#94840137Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:19 AM GMT

-Alfie-- "Probably got drunk, then jumped into the firing range for a leak, only to get shot by the Greenies. I need to get me a new one of these." I say, pulling the duck photo and throwing it out the door.
Top 50 Poster
#94840187Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:20 AM GMT

"Why did you have a picture of a duck?"Grims asked
#94840262Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:22 AM GMT

-Alfie- "Reminds me that the first thing I shot was a Duck, and that waving a photograph of said duck annoys my Drill Instructor. Anyway, what games did ya play before shipping out?" I replied, zipping up my rucksack, and slinging it on my back.
Top 50 Poster
#94840380Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:25 AM GMT

"Well,I was waiting for this New Game to show up called Defiance.It Did,right before we Shipped out."Grims said
#94840439Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:26 AM GMT

-Alfie- "Well crap, I didn't manage to buy that game in time, only got TDC. Even then I only got to the second level before we got sent out to most-likely die.
Top 50 Poster
#94840707Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:32 AM GMT

"I cant wait for Metro:Last Light,but we'll probably be dead by the time it comes out next month."Grims said
#94840809Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:35 AM GMT

-Alfie- "Yeah, M33 was awesome, hope they don't mess it up. Watched the Game-play trailer, Nosalis looked like it was a rhino." He responded once more.
Top 50 Poster
#94841047Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:41 AM GMT

"And then theres that dark souls 2.The first one made my Blood boil."Grims said
#94841116Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:43 AM GMT

-Alfie- "I haven't played either of those games." I mentioned, with a disappointed tone.
#94841193Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:45 AM GMT

(Making a CS, but some of the words are blocked, and I don't know which ones they are. Might take a bit)
#94841222Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:46 AM GMT

[PM one or two sections to me, I'll help ya out.]
Top 50 Poster
#94841257Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:47 AM GMT

"They're alot harder than most games now adays."Grims stated with a sigh
#94841290Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:48 AM GMT

-Alfie- "Three words my man, The Witcher Two. Awesome. Game, but us soldier-types don't have enough time to really get involved with those games, so I probably won't finish it." He chuckled.
#94841356Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:50 AM GMT

(Too late to join? Huge Half/life fan, and you don't see this often. Also, if I do not seem like a skilled RolePlayer, I will make a 2nd CS just in case. The CS: Na.me: Eric Malhoon @ge (21-43): 22 Soldier type: Stealth Items (Non-weapon): Items include a Radiation dectector, Compass, small pack, which has rations stored inside, Also Night Vision Goggles. Gen/der: Male Squad: ? Not sure what to put here. Can you assign me to one? Bio: Eric was a Col/lege dropo/ut, but not because he isn't smart. It's because he felt he didn't need it anymore, and wanted to serve his country. He signed up into the HECU and began to learn the basics of Stealth Combat. He became one of the best of his class. Physical app.earance (Hair color, eye color, glasses, etc.): Eric has grayish-bluish eyes, Regu/lation Cut hair, and a clean cut face. He has NVG on, and black face paint covering his skin. He is about 5'5", making him short, but stealthy. Sample post: I slowed to a stop at the corner. A l/ow, pier/cing moa.n ra/ng throughout the hall in front of me. Dang Head/crabs, I thought. I quickly reached for my Com/bat K/nife, and waited. As a lure, I grabbed a small chipped piece of concrete, and tossed it directly in front of me. It works, and the Head/crab zom/bie begins to shuffle its way towards me. I begin to sweat, the anticipation building, when it lets out another mo/an. I silently breath out, and let it round the corner. It sees me, but too late. I ja/m my knife straight into the headcrab, then push it away with my foot. It falls to the floor, dea/d. As I stare at it, I think to myself, No one deserves to be like that. (An example of my solo posts, where there is little talk/More movement) What disaster started the Black Mesa Incident? (Test to see if you have basic HL knowledge): The Scientists of Black Mesa were doing experiments involving Quantum Physics, aka teleporting (pretty sure) Anyways, during an experiment, Gordon Freeman inse/rted a new type of testing crystal into their machine. It malfunctioned, creating a tear in space/time. It opened a portal to Xen, the alien homeworld. It began an invasion, involving the dea/ths of nearly everyone in the Facility, excluding Freeman, and another group of scientists. What is the alien homeworld?: Xen is the alien homeworld. What happened after Black Mesa?: After Black Mesa, the Com/bine, an advanced race of Aliens, used the tear Black Mesa created to travel to Earth. They invaded, kil/led millions, then ens/laved Humanity. Gordon Freenman was put into a stasis of sorts by the "G-Man," then waking him up nearly 20 years later. Other: Eric sticks to his knife, straying away from the Silenced Pistols. Also, Eric likes to work alone or with a partner. He feels that squads slow him down. Backup CS: The CS: Na.me: Eric Malhoon @ge (21-43): 35 Soldier type: Sniper Gen/der: Male Items (Non-weapon): Compass, Medium pack,which include rations and extra ammo, Silencer, Ghillie Suit. Squad: Assing me to one, I dont care/know Bio: Ever since Eric was a boy, he's been hunti/ng with his Dad in the vast Rocky Mountains. He is very handy with a long-range r/ifle, so It only seemed fitting he joined the Mar/ines when he was 18. He served there for 18 years, only recently being picked to join the HECU. He is an expert shot, but not too proficient in close quarters. Physical app.earance (Hair color, eye color, glasses, etc.): Eric has grayish-bluish eyes, clean cut face, and Blonde Hair. He is about 6'2". Sample post: See first CS What disaster started the Black Mesa Incident? (Test to see if you have basic HL knowledge): See First CS What is the alien homeworld?: See first CS What happened after Black Mesa?: See first CS Other: Eric is really quite bad at C/Q/C. If he doesn't have help, he will most certaintly di/e. Some of the /'s are because the words might have blocked me from posting this.)
Top 50 Poster
#94841377Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:50 AM GMT

"Ha,Yeah but thats why i play racing games."Grims said
#94841505Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:53 AM GMT

-Alfie- "I sold most of my racing games, hate the lack of a plot. TDC is unrealistic, they're saying like, 2 guys can take down an entire c4rt3l." I grumbled.
Top 50 Poster
#94841595Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:55 AM GMT

"Well,They were Professional mercs."Grims said "Might considering going Merc if i survive this,Even though we rarely get Deployed."
#94841705Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:58 AM GMT

-Alfie- "Going merc is like saying that you're happy to be cannon fodder for your employer. The heck with that, I'm staying HECU. I'ma check my hud, see what's up on the other Osprey's." I say, pulling my gas mask over my face, and breathing in. [Heh, a sequel of this where these characters have to fight in the Seven Hour War.]
#94841876Sunday, April 14, 2013 8:02 AM GMT

(@Ultra, that was what I was hoping to happen. Be pretty cool to replay as our characters (Assuming they live) in the War the began our enslavement.)
#94841931Sunday, April 14, 2013 8:03 AM GMT

[Yeah, shame, they have to put down their arms early on, or become an Overwatch Soldier, which I think would be pretty cool to explore.]
Top 50 Poster
#94841953Sunday, April 14, 2013 8:04 AM GMT

(That would be sweet.) "Eh.from what ive read,Mercs get paid more."Grims said
#94842031Sunday, April 14, 2013 8:06 AM GMT

-Alfie- "Yeah, but guess what Mercs don't have? An Army helping them out, most of the time they deploy and never leave. Mostly because US Marines gun them down for helping hostile countries, but oh well." I replied. [Man, when does Zeta get on? It's the weekend, I have one-day till I'm back at school.]
#94842157Sunday, April 14, 2013 8:09 AM GMT

Harris I wake up from my sleep... I reloaded my MP5,"Er... Sorry,for sw-aring at you... I get angry when I'm sleepy?" I opened up my backpack and took out a Kit-Kat bar,"Nice,minty." I take one bite out of the bar and offer some to my colleuages.
Top 50 Poster
#94842234Sunday, April 14, 2013 8:11 AM GMT

(I dont know,I have one day as well.) "Dont we all."Grims said taking part of the kit-kat. "and mercs dont have to worry about staying for the fights.they can desert whenever."
#94842355Sunday, April 14, 2013 8:14 AM GMT

-Alfie- I shrug, and shake my head at Harris. "They also don't have some of the best tech on the planet, Mhm, Sentry Guns, Mhm, Powered Combat Vests."