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#96533920Thursday, May 02, 2013 10:48 PM GMT

You wake up, the ground to the cell you are in is cold and reeks of mold on the old wood walls. Screams and cries echo through the hallway outside your cell as you remember what you were doing before you got there. Shortly after you remember you also wonder, why were you put into rags, and why were you bleeding more or less why had you not noticed it before?! Just as you are tending to your wound someone walks by and stops at your cell. They soon tell you to put some of the blood from your wound into the empty vial near the back and close the lid. They warn you that if you don't you may not be alive to see another sun rise. These words confuse you, wondering why someone would threaten your life for only a vial of blood. Either way, you still look around at the back, finding the mentioned vial and look to your wound. It is dripping with blood, so it is rather easy to fill the small vial. You shut the lid, wondering where to put it now. Finally, you came to the conclusion to just put it by the door, so someone could collect it. What need they had for it, you do not know, but you wouldn't take any risks. Once it was settled down by the locked door, you resume to tending to your bleeding wound. Then comes the next day, but you are only awakened from the screams of another cell as a man, who screamed quite high, was dragged out and brought down that dark corridor, filled with smoke and fog and such making its foul air not only smell sour but feel disgusting. There are grates in some parts of the ceiling but even those let in a limited amount of light. You see someone, they are running but something leaps on them and they land right in front of your cell. The creature on their back opens their mouth revealing razor sharp fangs before sinking them into the persons throat with a screech and with that they pull out and rip a chunk of the persons throat out as well. You sit on your bed watching at the blood puddle where the persons who's throat was ripped out lay, not being able to get the image out of your head of the creature who had done that, and shortly after sunk their fangs back into the remains of that throat and all you could hear was gulp...gulp...gulp. You are disturbed from that image as someone splashes through the puddle telling you to get up and stand at the gate. They take you down a corridor that you walk with people looking at you from behind bars, their eyes echoing fear. The cells are numbered, and in foreign signs, but either way their digits went from 1 to 1000 before you took a turn. As you looked up you noticed, that the roof was actually a floor for another level. You are finally brought to a wooden room with a desk. Someone grabs your arm, cuts it and takes blood, enough to put on a little cap of a bottle. They smear it and send you up the concrete stairs, and you see out over the crow, your on a high wall and there are posts with other people in rags as someone stands on a lower level taking bids. You watch as you see people like the one in the corridor biting others like you. The person holding you grunts "Welcome to the City Of The Dead kid. If there was a hell, your in it!" he says, grinning evilly to which you notice his teeth; this was the creature from earlier. __________________________________________________________________ Vampire Character Sheet Name: Race: Age: Gender: Personality: Appearance: Biography: Items: Specialty: (Vampires may have up to 2 specialties. Their specialties are things like speed, sunlight endurance, thirst endurance, etc. More specialties can be gained with proper permissions.) Other: Human Character Sheet Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Are you a current blood slave or are you imprisoned?: Appearance: Date Of Abduction: (what was the date you were abducted? I mean what point in time are you from? allowed time probably 50 A.D to 3050 A.D) Biography: Blood type: Items: (Blood slaves will not have many, though humans imprisoned will have next to none.) Other: __________________________________________________________________ Rules: 1. No Kallums (Uber godmod) 2. No being a mixed breed 3. If you are human you have NO social standing in society. 4. Vampire races are allowed, I will list the types a bit below 5. Listen to admins/me, they/I will tell you to stop something, if it isn't in the rules ask why, if you think its a bad reason ask me about it. 6. Put "Bloody Man" under your character sheet or you won' be accepted. . Follow roblox rules to a degree. 8. Limited cursing, romance you can't go TOO far on. 9. No ubering, meta gaming, god modding, or Mary Sues/Gary Sues 10. No joining as a human and having powers, all things must be done with common sense. 11. Change "Man" in Bloody Man to "Knife" 12. Only admins and me can accept people; you can only roleplay after being accepted. 13. Please use story mode, try your best at grammar and spelling, and third or first person is fine. 14. "It isn't in the rules" is not an excuse. 15. Please try to listen to the other role players and be mindful of them. 16. Who needs playing nice? This is the City of the Immortals and we all know the law. Listen, or try your case. If you lose, you die. 17. Do not kill/severely harm another person's character without their permission 18. Do not flame or troll. 19. Do not feed the trolls; feeding them will result in punishment. Admins: Me (Kanamesama) RangerGirl3373 BrokenJodie babyshawna09 __________________________________________________________________ Note that vampires aren't going to burn up in the sun. Fire can hurt them, stakes through the heart paralyze them and the only way to make sure they are dead really is to watch them disintegrate. Vampires, as normal, are "clinically dead" so yes, that means that they are essentially dead.
#96534789Thursday, May 02, 2013 10:56 PM GMT

(Crap...thought I crossed out rule one...sorry. I will post my character once I am done with the CS.)
#96535133Thursday, May 02, 2013 10:59 PM GMT

Name: Arrow Whitefield. Age: 14. Gender: Female. Personality: Fierce, arrogant, stubborn, skillful, agile, intelligent, intellectual, cold-hearted and outburstful/loud. Are you a current blood slave or are you imprisoned?: Imprisoned. Appearance: A fair-skinned, tall, skinny redhead with cold, ice blue eyes. Date Of Abduction: (what was the date you were abducted? I mean what point in time are you from? allowed time probably 50 A.D to 3050 A.D): 3049 A.D. Biography: Arrow has been beat up a lot. Tossed around like a ragdoll as a child. As time progressed, Arrow became even more cold and ignorant, up to the day she was imprisoned. The reason why everyone beat her up was because they envied her red hair, because in the sunlight, it looks almost ginger, making her seem like a witch (almost). Blood type: AB Rh Negative. Items: (Blood slaves will not have many, though humans imprisoned will have next to none.): Nothing but a small pocket knife with a dull blade (Can't cut well XD). Other: Nothing :P Bloody Knife
#96535744Thursday, May 02, 2013 11:04 PM GMT

(Not accepted. Lacks detail in appearance and bio. The bio doesn't really make much sense more or less cover the desired areas.)
#96538209Thursday, May 02, 2013 11:25 PM GMT

Human Character Sheet Name: Nina Jane Lamberts Age:12 Gender:Female Personality: She is a timid girl. She can't seem to convince anyone and she seems not to have a voice to speak up for herself. She is most vulnerable when she is awake actually because she seems to kick and punch around when she sleeps, if ever. Are you a current blood slave or are you imprisoned?: She is imprisoned. Appearance:Her hair is really a brown blonde mix but in the cell, uncared for she had gotten herself dirt brown hair matted with blood that seems to go to her waist. Her eyes are a ice blue, and her eyes are sharp and slanted. She eyes bags under her eyes from extreme lack of sleep. She has a small, cute little nose placed perfectly under her eyes. Her skin in a tan yellow mix that is covered over with a pale completion. She has scars on her wrists and legs, some still a bit fresh. She is 5"3 and 75 lbs.She wears a bloody white t-shirt, some dirt on it from not having it washed. She has torn grey "save me" jeans on. A grey skull belt slanting on the jeans. Date Of Abduction: (what was the date you were abducted? I mean what point in time are you from? allowed time probably 50 A.D to 3050 A.D) 2013 A.D Biography: As she was a young child she was rather happy. The day she was kidnaped she seemed to grow insecure. She now cowered in fear at whoever came in her cell and she had scars from cuts. As she seemed to have less visitors she grew silent, and used to a darker area. Blood type: AB- Items: N/A Others: She has anorexia.
#96538497Thursday, May 02, 2013 11:28 PM GMT

(Hmm...lacks a bio, sorry. Also, the abduction is through time, not in one specific place. It is like go to sleep, ok now where am I kind of thing...that would be the best way to describe it simply.)
#96538782Thursday, May 02, 2013 11:30 PM GMT

(Mhm.. I'll retry that.. I kinda didn't understand it ;w;)
#96538916Thursday, May 02, 2013 11:31 PM GMT

(intresting . . . . I think I'll read over it one more time and then make my CS :) oh, but for an example do you think you can make your cs? :P)
#96539991Thursday, May 02, 2013 11:40 PM GMT

Biography: She was a happy girl, once. She one day dozed off in her room, ready to go to a singing completion the next day. She woke in a cell. She panicked until someone walked in. She soon found out that the person who walked in wasn't nice. He grabbed a dagger and cut a gash in her arm. The man grabbed a vile and collected some of her blood. She hoped the next person would be kinder but then she soon stopped hoping as things like that would happen every time someone came in. She then became insecure, and se then realized a pain in her stomach. She was hungry.. Although no one came here to give any food. Soon she got less visits and grew silent. Her mind started giving up. She had lost her hope. She know that she wouldn't hope for freedom, she knew that was never going to happen. It seems that way to her at the least.. (;w; I don't know what to think)
#96541101Thursday, May 02, 2013 11:49 PM GMT

(Oh f....... I knew I was forgetting something. Thank you for the reminder ^.^') Vampire Character Sheet Name: Christopher Ven Pallavon Race: (Delete this, its obvious.) Age: appears 25 Gender: Male Personality: He seems to be kind, he seems to be wise, seems to be compassionate. Very rarely will he show the true extent of what his life was like. Appearance: He has blond hair that is somewhat long. It is as clean as medieval hair goes. He has iceburg blue eyes and usually walks with a cane. He stands at 6'10" and has a look of a gentlemen. He has a fit build and a scar that goes from his right shoulder to his left hip. He has very pale skin and looks similar to someone of Norwegian decent. He speaks quite a few languages and has the look of someone who knows more beyond his time. He usually walks with elegance to him and does draw very little attention to himself. Biography: He grew up on the streets, abandoned, fighting for scraps, chance of dieing around every corner. He had been there, in the medieval world, where he had practically died before his abduction. He had no family. He had woken up in the cell wondering what he was doing there. He had looked around and done as he was told. He had been there, doing what the others would be doing right now. When the sales began he had been bought by someone of high social standing and was off with them. He had served them since he was 10 and at the age of 25, 15 years after servitude, he was offered freedom. He asked his master if she really meant it, and the master said yes, the master turned him later that night and he had given him some things to start off with. Through the lifespan of 10 blood slaves he established himself in the city, growing into a social standing point where he would be well known. He slowly began to work with others on selling slaves and dabbled in the trades till the next load of slaves came in. He had just lost his latest blood slave and was in the mood for a drink...he was very thirsty. Items: He has a cane that is oddly shaped. Specialty: Speed and Fear Other: Bloody Knife
#96541187Thursday, May 02, 2013 11:50 PM GMT

(also, again, sorry but not accepted. I need a bio from he life, to when she was abducted.)
#96541277Thursday, May 02, 2013 11:51 PM GMT

(So, e-e)
#96541982Thursday, May 02, 2013 11:56 PM GMT

(So its a no sorry. The bio is to lacking in info, sorry.)
#96542084Thursday, May 02, 2013 11:57 PM GMT

(hmm I have a few questions still) 1. Can we be a criminal like character? 2. Could we have grown up in the city? 3. What are some occupations? 4. What are the social classes? 5. How detailed should the bib be? A life story? Recent events?
#96542629Friday, May 03, 2013 12:02 AM GMT

(Crap...I forgot to add that. Well) UPDATE! 1.If you are a vampire yes, otherwise you may be hunted down. 2.Yes you can have grown up in the city. 3. Occupations go from city guard to slave dealers, to executioner, to about every thing else. 4. Well... Middle class, low class, high class, Council. 5. Summarize the life story. Again sorry for not posting this in the OP. Wish roblox had a edit button. ____________________________________________________________________
#96542904Friday, May 03, 2013 12:04 AM GMT

(k, one more thing, do vampires age? at all? X3 like if their born and raised in the city do they grow at all? dang this is a stupid question XD)
#96543039Friday, May 03, 2013 12:05 AM GMT

O.O I still barely understand this role-play, and I watched you make it. Just posting to get this in my 'My Forums' :)
#96543055Friday, May 03, 2013 12:06 AM GMT

(I'm still confused.. Could you tell me what it is lacking. I don't know, I'm sorry.)
#96543190Friday, May 03, 2013 12:07 AM GMT

(Ranger, Its BloodyThirst) (Ummm...I am not going to allow it in this one sorry. You are embraced to become a vampire. Humans age no matter where but vampires, no sorry.)
#96543638Friday, May 03, 2013 12:11 AM GMT

I know that, but you rewrote it a bit and made it confusing. I'm not stupid. I'm tired but not stupid.
#96543707Friday, May 03, 2013 12:11 AM GMT

(aaand I knew it X3 sorry for bothering you about that, making a CS naow)
#96543847Friday, May 03, 2013 12:12 AM GMT

(So what is my bio lacking.. I'm utterly confused.)
#96544223Friday, May 03, 2013 12:16 AM GMT

(Could you summarize her life with more description? Two paragraphs minimum. Just focus on her history. Her growing up, her upbringing, her life to this point, so she would have just really woken up in the cell.)
#96544614Friday, May 03, 2013 12:20 AM GMT

Human Character Sheet Name: Aneurin Seren Age: 14 Gender: Female Personality: Aneurin appears as a soft spoken, timid girl. She is viewed as an emotional, weak toy or a broken puppet. She is often easily manipulated. Aneurin is often viewed as slow and somewhat stupid, though that isn't exactly true. Aneurin is in fact a bright girl. She simply is in her own world, 24/7. She never seems to be fully immersed in her world, making it possible {though highly unlikely} that you can gain her attention. Sometimes she fully draws into her world but that does seem rare. Even rarer is when she is actually is fully aware of the world around her. This only seems to happen in times of extreme danger, fear, or stress. When aware she is jumpy and anxious. Everything seems to upset her, bringing her closer to some unseen edge. She often seems close to tears or having a full out panic attack at these times. If she can get around these hindrances she is quite helpful and enjoyable company. Even when in her own world she has some of this anxiety. It can be extremely bad there, though not as horrible as when she is aware. Her world simply makes the anxiety bearable to her and those around her. Are you a current blood slave or are you imprisoned?: Imprisoned. Appearance: Aneurin is a tiny girl of around 4'9. She is skinny, almost to the point of seeming anorexic. Because of her size she is often viewed as a small child and underestimated, which sadly means nothing. She is extremely weak and often seems sickly. Her ivory skin is often covered in bruises and small cuts, mostly from wounds she has 'accidentally' inflicted upon herself. When not physically hurt she seems to have some sickness. It may not be a fever, it may simply be a cold. She rarely seems at full health. If you were to ignore all her physical injuries you would notice that she does in fact have nearly flawless skin, except for her face which is covered with freckles. Her hair is so blonde as to seem white. It falls down to her waist in gentle curls. When straightened it is even longer, nearly reaching her knees. Currently her hair is worn in two loose braids, kept together by stained white ribbons. A few curls have escaped these braids and fall into her face, hiding violet eyes. Aneurin is anything but pleased with her appearance, especially since she woke up here. She finds it hard enough to like herself when she isn't wearing rags. Date Of Abduction: 1983, America Biography: TBR? Yes. TBR. Cause... I am to lazy to think of something half-way decent. Blood type: Aneurin has a rare blood type, one rarely seen. Often times it is confused for O negative since it has neither the A or B antigens or the positive Rh factor. Although, unlike the O negative, she does not have the H antigen which is found in all the main blood groups and a few bacteria. This H antigen deficiency is often referred to as the Bombay Phenotype. Because of her rare blood type it may often be considered a delicacy. When first tasted it is considered pleasantly sweet while later it has slightly tart aftertaste. There are dangers with drinking her blood, but that is only if someone were to gorge themselves. To much and it may act as a poison. [Yes, I had to go into detail on the Bombay Phenotype. I have grown tired of constantly having to explain to people that it is NOT the same as O negative. It is similar, but because of the deficiency it is NOT the same. Those with the Bombay Phenotype can NOT receive blood from those with O negative blood, like all the other blood types can. The person's body rejects any cell with any protein marker. If she were to receive O negative blood she would die, simple as that. She could however donate to any person.] Items: Aneurin had nothing with her except for a small silver ring with a small diamond on it. The diamond is carved into a small heart, with an even smaller 'A' etched into it. Silver hands hold the small gem. She also has a matching silver locket. The locket is in the shape of a heart, and the front holds a small diamond cross on it. Inside it holds a picture of two girls, one being her and one being her twin sister. They both are young, maybe around 6 or 7 years old. Other: Bloody Knife
#96544765Friday, May 03, 2013 12:21 AM GMT

I made this when the original was posted but then you shut it down. I was to lazy to make a bio and uh... Now I am to tired to. O.O So. I can make one tomorrow if I need to...

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