#101917716Thursday, June 20, 2013 2:14 AM GMT

Michael Duffy *as Michael shoots, he remembers the tales of this "Slender", as he remembers, he stops firing, reloads his pistol* Oh. My. God. *he holsters his pistol, and pulls out his police helper device, opening the "Military Support Co-Ordinate Call In" option.* *Michael frantically says:* I NEED A FIRE BOMB RAID ALL ALONG THE FOREST AT MY CURRENT CO-ORDINATES! Military dispatcher: copy that unit 110, your all requirements access in your device is approved, fire bomb raid on the way. Michael: AND BOMB THE VILLAGES NEARBY TOO! Dispatcher: 10-4, bomber is 10-1L to your 10-20. Michael: Copy, evacuating civilians from villages with loud-speaker. ETA on bomber? Dispatcher: ETA 2 minutes, over. *a loud megaphone is heard through the area* ATTENTION CITIZENS, EVACUATE THE CURRENT AREA IMMEDIATELY, THESE AREAS ARE SET TO BE FIRE BOMBED! *Michael runs to his police cruiser, as he arrives he is astonished to see a tow-truck waiting for him, his State Police Cruiser fully repaired.* Hey, mechanic! Get out of here now! Bombers on the way! *Michael gets in his cruiser as the tow truck drives away, Michaels lights and sirens start blaring* Michael on radio: Duffy to COMMS, 10-1L out of bombing area, have military search ready to clear the perimeter and area after bombing, multiple civilians evacuating by busses on the highway. Dispatch: 10-4 110, order received, over.
#101921298Thursday, June 20, 2013 2:43 AM GMT

#101927113Thursday, June 20, 2013 3:36 AM GMT

Lia "wait! don't go there!" i yelled to Aege as he was approaching Crash's house. then i overheard Micheal's phonecall somehow. "great... just great... now we're going to get BOMBED!" i said to myself in sarcasim...
#101929350Thursday, June 20, 2013 3:57 AM GMT

Saradomin I hear it. I run as fast as I could.
#101950503Thursday, June 20, 2013 10:03 AM GMT

(Yep, military. My character likes things done properly so calling military units is natural for him.)
#101950581Thursday, June 20, 2013 10:05 AM GMT

*rumbling of military bomber jets and an ac130 bomber are heard approaching*
#101954017Thursday, June 20, 2013 11:39 AM GMT

(It's seems like the main event is happening at Crash's, AKA my, house. Anyways, please make your move, evil boo.)
#101965518Thursday, June 20, 2013 3:08 PM GMT

#101967575Thursday, June 20, 2013 3:36 PM GMT

*news choppers circle around high above the towns and forest as military trucks begin to approach and stop outside of the bombing area, getting ready for the sweep* *large crowds of people who were travelling on the highway have stopped to see what is going on, they are held at a safe place as State Police and SWAT put up police barriers and block the roads* Barrier reads: State Police — Police Line — Do Not Cross
#101967604Thursday, June 20, 2013 3:36 PM GMT

Saradomin I pick up Xiord's handgun..."Looks pretty real." I try to shoot one of the planes. "This thing is fake..Just has a lot of recoil."
#101969842Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:03 PM GMT

(Attempting to take down an AC 130 armoured bomber with a pistol? U mad? That is impossible!)
#101970079Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:05 PM GMT

(Just take the pilot down! XD)
#101970144Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:06 PM GMT

*The AC 130 and the Flying Fortress open their bomb compartments, bombs drop in a "carpet bombing" fashion* *the explosions rip apart trees and buildings as they get ever closer to Slender and those trying to fight him, multiple of the "pages" blowing up too.*
#101971262Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:18 PM GMT

Saradomin I finally get away from leifi. Yaaay. I almost got bombed. =_=
#101974895Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:51 PM GMT

Draco I yell: -GO MAN! I pick Crash and i throw him with all my stragenth away of the bombs,but i secretly picked my explosive back,and i think: "Heh...better that works" I throw with all of my stragenth my explosive at the plane,and it reveals another of it's effects aside from Flash and Smoke:ACID! The bomb explode in the plane,making the acid spread and the flash and the smoke begin to spread too. Sorry my grammar,i am using my Mobile(it has internet and touch-screen)
#101987635Thursday, June 20, 2013 6:48 PM GMT

Lia just then i saw the Slender Forest and the pages explode through the force field. i then realize that now there is no way to defeat Slenderman... but why would everybody be able to escape Leftri except me? am i the only one trapped because of this forcefield? wait a second... Slenderman is in Leftri too isn't he? Hmm... wait a minute! (que the thinking music) the Slenderman's home is the Slender Forest... the pages are also there... but if the Slender Forest is being destroyed because of Micheal's actions that could mean Slenderman has no home now... and the pages are destroyed... and Leftri is possibly gonna explode... and there is aa forcefield arounnd Leftri that is currently trapping me... but if everyone can escape... and i can't... and Slenderman has been after me for my entire life... then that means... It's up to me to stop Slenderman...! (end the thinking music)
#101988529Thursday, June 20, 2013 6:56 PM GMT

-Slender Man- I jump onto the choppers like King Kong. I bring 4 of the choppers down to the ground. I wasn't about to let them bomb the forest.
#101989511Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:05 PM GMT

(let me guess... somebody broke the rules by trying to bomb the forest?)
#101989705Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:07 PM GMT

#101989768Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:07 PM GMT

-Slender Man- I rip the rest of the choppers out of the air.
#101994246Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:43 PM GMT

Draco I look impressed at Slenderman,i need to admit:although that thing were trying to kill me,it was VERY cool,so i yell: -LET'S GO SLENDER! I jump like a ninja on one tree using the branch as a trampoline,i land on the chopper's glass(to the pilot see) and i cut it away with my katana,i knock out the pilot and i throw it out of the chopper,then i use my chopper to crsuh the rest with missles and bombs.
#102037187Friday, June 21, 2013 1:34 AM GMT

(I bet using a branch as a trampoline wouldn't work. And if it did work, HOW DID YOU JUMP FROM A TREE TO A CHOPPER?)
#102040941Friday, June 21, 2013 2:04 AM GMT

(...Wow this is like full blown war... What should I even be doing right now?)
#102087027Friday, June 21, 2013 1:06 PM GMT

(@Link,By being Slender Man.
#102087523Friday, June 21, 2013 1:14 PM GMT

Crash I run outside, and I see Slenderman and Draco on choppers next to each other. "I'm sorry Draco, but I'm not going to leave you to die!" I yell. I grab my dagger and try to aim for Slenderman. "Here we go!" I shout, and I chuck my dagger into the air. It flies right by Slenderman, right into the chopper's engine. The chopper Slenderman is on scrapes against Draco's chopper, causing it to go down as well. "OH NO!" I shout. I run back into my house and grab a matress from my bed. I drag it outside and shout, "Draco! Jump!"