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#95172830Thursday, April 18, 2013 12:01 AM GMT

"PULL IT!" He screams. The boy I've known for over ten years was asking. "I can't!" I beg. "Get me out of this WORLD!" Hands sweaty, shaking. Then he said something. Something that proved that he had the slightest sanity in him. "Please" he whispered I pulled the trigger. ===================================================== Not bad eh?
#95174240Thursday, April 18, 2013 12:13 AM GMT

:o Nice. This would be a good book...:P
#95175050Thursday, April 18, 2013 12:20 AM GMT

Thanks, I will try to make small parts until I find out a way to make story or something. Thanks for the feedback :)
#97710874Wednesday, May 15, 2013 12:15 AM GMT

Np.. I can give you some tips. I am currently trying to write 3 books :P 1. Flamestar's Past 2.Treeleaf and Riverflight: Three times a charm. 3. Shadows of Life

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