alex nodded gruffly and disappeared.
#98476255Thursday, May 23, 2013 12:46 AM GMT

Jayden I tilted my head at him as he spoke to me but I said nothing. I just stood by the wall, grinning wildly.
#98476479Thursday, May 23, 2013 12:48 AM GMT

Tessa "Aaaaand i know what that grin means..." I said, backing up slowly.
#98476583Thursday, May 23, 2013 12:48 AM GMT

~Theo~ I narrowed my eyes at him. "What?" I said coldly as he just stood there grinning.
#98476661Thursday, May 23, 2013 12:49 AM GMT

Jayden I took a small step towards them, the grin never leaving my face.
#98477303Thursday, May 23, 2013 12:55 AM GMT

Tessa I kept retreating slowly.
#98477322Thursday, May 23, 2013 12:55 AM GMT

(..oh boy.. i'm missing this) Fart out of your eyes.
#98477648Thursday, May 23, 2013 12:58 AM GMT

Jayden I tried to reach out with my arm but it fell back to my side. My arm started to shake as I stood there, watching as she backed away from me. The grin never left my face the entire time. I tilted my head at the girl and blinked.
#98478172Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:03 AM GMT

Tessa I stopped backing up, a slightly puzzled look on my face.
#98478979Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:10 AM GMT

~Theo~ "Don't go near her..." I hissed, stepping in front of him, blocking him from Tessa.
#98479179Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:12 AM GMT

Jayden I kept my hands on my side and I looked up at the person in front of me, who towered over me as well as the other man from before. I blinked and looked at him with a smirk.
#98479927Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:19 AM GMT

~Theo~ "Why are you smirking?" I hissed coldly, my red eyes narrowed and seemed to be glowing a ghastly red. __________________________________________________________________ ~Violet~ I fell over so I was laying on the ground. I didnt try to get up, for I was afraid it would just bring more pain, worse pain.
#98480050Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:20 AM GMT

Jayden "Because I want to..." I said in my normal voice, the smirk never leaving my face.
#98480390Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:22 AM GMT

Tessa I stepped beside Theo. "You look...Different...." I said.
#98480779Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:26 AM GMT

~Theo~ I glard at Jayden, keeeping my gaze on him, making sure he didnt tr anything.
#98480928Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:27 AM GMT

Jayden I shot out my hand at rapid speed and put it on the girl's shoulder, looking at her face, a slightly confused look on my face.
#98481084Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:29 AM GMT

Tessa I stood there. What is he going to do...? I thought, raising an eyebrow slightly.
#98481175Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:30 AM GMT

~Theo~ I pushed him away from her. "Don't touch her...!" I sneered.
#98481320Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:31 AM GMT

Jayden I let myself be pushed away, my hand falling to my side again. I looked down at my shoes, each different ones.
#98482182Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:38 AM GMT

~Theo~ "Dont touch her..." I repeated in a cold voice.
#98482388Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:40 AM GMT

Jayden I looked up and my right hand turned into a blade and I sliced the dress in half, making it drop to the ground besides the top part. I looked at her face and tilted my head at her, grinning.
#98482561Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 AM GMT

#98482780Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:43 AM GMT

~Theo~ I punched the guy in the face. "You *** hole!" I yelled, kicking him in the gut and digging my foot into his ribcage.
#98482981Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:45 AM GMT

Jayden My right hand turned back to normal just as he started hitting me. I didn't feel much pain as he punched and kicked at me, till some bones cracking were heard.
#98483191Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:47 AM GMT

Tessa "Is this the worst you can do to me?!" I shouted again.