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#96166530Sunday, April 28, 2013 7:09 PM GMT

I just made a HUGE forum post thats a example and when i decided to post it, it was like oh sorry your post is not talking about roblox on the right forum area so i go to edit it and boom. its gone there goes all my hard work. Thanks alot roblox you just made someone waste their life. Here was what i was using for the example it was explaining what happens when you download spams and cr@p isint a bad word/strong swear word and it wasnt against anybody its literaly just the words poop and stupid combind! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0MuQitfFkM And are poop and stupid yet allowed to be said? NO DUH YES THEY ARE! And roblox isint for 6 year olds its for kids above 10! Why cant there be a rating setter that lets you veiw certain chat depending on your age approved by parents/yourself if you are mature! SERIOUDLY ARE YOU FRIGGIN KIDDING ME? HECK SOMEONE EVEN SAID THE BADDEST WORD THERE IS ONCE! WHY CANT THERE BE ROBLOX 13+ AND 18+ I KNOW CERTAIN KIDS WOULD GO THROUGH BAD TIMES WITH IT BUT MABEY A SPELLING AND WORD DEFFINITION WAY OF VERRIFYING STUFF? AND DONT TELL ME THIS IS GOING TO BE TAKEN OFF THIS IS A COMPLAINT AND A IDEA!
#96166827Sunday, April 28, 2013 7:12 PM GMT

Quit whining. Please. WNTS btw for the portion about adding 18+ features, and children would mostly lie about their age. If you want to edit something you've already written you can go back and just edit it. it works all the time for me.
#113484518Friday, September 20, 2013 10:25 PM GMT

I was young when I posted this. :|
#113485239Friday, September 20, 2013 10:34 PM GMT

lol you spelled view wrong
#113485261Friday, September 20, 2013 10:34 PM GMT

I was young? 5 months XD
#113488028Friday, September 20, 2013 11:04 PM GMT

You can't really gain that much maturity by 5 months, please. Humor me some more. BRING THE PANCAKES
#113490114Friday, September 20, 2013 11:26 PM GMT

Crap. Ban me now, moderators! Muahahah!

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