#103259427Saturday, June 29, 2013 2:32 AM GMT

Jordan I raised a eyebrow. "He's sleeping..... So do you want to play Truth or Dare again?".
#103259651Saturday, June 29, 2013 2:34 AM GMT

Maverick- I shrugged. "Sure."
#103260257Saturday, June 29, 2013 2:39 AM GMT

Jordan "So Truth or Dare?" I ask.
#103260590Saturday, June 29, 2013 2:41 AM GMT

Maverick- "Dare."
#103260632Saturday, June 29, 2013 2:42 AM GMT

Jacob "Hey it was my turn" I say
#103260840Saturday, June 29, 2013 2:43 AM GMT

Jordan "Than Jacob,Truth or Dare.".
#103260961Saturday, June 29, 2013 2:44 AM GMT

Jacob "Dare" I reply
#103261633Saturday, June 29, 2013 2:49 AM GMT

Jordan "I dare you to run around topless." I said.
#103262087Saturday, June 29, 2013 2:53 AM GMT

Jacob "Uhhh, sure" I say taking off my under armor shirt showing a 6 pack. I then run around in a circle around Jordan and Maverick untill she tells me to stop.
#103262685Saturday, June 29, 2013 2:57 AM GMT

Jordan I stared at Jacob's 6 pack. "Don't stop..... This is just se- super awesome." I say staring even harder.
#103263231Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:01 AM GMT

Jacob I laugh and keep running. I slide down on one leg and turn the other direction.
#103263449Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:03 AM GMT

Maverick- "Well this just got disturbing for me, I'm going for a walk, be back later." I say, putting my cap and sunglasses on and wandering off into the forest, putting my years of hunting with my dad to the test, to keep me from getting lost.
#103263805Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:06 AM GMT

(Omg I think I just found the song that will out due Gangnam style) Jacob I stop and ask Jordan "You wanna go now or do you want me to go again."
#103264520Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:11 AM GMT

Jordan "Just run back in forth before me. So I can see what your doing. Your just so accurate. Those turns are just beautiful. I mean wow. Look at that si- sick turns. You have to be on the Track Team. Please!!!! Unless football is more important I understand." I say batting my eyelashes. Jacob I looked at Jordan and saw her bat her eyelashes. She must like him.... Thats a sign... I started building a little gateway and took flowers. I decked the gateway in flowers. I did the same when I built a Arch.
#103265305Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:17 AM GMT

Jacob "Sure, I can jugle both sports" I say as I do a back flip and turn so when I land I can run the other way "Oh ya, did I mention I take ballet and gymnastics , it really helps me in football" I say. "Gimme a sec" I grab my Ipod out of my bag and play gangnam style and dance too it. (Look up Gentleman by the same guy, I don't want to say his name because of the filter)
#103265311Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:17 AM GMT

Maverick- I expected to keep keep meeting trees, but I eventually smelled smoke. I followed the smell, climbing up a largr rocky hill to find a piece of the jet we were flying on wedged in between 2 large rocks. I got curious and approached, sliding my hand across the metal skin of the jet until I reached a torn hole in the jet and got in. A mess, bodies of the people that sat in these seats were scattered, the sound of the dying in agony. I did my best to help but I couldn't do much. I noticed an Air Marshall's body and approached it, digging around in his jacket, finding 3 bullets, but no pistol that they usually carry. I kept the bullets and kept helping people so they wouldn't die in as much pain.
#103266795Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:28 AM GMT

Jordan "Well, I'm in Gymnastics. Also, Tennis and Basketball." I said. His backflip was beautiful. He probably works out alot. "I'm gonna look for Maverick. Wanna cone?" I asked.
#103267188Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:31 AM GMT

Maverick- I close the eyes of a mother and her child that died on impact. I was covered in blood, managing to save at least 3 people from blood loss, but they had bad fevers from being out in the rain and cold. I got them blankets from suitcases, and covered them up.
#103267349Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:33 AM GMT

Jacob "Sure, give me a sec though I think there was a machette at the helicopter crash" I say as I put my shirt and run to the helicopter. I find the machette and a M9 with 2 12 round magazines. I put it in my pocket and rush back to Jordan. "You want to take the lead or me" I ask taking out my machette "Oh ya I found a pistol in the helicopter two, the stranges thing is it was an Air force chopper" I say.
#103273190Saturday, June 29, 2013 4:21 AM GMT

Jordan "I didn't say your dare was over....". I said. "Take off the shirt.". I poked Jacob."Come on...". I said as I walked to the spot where Maverick is.
#103273798Saturday, June 29, 2013 4:25 AM GMT

Maverick- Tired, covered in blood, and possibly getting sick, I look around a little more before going back to the 3 people I had saved to see how they were doing. They were stable still, but really sick.
#103275662Saturday, June 29, 2013 4:42 AM GMT

Jordan I saw Maverick helping the people and said "Thats so sweet..". He was a little pale. I ran over to Maverick and felt his forehead. "Your burning hot. That's enough Maverick. You have to rest.". I dragged Jacob and Maverick back to our spot.
#103276026Saturday, June 29, 2013 4:46 AM GMT

Maverick- I coughed, hacked, and coughed again.
#103303054Saturday, June 29, 2013 10:14 AM GMT

Freddy- With the storm cooling off I decide to leave my so called shelter. I notice everyone is gone but I don't really wanna know where they left. I get up and try to find a large sharp rock. Eventually I succeed to find one. Next, a stick. I go into the forest and eventually find a perfect one. Last, a vine to tie it all up. It took a while but I found one. Took a long time to tie it all up but after a while, finished! An axe!
#103308607Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:55 AM GMT

Jacob I take the shirt back off and go infront of jorda. I use the machette to cut away all the branches and vines and anyhting in our way. As soon as I see the wreckage I start helping people and trying to save some but fail at that scine i don't have any medical equiptment. I then hear Maverick cough "You alright dude, did you inhale any smoke?" I ask.