#2355921Sunday, August 17, 2008 5:08 PM GMT

Still later on day 3609: when the our was done, i also told him what my position on this ship, Captain, Head engineer!
#2355986Sunday, August 17, 2008 5:12 PM GMT

Day 8 later *before burnt entry* The man told me his position was captain, head engineer. anyw- *page is burnt* -told the man that John is missin-*burnt again* -found John's b- *burnt more* -in the hallway- *torn* -im scared...
#2356306Sunday, August 17, 2008 5:32 PM GMT

Still later on day 3609: i told hiim that he fell in a coma by the looks of it, but he started to come out of it...
#2356332Sunday, August 17, 2008 5:34 PM GMT

Day 8 even later *whole page burnt except for a word* -coma-
#2356345Sunday, August 17, 2008 5:35 PM GMT

day 3610: most of the page is burnt but ill read what i can theyre back the... *burned* ...ther ships are coming were doome... *burned* ...they are still far aw... *the rest is burned*
#2356402Sunday, August 17, 2008 5:38 PM GMT

day 9 Something attacked us! but i dont know what... *rest was torn off*
#2357220Sunday, August 17, 2008 6:26 PM GMT

weapons:sword,magnum,mini rocket launcher(stuck on arm),poison grenades. status:healthy job on ship:officer
#2357286Sunday, August 17, 2008 6:30 PM GMT

day1:i cant find the othe*burnt*im all alone here in the engine ro*burnt*with some robots that are more stupid than a L*burnt*and i have a monster on my tail i need assistance*rest is burnt*
#2363830Monday, August 18, 2008 12:54 AM GMT

day3611:BOOM! *ship blows up*
#2367167Monday, August 18, 2008 4:43 AM GMT

#2367649Monday, August 18, 2008 5:35 AM GMT

The REAL day 3610: The ship is lifting off, and calloftheunderdogs has been kicked... 3....2....1....0!!!! LIFTOFF! we head into the oposit rout of our last ship, and so the new journey begins! Status: Walkin on the ceiling, lol!
#2368569Monday, August 18, 2008 8:38 AM GMT

day2:where is the others im all alone HELP!
#2368576Monday, August 18, 2008 8:39 AM GMT

day3:he wont die!i need assistance,NOW!
#2368895Monday, August 18, 2008 11:05 AM GMT

day4:i found out im alone on the ship,i see another ship heading the opposite direction of this ship,i think.......*jumps into a spaceship and flies after the other ship*
#2372170Monday, August 18, 2008 5:07 PM GMT

Day 5: I see a fighter approaching the hanger. I radi... *this part was scratched out* to idendify the fighter when it lands.
#2372576Monday, August 18, 2008 5:36 PM GMT

Day 3611: After 1000 days on a deserted island, I have finaaly been rescued! I was in rags, and needed severe medical help, due to the infection from over 1,000 days ago.
#2390050Tuesday, August 19, 2008 9:08 PM GMT

Later on day 3611: I help a man named Derick, and he has a bad infection, hes said a creature bit him, and it looked like a wolf-man... I treat the infection as soon as possible, and tell him that the bite will cause him to be a wolf-man too, like zorg and i... he is in a room, and sleeping now, i make sure he is content, cause he was abandoned for 1000 days!
#2390239Tuesday, August 19, 2008 9:17 PM GMT

Day 3612: I get an E.B.D. *emergancy distress beacon* From a ship, I got on my ship, and went to the location where it was sent from... As I boarded the ship, i se a man named Rasmus, and he was in terrible shape! I got him on my ship, and took him to the med-lab where the med crew helped him... As i asked what attacked him, hes described a distant race, That called themselves, the Borg... I break the news to the crew, and the naroe as well, and they are all shocked, Rasmus said that the army was gigatnic! I new, we needed to fight them, but our weapons we have now won't do... As i work with the engineers on a new proton cannon, I get a call from the med lab... They say rasmus was gonna be ok, but he needed to rest... As i started up the proton cannon test... BOOM!!!!!!!!!!! Alarms went off everywhere, our ship was under attack, and we needed to defend it...
#2398550Wednesday, August 20, 2008 3:39 AM GMT

Later on Day 3612: As I attempt to set up the proton cannon, I get hit by a missle, but I shake it off for the moment... I load the single proton charge, and fire it at the borg fleet... A tiny charge, that doesn't threaten the borg floats to the middle of their fleet, and we use the emergancy warp drive and boost far away enough to see that the small proton ball detonate! As I get in, I end up being rushed to the med-lab with an extremely badly injured right leg, but as long as the rest of the crew is ok, im happy, but the ship is in tatters, i hope the other engineers can fix it... Status: In great pain, but happy. ^_^
#2404758Wednesday, August 20, 2008 5:42 PM GMT

day 3613: i walk around the ship to see what the damage was. seemed pretty bad, but i knew that it could be fixed up. after that i went into my workshop and thought of something to plan out.
#2662152Friday, September 05, 2008 12:48 AM GMT

Day 3614: I am still in the med-lab, but the ship is mostly repaired, and my leg is almost all the way healed, but I saw a bullet in my leg, and it had the picture of a dragon on it... So I wonder what it means... Status: Finger nails starting to turn black.......... And eyes are turning yellow, also a stub of a tail is starting to grow...
#2663610Friday, September 05, 2008 1:55 AM GMT

Day 3615: My eyes go from yellow to blue, and I start to grow wings, but the tail i had went away, and my finger nails go back to normal... Status: Leg is healed, but changes are still going on... Out of Med-lab...
Top 25 Poster
#2665885Friday, September 05, 2008 11:39 AM GMT

Day 3615:Two Naroe check out SkyHawks bullet shot. A crew of 7 naroe start to repair the ship. Naroe notes:SkyHawks bullet shot is the dragon bullet...we have a cure but where is it..?
Top 25 Poster
#2665967Friday, September 05, 2008 11:59 AM GMT

Naroe notes:!!! The Borg are attacking the core again...*6 naroe speeders attack the Borg fleets and charge to their planet* Later on day 3615:Im going with the naroe..*Gets in a naroe speeder and flys off with them* Naroe1:!!!*Speeders sheilds go to 20 and flys into a group of borg makeing a great sacrafice* Naroe3:He was a good naroe...*Shoots down 7 Borg and lands on the planet and gets out Naroe IXV Assault plasma rifle* Naroe6,5&4:*Land and do the same* All naroe:TO THE CORE!! Me:*Lands and pulls out lab-made XYTA Fast reload rocket launcher Or FRRL* Me:*Shoots 5 rockets into a group of Borg and runs with the naroe*
Top 25 Poster
#2669393Friday, September 05, 2008 8:52 PM GMT

Naroe4:*Shoots down a Borg assault Robot* Core gaurd:*Shoots a Borg and is shot down* Core gaurd ,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2:*Shoot down a few borg and 5 Borg assault robots* Me:*Shoots down a few Borg with some rockets*