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#96516865Thursday, May 02, 2013 7:59 PM GMT

bro you reached the end of the tunnel there is no going further you have reached the end of the tunnel Bro your at the end of the tunnel. Ill chug this can, pour it down the funnel. Ive been called a romance killer. break her heart go to mc'ds get her a cherry berry chiller. Im not that sorry if i break your heart. ill just laugh and watch it fall apart. Im not the kind of guy looking for romance. we playin monopoly pass go and advance. bro you reached the end of the tunnel there is no going further you have reached the end of the tunnel Ive had gfs come and go. Nothing to proove to me that there the show. None of them were my true trophy. not becky not devin not sophie. none of them got me to get up and move. i dont care what you say i know im not smooth. i guess im not a lover. all i can do now is try to discover. bro you reached the end of the tunnel there is no going further you have reached the end of the tunnel

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