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#95733332Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:44 PM GMT

>Doesn't post all day >Logs on and sees this: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=95726410 ily u guys. ~☞ "Stfu bandwagon."-Rune after I said "UNION GOAL" ☞~
#95734144Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:51 PM GMT

Sir and rune trying to get a rise out of me, lol. Those kind of flames never even phase me, 0/10 effort. ~☞ "Stfu bandwagon."-Rune after I said "UNION GOAL" ☞~
#95735429Wednesday, April 24, 2013 12:02 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#95735607Wednesday, April 24, 2013 12:03 AM GMT

wat no theyre not ~☞ "Stfu bandwagon."-Rune after I said "UNION GOAL" ☞~

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