#95834300Thursday, April 25, 2013 2:51 AM GMT

(Achilles isn't. Achilles I punched another thief in the gut and shoved him into a wall.
#95892360Thursday, April 25, 2013 11:58 PM GMT

As the fight raged on with everyone distracted, people in the room with'em began to get knocked out. Including Abby, who was now in a terrified slumber. Red lights appeared on walls and alarms rang. Suddenly, a man's voice came over the intercom, "Hello, my test subjects. First manner I wanted to speak of was that rude girl who socked her foot in my face."-Aaliyah screams, "THAT WAS ME, BABY!"-"If anyone finds her, bring her back to my office. I want to have a nice CHAT... Second manner, the children going loonie in the random cell, chill your faces. We should have you all locked up in random cages soon enough. Third manner, thank you for giving me a gift. You hurt the weak guards, which whom I was going to kill anyways, and also gave me a girl. Well, goodbye and thank you, but no thank you. I shall be blocking the entrances and setting the locked up children to eat up you misbehaving ones. Night, night." The intercom ended, just as the cages to everyone cell were opened up with wide-eyed hungry children just wanting a taste...
#95893738Friday, April 26, 2013 12:11 AM GMT

Angel I just stood still listening to the voice. "Wait.. locked up children to eat up you misbehaving ones?" I raised an eyebrow.
#95899223Friday, April 26, 2013 1:02 AM GMT

As Aaliyah skid to a stop at the corner, kicking open an air vent, squirming to put it back. She rushed, squirming quickly through the vents before she fell into the wild-blood-thirsty fight. Cursing under her breath, she stood up and regretted not paying attention to her ways. She turned around, trying to ignore the stupid Thives and focused getting back into her vent. Abby screeched, finally waking up from her slumber as she found herself strapped onto a metal table. "Hush, hush, dear, you're the PERFECT test subject..."
#95899538Friday, April 26, 2013 1:05 AM GMT

Jazzy I heard what the man said. 'Children to eat misbehaving ones? What is that supposed to mean?' I thought. Just then, I was knocked out.
#95901300Friday, April 26, 2013 1:19 AM GMT

(Apologies for not posting for a while. My mind was, eh, tired.) Allen Kasto He awoke after a short few hours worth of sleep. He sat up on his bed, rubbing his hands down his face. He caught sight of two guards and a scientist approaching his cell from his bed. He overheard someone, probably the scientist, say, "Yes, he was talking to the girl." A guard unlocked the cell door, then jerked it open. Allen stood up. "Now now, is there really need for violence he-" He was interrupted by a fist to his face, knocking him unconscious. (Apologies for such a simple knock out, but I couldn't think of a way of them doing it without giving them tools to do it with and controlling the roleplay.)
#95902123Friday, April 26, 2013 1:25 AM GMT

Achilles I punch a Thive (where does that name come from? :|) straight in the face, slamming another into a wall.
#95903575Friday, April 26, 2013 1:35 AM GMT

(Actually, I wondered that too.)
#95907449Friday, April 26, 2013 2:09 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#95912333Friday, April 26, 2013 2:56 AM GMT

(I was typing the word "Theives" as the name, but I accidentally left out the e and thought of using it. So very simple and boring. :P) Aaliyah smiled as she absently made more Thives cry their eyeballs out and watched the other people fight for the lives. Was this the 'wild' cage the man spoke of. She grazed over the people. One looked like he was... weird. Another guy looked angry, almost like her older brother always did. But she skipped over thinking about her brother. Seeing him have his cut throat, his eyes watching her as she was held back. She blinked and turned, trying to get out again.
#95914271Friday, April 26, 2013 3:21 AM GMT

CS: G.I.V.E.N-N.A.M.E:Enzo N.I.C.K.N.A.M.E:Enz A.G.E:14 G.E.N.D.E.R:M (What did they do to you?):They turned him into a demon. (This part will go in appearesnce to)He now has small horns growing out of his head which are hidden by hair but are starting to grow. He has scaly skin on his face and neck as well as his arms and legs. (This part is power wise)As for his powers, he has one single power. Fear. He can look into someone's eyes to find their deepest fear, or he can sense their fear from miles away. This helps him take advantage over his enemies and its hard to look into his face when he does such things (he has figured out how to control when to sense the fear sometimes it is uncontrollable though) H.I.S.T.O.R.Y:Born in a small poor house out in the city, he doesn't know much of his past. He was taken at the age of four, while he was sleeping in bed. He did not know why he was taken, nor does he know what happened to his parents. Only a faint smile remains of what he remembers of his mother, his father he remembers nothing of, and doesn't know how his father or mother looks like. He has no idea how he looked before he was turned into what he is, well besides a faint memory of feeling softer skin and having just a different point of view in the world that seems strange to him to this very day. Most of his life of course was spent where he is now and he remembers most of it from the ages of 8-14 as his line of memorizing really strong memories. Enzo uses his faint memories to wander what life is like our there in the other world being just a normal "human". He knows that somewhere, out there, are clues to his past. Though he does not know if he will try to become human, or if he will just forget about finding that past life and stay as he is now, a demon, forever. A.P.P.E.A.R.A.N.C.E:Blonde hair, sea green eyes that turn yellow when he smells fear and senses it by liking at others eyes(the reason why others don't like to look at his eyes), scally skin that is because of being demon, rather red. He is 4 1/2 feet tall, 84 Ib, and is often seen wearing a grey shirt and blue jeans. W.E.A.K.N.E.S.S:His weakness is hard to see through how he looks but it is a fatal one, he himself can be scared that I'd if you have the courage to stand up to him and talk about his past, he also has a small weak spot on his arm where some of his scally skin open a bit and a sword can be slit through there. He is smart but can be tricked to if you are wise enough in finding the way he makes descisions and what he would sacrifice for. S.T.R.E.N.G.T.H:The ability to strike fear in others even though he doesn't intend to always, and the fact that he is a skilled strategist and is quite smart at making descisions and other things, also the fact that he is quite determined. P.E.R.S.O.N.A.L.I.T.Y:Determined, kind, depressed, and of course he can be rather scary to at times when he finds fear. I.T.E.M.S:Just a small little reminded of his mom, a stuffed teddy bear he had with him since when he was 4 that his mom hand made and it as well had the scent of his dad on it. It always made him ready to feel it, and made him feel closer to something he had never really known, the feeling of being cared for and loved upon. O.T.H.E.R:N/A iNSaNiTY
#95915552Friday, April 26, 2013 3:39 AM GMT

Jin walked down the halls aimlessly. He was no longer in the cell..... was there something he was supposed to be doing? Was there some place he had to be? The twists and turns of this mad house... of this asylum, there was no end. He heard violence echo in the corridors.... the dark side of him. Smelled the sweet cherry like smell of blood... but what sanity he had deprived him of it's location. He was not sure to what exactly he was. but in short terms.... he was a demon... and he never got the chance to be human... he was always, will always, and is always, a demon. He checked his pocket watch... looking at the shattered frame of it. and, spoke. "It's half past midnight..." He said. And closed the pocket watch. He walked in stride. He suddenly was concentrated.... he had a location in mind... it was, ....In the fray...
#95916174Friday, April 26, 2013 3:48 AM GMT

(Looks like Enzo took the term demon literally .-.)
#95916402Friday, April 26, 2013 3:52 AM GMT

(who wha? ._.?)
#95917154Friday, April 26, 2013 4:04 AM GMT

CS: G.I.V.E.N-N.A.M.E: Jack Redstone N.I.C.K.N.A.M.E: Red A.G.E:17 G.E.N.D.E.R: M (What did they do to you?):(As in, powers, mutations, such and such.) H.I.S.T.O.R.Y: Put in prison for electrocuting the football jock and sending him to the hospital A.P.P.E.A.R.A.N.C.E: Brown hair, Green eyes, 5 foot 7 W.E.A.K.N.E.S.S: Seeing people being bullied S.T.R.E.N.G.T.H: Electrocutes thing using the power of his mind P.E.R.S.O.N.A.L.I.T.Y: Jack is always on the watch for things, Very nervous and unrelaxed. I.T.E.M.S: Bedroll and a Bear from his childhood when he was younger O.T.H.E.R: None S.A.M.P.L.E: Jack was born in the middle of the forest where he was also raised, At the age of five he was caught electrocuting things using his mind by a couple of joggers. Later that week the joggers came and burnt down the house looking for Jack, Jack being the age of 5 at that time had no clue what was going on. His parents told him to run and has never heard from them since.
#95926213Friday, April 26, 2013 10:40 AM GMT

Angel I stepped out from the cell into the hallway looking around at the mass brawl. This was just weird..
#95926261Friday, April 26, 2013 10:42 AM GMT

Achilles I punch two guards and kick them down. I sidestep an oncoming attack fom another Thive and kicked his head. I saw a girl easily runing through and over the chaotic crowd.
#95927837Friday, April 26, 2013 11:37 AM GMT

(I did cheese if your a 12 year old boy you can't help doing such things with imagination )
#95934162Friday, April 26, 2013 3:04 PM GMT

(I think I might join, but I think I might have my character as like.. What are they called.. Cyborgs, yeah, he was abducted and brought to the Penitentiary as a young child and worked on for a long time. Would cyborgs/something robotic related be allowed?)
#95936150Friday, April 26, 2013 3:45 PM GMT

May I join It looks fun I'l have the evil role
#95956790Friday, April 26, 2013 9:28 PM GMT

(yo yo, enzo, calm yo self.)
#95957011Friday, April 26, 2013 9:30 PM GMT

(Chee I'm not made uh am I accepted? )
#95957145Friday, April 26, 2013 9:32 PM GMT

(Chee, he was acting pretty calm, so please calm yourself.) (Enzo, I'll accept, but first I hav a question; why do you name every character after your username?)
#95964788Friday, April 26, 2013 10:50 PM GMT

(Not every single character its just I like the name Enzo plus its my dogs name and that's why I got this account name and Enzo seemed a pretty decent name, I could use my real name if I wanted to like a friend here on Roblox does, but I kinda like naming my characters Enzo unless its a dog rolpelay.)
#96021082Saturday, April 27, 2013 12:43 PM GMT

(I used to feel the same way about the name 'Arashi,' but then I realized that my addiction to it causedme to put it in places it didn't belong, so I found new names and moved on. It's a part of lerning to RP better. Anywaysccepted, I suppose.)