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#94706284Saturday, April 13, 2013 3:09 AM GMT

These are the bans you are able to get: Reminder Warning One Day Three Day Five Day One Week Two Weeks One Month (+ One Week IP) Permanent (+One Week IP) [Poison] - Deletes any accounts linked with your e-mail [Deletion] - Deletes any accounts frequently used within your IP address ________________________________________________________________ Here's how the bans work. There are three sections for bans due to different offenses. The sections are Reminder-Warning-One Day, Three Day-Five Day-One Week, Two Weeks-One Month-Permanent. If you are confused about this I will not explain this down below aswell with the rules. ________________________________________________________________ These rules are applied within one week for Offense one, one month for Offense Two, and three months for offense three. Here is a example: Spamming(3) <- Number of offenses and if it passes it moves on into the next level of offense Offense One: Spamming(5) Scamming(2) Plagirism(2) Threatening(1) Harassment(2) Unchildlike Behavior(1) Inappropriate Behavior(2) Offense Two: Spamming(8) Scamming(5) Plagirism(4) Threatning(1) Harassment(4) Unchildlike Behavior(2) Inappropriate Behavior(4) Offense Three *= + 7 day IP Ban Spamming(10) *Scamming(8) *Plagirism(6) *Threatning(2) *Harassment(6) *Unchildlike Behavior(3) Inappropriate Behavior(6) Overoffense (poision+deletion) ^ = Permanent IP, * = 7 day IP *Plagirism(8) ^Threatning(3) ^Unchildlike Behavior(4) This is just a idea and if you have any questions or opinions on this comment below.
Top 100 Poster
#94706446Saturday, April 13, 2013 3:11 AM GMT

Wouldn't poison just be an IP ban?
#94706472Saturday, April 13, 2013 3:11 AM GMT

Post this in S&I
#94706565Saturday, April 13, 2013 3:12 AM GMT

Poison is actually a rare ban right now to where ROBLOX sees accounts linked to your e-mail and bans every one. It has only happened i'd estimate to about 1000 roblox users ever.
#94706604Saturday, April 13, 2013 3:12 AM GMT

Id just prefer 3 strikes and you're out.
#94706723Saturday, April 13, 2013 3:13 AM GMT

What two said.
#94706818Saturday, April 13, 2013 3:14 AM GMT

Deletion is harsh. And no, no 3 strikes. You could mess up frequently on accident, but still reform. No. "Why is it that, every single female we see instantly wants to kill herself in your presence?" - TotalBiscuit
#94706872Saturday, April 13, 2013 3:15 AM GMT

#94706887Saturday, April 13, 2013 3:15 AM GMT

@fudge There should be no way for anyone to ever get to deletion.
#94706922Saturday, April 13, 2013 3:15 AM GMT

Still harsh. You could mess up a LOT, but your brothers and/or sisters could get banned GG "Why is it that, every single female we see instantly wants to kill herself in your presence?" - TotalBiscuit
#94707386Saturday, April 13, 2013 3:20 AM GMT

Agree just a tad, +.01
#94710971Saturday, April 13, 2013 4:00 AM GMT

Deletion is a bit harsh, considering if one has siblings or friends over to play this game. Though if we consider deletion, we could probably get rid of great nuisances to the Robloxian society. Janlari and Willz217 would be a good example, misleading game titles, and plagiarism of game, though I don't know how heavy offenses they would have been dealt, though I know it's somewhere in there. Support, and have a great day.
#94711050Saturday, April 13, 2013 4:01 AM GMT

I agree with MrYours, but not about the deletion part. Janlari + his brother need to get perma banned. "Why is it that, every single female we see instantly wants to kill herself in your presence?" - TotalBiscuit
Top 100 Poster
#94711376Saturday, April 13, 2013 4:05 AM GMT

Willz217 IS banned.
#94711819Saturday, April 13, 2013 4:10 AM GMT

Alright, thanks for informing me. Back to this idea. So you say for a first offense it would be: Spamming(5) Scamming(2) Plagirism(2) Threatening(1) Harassment(2) Unchildlike Behavior(1) Inappropriate Behavior(2) My question would be, could you have like 2 spammings and 1 scamming to be equivalent of a first offense? Like sometimes people will do unsuspected things and violate different things from just one of the categories, so how will this work?
#94713131Saturday, April 13, 2013 4:26 AM GMT

This isn't a bad idea at all, but some people do report you for no reason, and they can create a group to also report you. And there would be the poison ban, now the moderators don't go through every report people send in, I know this because I've gotten banned for 3 days once for no good reason at all. I do support this and Don't Support this.
#94713426Saturday, April 13, 2013 4:30 AM GMT

@Mr Offenses do not combine. It is for one particular reason.

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