#98616482Friday, May 24, 2013 2:44 PM GMT

Clinton He yawned. This butler suit was actually surprisingly comfy! He looked it over in a mirror, so nice. He then went to the near by closet and searched for something a bit more...pleasant to wear. He may have liked the butler suit but he wanted to wear something a bit more...appropriate. He eventually found some basic dress pants and a dress shirt. Pure white that the light would catch off of. He then dressed into them and put the tie on and the butler jacket back on, adjusting the dress shirt cuffs appropriately. (Please don't pull a Rihanna or Postal 2)
#98664692Friday, May 24, 2013 11:28 PM GMT

Christopher He looked at the sky. He knew it may be early, or late, he couldn't really tell but he headed towards the doors of his study dressed up really nice with his cane. He walked down the stairs and stopped to get Ciel and Aneurin. The were leaving for the party.
#98705650Saturday, May 25, 2013 5:17 AM GMT

Aneurin I sighed, when I saw Christopher coming. I crossed my arms. I wonder if we, or more specifically I, would in really need to go. That would be terrible, though it didn't seem that I would earlier. I wouldn't change for something like that, I would simply stay in the clothes I had found myself in when we came here. There wasn't anything wrong with that outfit. (I don't know! I just want to post >.<)
#98706971Saturday, May 25, 2013 5:36 AM GMT

Christopher He walked to Aneurin and looked at her before saying "You know...you are wearing rags that reveal the majority of your body. With a few exceptions of course" he ended it abriefly and just looked at her waiting for her reply. (Time for bed)
#98707160Saturday, May 25, 2013 5:39 AM GMT

(No. Kana i explained that I messed up something on her CS, you can't change that.)
#98707769Saturday, May 25, 2013 5:48 AM GMT

(Oh never noticed...I need to find out what she is wearing...) Christopher He scoffed "Oh sorry, not rags, just 'Modern' day clothing that shows off so much skin that you would be stoned in some countries so many times over that you wouldn't have anything left to stone...now would you like to go in those clothes where there is a potentiality of being stoned for showing so much skin or just change into something?" He ended with a raised eyebrow and a stiff yawn.
#98708622Saturday, May 25, 2013 6:02 AM GMT

Aneurin I looked at him with an 'Are you kidding me?' look, shaking my head. "There is nothing wrong with my outfit," I muttered. There actually wasn't, at least not in my opinion. I was simply wearing a white and black long-sleeved t-shirt. It was a bit big, so it ended up partially hiding my hands. The shortest thing I wore was my blue skirt, which wasn't even that short. It ended just an inch above me knees. I also had a pair of black sneakers. Simple and appropriate.
#98740020Saturday, May 25, 2013 2:06 PM GMT

Christopher He sighed "Suit yourself" He said as he went looking for Ciel, he had the perfect suit for Ciel to wear. He was old fashioned English so it obviously wouldn't like it but that was the irony of the situation.
#98786903Saturday, May 25, 2013 8:25 PM GMT

Nina walked up to her room.. She sighed as she looked through a closet with a few different dresses.. She slipped off the black dress and put on a gold dress. It had satin flowers up to her waist. Glimmering designs patterned the whole dress in a elegant manner. (I really don't know) http://whiteazaleaballgownsdresses.blogspot.com/2012/07/vintage-ball-gown-dresses.htmlHEYYOU (The few dress I would look like that.. Well some I can't find any better looking ones) (Remove the HEYYOU)
#98802237Saturday, May 25, 2013 10:28 PM GMT

Ciel, I forced myself to a stand, and walk to the side of the bed. I sighed, remembering how I had a butler to get me ready for my retire. I yawned, and laid on top of the bed. I removed the eye-patch that was on my eye, and set in beside myself. I stared at the ceiling, and fell asleep with my body straight, and holding each other. It would look as if I were placed in a coffin ready for a funeral of my own. I snored not, I was as quiet as well.. Aneurin in general. Not a single sound echoed about my.. room. (( Eh, ))
#98802325Saturday, May 25, 2013 10:29 PM GMT

(( Kana... What did that letter say. -,- -Ciero ;3 ))
#98807283Saturday, May 25, 2013 11:10 PM GMT

Nina sighed. She went back to find some paper..
#98823782Sunday, May 26, 2013 1:20 AM GMT

(Ik what it SAID I am just enjoying to bug them. I don't have to show them the letter >:3) Christopher He went up to the boys room and knocked...waiting for a answer...he just waited.
#98855371Sunday, May 26, 2013 6:39 AM GMT

Ciel, I sighed, and swung my leg over the bed. I quickly tied the eye-patch on, while saying, "You don't have to knock you know,".
#98884107Sunday, May 26, 2013 2:30 PM GMT

Christopher "It is only proper curtsies my boy. We will be having a light snack down in the main room, would you like to join? And no, I can eat food so don't worry." He said as he looked down the hall. This place had once been full of nothing BUT life. Always busy, people shuffling about, cleaning. Others would be eating food or drinking from tall wine glasses of blood. Some would be reading and human children mingling about the legs of the humans, threading in and out of them.
#98965244Monday, May 27, 2013 1:58 AM GMT

Ciel, I stood up, and walked over to him. "It would have been if I wasn't your slave," I said staring straight ahead. I pushed past him, and walked down the hall which I then stopped at turned to him.
#98966569Monday, May 27, 2013 2:09 AM GMT

Christopher He stared off into space...his last little bit of humanity was renewed with this mansion...his thoughts of life were in his head...he felt suddenly bad...remorseful. Then he looked at Ciel "Go on boy...I will follow...I just need some time" he said as he leaned against the wall and slowly began to sit down.
#98968021Monday, May 27, 2013 2:22 AM GMT

Ciel, I sighed, and continued to walk. I had missed my bird, family, and servants dearly. I looked at the ground, and turned a corner. I began walking slower now, dragging my feet. I finally made it into the and slumped down in a chair. I knew if mother, or a servant were around they'd tap my shoulder and I'd be forced to sit up. Then, father would walk in and sit at the end of the table, parallel to mother. While, for my bird she'd sit in a cage to the left of the room. But, I.. I couldn't remember what they looked like.. The only thing I could remember were the light blonde feathers on my small little bird. I smiled a bit, which turned bad to a gloomy smile. (( HAPPY.. ))
#98968263Monday, May 27, 2013 2:24 AM GMT

(Yes, very. I don't have to kill you now.)
#98970001Monday, May 27, 2013 2:38 AM GMT

Christopher He had his little eclipse of emotion before his eyes went hollow again. They went empty. He then got up and went downstairs to the table near the fire and set a few bowls with food out. "Eat up" he says to the two of the slaves he said sitting down as if nothing happened.
#98979218Monday, May 27, 2013 3:56 AM GMT

Aneurin I shook my head, pushing the bowl away. I was still hoping this was just a nightmare, not even real. I wasn't going to eat though, that could prove this wasn't a nightmare. Or, if it wasn't, I could be stuck here forever. It could be like that Greek myth, with Hades and Persephone. She ate the pomegranate (I think) seeds, and was stuck in the Underworld. Only her mother throwing a fit kept her from being there forever. If I were to eat, I could be stuck here. And it wasn't like my parents would fight for me, they must be celebrating that I was gone. Everyone in my family would be. Maybe these were foolish thoughts. I didn't really care though, all I knew was that I didn't plan on eating for quite some time.
#98980155Monday, May 27, 2013 4:05 AM GMT

Christopher He didn't try to make her eat. He ate the stew with little emotion. It was quite tasty but he cared little. He could only feel the thirst in him growing. His slaves though, they weren't ripe to "pick" yet so he would have to get a meal elsewhere...but where?
#99051234Monday, May 27, 2013 7:27 PM GMT

Ciel, I looked at Aneurin, thinking to myself, "Why is she so stubborn, does she want to die?". I sipped some of the stew, I didn't care for it no. But, I sure in the heck wasn't going to starve myself to death. I then asked, "Do you simply wish to die starving?" I come out in a quiet, mumbling whisper. I didn't care who heard, but I honestly did want to know. (( This make ju happy? ))
#99052349Monday, May 27, 2013 7:36 PM GMT

(:D Mhm.) Aneurin I shook my head, crossing my arms. I wouldn't starve to death, I just refused to eat one meal. I even had reasons, though none of them would lead to death. You just can't get trapped in a world if you don't eat. I doubted anyone else would agree with those reasons. "I don't eat when I'm not hungry," I replied.
#99053723Monday, May 27, 2013 7:47 PM GMT

Ciel, I gave her are you pathetic type look, and said, "Look at yourself, your gonna die from being so paranoid.. And besides we all know your hungry.. So starve if you must, but I'd rather have some sweet company before I perish," I then sat straight up, and eat a bit more. I glanced at her often, hoping she'd eat.